
Wednesday 13 April 2022

Wednesday meanderings . . .


I saw this this morning and it took my breath away.  I thought to myself, that's so true and I was so grateful for this perspective, given by a woman who was deaf, blind and mute and who overcame so much against all odds.  

There are days when the cruelty of the world we live in breaks my heart in unimaginable ways, but then this  . . .  

and I think of rows of baby strollers sitting at train stations waiting to help those who are in desperate need for them. Cardboard boxes at chapels being filled with items to be sent over to Poland to help the refugees.  Open arms with blankets, water, whatever is needed  . . .  

Whenever great sorrow strikes somewhere in the world, you will see an equal and opposite effect of human beings rising up to do whatever they can to help and to make a positive difference . . . to soften the edge of cruelty in whatever way that they can.  

There is hope for us.


I wonder how many joys in life I have missed out on because I was overly concerned with the opinion of others.  I have always wished that I did not care what other's think, or that I was able to see my own worth. I think in being self deprecating I have perhaps held myself back from achieving all that I might have done. That I have settled many times for less than what I should have, or not reached as far as I could have. Perhaps had I thought better of myself I might have achieved greater things, but then . . . 

I don't think I have done all too badly.  I suppose I can be proud of myself and how far I have come, of the things I have done.

I think the one thing I am proudest of in life are my children. They are all good people and seem to be happy.   

I have no regrets. If today I can say I am a little bit better of a person than I was yesterday, then that is a good thing.  

I have always tried to be kind if I can. My sister and I were talking about little white lies in the car the other day. Is it okay to tell a white lie? Like if someone you know is wearing something and they really don't look that good in it and yet you can tell they are feeling pretty good about it and they ask you what you think?  What do you say?  I think it would be okay to tell a little white lie in that instance unless it was totally obvious that they were going to look foolish or whatever.  I mean you could say something like that color looks really good on you, but you know, I really like this other dress etc. better! It looks fantastic on you. 

What do you think?  Is there something redeemable from every situation, a way to be kind about even the most negative?  I think so myself.


Do photos like this make you hungry?  I saw this photo and immediately wished that I had a bowl of mac and cheese to tuck into instead of my keto granola, which is still very good by the way, but . . . mac and cheese  . . .

I have a weakness for mac and cheese.

I think it is true that we eat first with our eyes and a really well done photograph of food can make us want to eat something. I have had people say to me that just looking at some of my food pictures makes them gain weight.  Do you think that is possible?

I wonder  . . .  if so that would explain a lot! LOL   But in all truth I do a lot more than just look.  


I saw this this morning and thought how beautiful.  How very talented this person is to be able to design such a thing as these dishes.  The brown edges and the way the glaze drips down the edge of the cup. It reminds me of the earth and nature  . . .  and the simplicity of nature, and how in its simplicity it is even more beautiful.  Each living thing a tiny miracle in and of itself. I wonder where you could get a mug like this.  I am in love with it  . . .  the colors, the simplicity of the illustrations, everything. 


I totally love this.  Its so true.  Children in their innocent way of thinking so often get it right. 

We need to just smile because somebody somewhere will still love us anyways, missing teeth or not!

I know all I have said this morning is a whole pile of nothing, but some days are like that.  I have a full day planned. At some point I am going to get together with my sister and I think we are going to Walmart and I am going out to supper with my father and his friends tonight.  I am going to try hard not to think about masks, and get over my fear of being around people who are not masked. (Not easy!!!)  I want to make as many memories with my father as I can.  

And I want to enjoy my life more. Who knows how long any of us is going to be here to enjoy it.  The older I get the more cognizant I am of the fact that each day is a blessing to be explored, and one that will never come again.  More play less work  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.There is no charm
equal to tenderness of heart.
~Jane Austin° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Perfect Roasted Asparagus. I love roasted asparagus this time of year. It is a real favorite! 

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with lots of love and light.   Have joy and don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Enjoy the day with you and your family. A rainy morning here, but the joy in rain is that it encourages the pants to grow.

    1. Yes Linda. April showers bring May flowers! xoxo


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