
Wednesday 16 March 2022

Wednesday This and That . . .



When someone else's choices destroy your present,
refuse to allow your future to be ruined as well.
Its not the life you had planned on or envisioned.
Someone took a sledgehammer to those dreams.
But you can pick up the pieces & rebuild
bigger, better, and brighter than before.
~Hank R Smith 

I saw this quote on Instagram this morning and thought to myself, Yes!!  This is exactly what I have been doing since November of 2020. Picking up the pieces and rebuilding.  At the time I had no idea how I was going to move forward.  I only knew that standing still was not an option and so I just kept putting one heart-broken foot in front of the other.  To be honest, I don't know how I did it . . . how I kept going . . . but for Divine intervention and the love and support of all the people God had set around me . . .  His angels on earth.  I am ever grateful for that love and support.  I felt the prayers.  I felt the love.  I felt the support.  You were all a part of that process in a multitude of ways and I thank God every day for each of you. 


I think my decision not to attend the Zoom Reunion of the England Manchester Mission is a wise one.  I had a message this morning from the Sister who had first contacted me to tell me about it this morning telling me she would e-mail me the link, but she also wanted to know when I had returned to Canada and why I had decided to return. I know it was well-meaning and an innocent question,  and that she meant no harm by it whatsoever. She is a really sweet lady and was the Nurse when I was serving my mission.   It broke open old wounds however, and I did not know how to answer her.  I think the Zoom meeting will only mean more of the same . . .  a step backwards where I now only want and need to be moving forward. 


Speaking about stepping backwards. Its snowing out there this  morning.  Just a fine snow. Its -1 so not overly cold, but cold enough. It will be quite slippery out. I hope it doesn't lay for too long. That is this time of year.  The transitional days of winter slipping into spring.  Its like the weather doesn't know what it wants to do.  Yesterday afternoon was sunny and very spring-like. I even had my heat turned off for most of the day and a window cracked open to let in some fresh air. 

I was planning on meeting my father for Fish and Chips tonight with his friends, so I hope that the roads are not bad later on.  I was going to treat him for a change.  Last week the waitress included me on his check by accident and he ended up paying for my supper so I had told him that the next one was on me and I would treat him.  I was looking forward to doing that today.  I don't expect that happens very often for him. He is usually the one treating others. 

The man across the road has just gone out as he does most mornings, so I expect the roads are fine.  Hmmm . . .  he's just come back again, so that was quick. Maybe the roads are not so great after all.  We will just have to wait and see. 


My mother was a very superstitious person. She  used to scan the skies for another crow if she saw only one, not wanting to tempt the fates because one crow meant sorrow and she didn't want sorrow in her life.   She did the throwing the salt over the shoulder and all sorts.   I suppose many of those superstitions had some basis in fact, but a lot are just silly I think.  If a bird sits on your window sill and peeks in, you're going to get a message.  Chances are we all get messages every day.  If a bird hits the window and dies, a death in the family? Yikes!  A green Christmas, death in the family?  Double Yikes! 

I suppose some of the old superstitions did have some basis in nature, but for the most part, I do think they are rather silly.

I have been watching that program on Netflix, Life After Death with Tyler Henry.  I don't know what to think about stuff like that.  There is a part of me that would love to get a message from my mother. She believed in fortune tellers and mediums and such.  I went with her to see one on more than a few occasions, and most of the time they had an uncanny ability to speak truth, but I am not sure what to think about stuff like that.  I think its okay to get messages from our departed loved ones perhaps, but I think if we were meant to know the future, then we'd all be able to tell the future. I don't think we are meant to know what's going to happen.   If the future was ours to know who would even want to get out of bed most days!

It would be nice to get a message though  . . . some loving sign.


I'll be continuing on with my book-keeping today. Trying to play catch up on last year. I have all my receipts, but I wasn't very good at keeping records. I have promised myself to do a LOT better this year.  Its a pain playing catch up!!  I hope I don't end up owing too much taxes.

I think I am finally going to be paid for my book.  I was told that my invoice had been accepted and sent to accounts for payment at any rate. We will see.  Apparently the first invoice I sent was wrong because I had included the social media payment on it and it should have only been for the book.  Anyways, I had to re-invoice.  I am not sure how I am to be paid for the social media. The person in charge of social media never told me how and it has to come from them.   I think I can scratch that off as I have no hope for ever getting paid for that aspect.  How can I if I don't know who to invoice? Or have any invoice to fill out?

I don't think I would write a book for this company again. Not that they were hard to work for. They were not, but they are hard when it comes to being paid.  I told the girl the other day, it shouldn't be so hard to be paid. I mean, they've been making money off the book since December and I am still waiting on payment.  That's just not very good I don't think.

I was also disappointed that there were not many photos in the book, but that is how Callisto Media does their books. I have bought a few of their books and none of them have many pictures.    I suppose that is how they can sell them for such an affordable price.  Their books cost about the same as most good cooking magazines do.   There have been several reviews bemoaning the lack of photographs.  It was not my choice for it to be so. Had I  my way, there would have been a photo of every recipe, but then, the book would have been much more expensive.  Sometimes you can't win for losing I guess.


Apparently the Daffodils are all in bloom in the UK. I always loved seeing the Daffodils. I had always wanted to see the Daffodils that Wordsworth wrote about blooming at Ullswater, but never did get there in the end. It will be a while yet before Daffodils start blooming here.  I reckon we are about a month behind or maybe even more.  I suspect the Camelia by the front door of my old place is coming into full bloom now. It was always such a cheerful sight in the spring. 


My babies are having their quiet time now. They had a good run around already and tired themselves out so they are now resting.   They sure have grown since they first came to stay with me.  They are great company.  Nutmeg talks to me all the time. He comes to tell me when it is time to eat.  Cinnamon talks too, but not as much or as loudly as he does.  Yesterday I went to turn the shower on  to warm the water up before I jumped in and Nutmeg jumped in ahead of me.  He got a big surprise!  He was not long in jumping back out again.  That will teach him.  Instead they both lay out on the bath mat waiting for me to finish.  They like to be near me most of the time.  Sometimes I question my sanity in getting two cats, but I am so pleased that I did. They are great company for me and for each other. I love them to pieces.

And with that I best get off here and get on with my day.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.Don't save something only for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion.
~Thomas S Monson•。★★ 。*•。★★ 。*   

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Corned Beef with Parsley Sauce.  This was delicious!  I can now say with a certainty however that onions are a trigger for my IBS as I had a sore tummy last night.  It was either that or the broccoli!  Or maybe even both!

 I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe. Be happy.  Keep praying for the Ukraine, and doing whatever else you can to help them. Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!    


  1. What a hassle..s to be remunerated..Geesh..

    You did the're the deserve your salary.
    Good call on the meeting.
    Spring is near Marie but yes always way behind UK..but have you noticed that in living w/ 4 distinct seasons..there is an exhiliration in the first warmer days? I love that re 4 seasons.

    1. I do like having four distinct seasons here for sure! I love all of them! xoxo

  2. Appreciated your words Marie...we are entering a very unplanned part of our lives too...good and sorrow together as has always been the case for us. As to broccoli bothering you...I often eat mostly the stems...peeled and chopped...even raw make good sticks to put into hummus etc. And my stomach likes it much better...I so hope you don't have to give up onions...oh my, what a joy they are!! Some in my kin cannot eat them in any form. I have always been so very glad I could...though plenty of other foods I cannot eat. Heh, to look at me, you would never in a million years guess I had any allergies!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I cannot tolerate any raw broccoli or even cauliflower Elizabeth and I love them both. Learned a while back however they don't agree with my tum tum! Getting old is not for sissies I guess! xoxo

    2. I am sorry Marie...tis not fun to miss things we enjoy!! I do not eat those items often...and usually not raw...seems raw stuff bothers me worse. I do have a cookbook on making kind of pickled veggies of all kinds...and hope to delve into that a bit more and see if that helps me eat them easier. I know vinegar is supposed to help with digestion of greens at I am told folks growing up in the South in this country well know and I did not till we lived in N.Carolina for a spell. Where we are headed back in a couple weeks...our son is coming to rescue us from the dismal medical situation here that could have taken my Hubby's life a couple months ago.
      Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  3. Hope you get out to be with your dad today, it’s such a gift to be able to share a meal with a loved one. Those kittycats are getting big and are so beautiful. Good luck with the payments, paperwork and filing ….ugh…not a fun chore. Have a good day, V.

    1. I had a lovely time with my father and his friends V. The food was not so great, but the company was worth it. xoxo

  4. Hoping the hassle of payment comes through in your favour. Foggy here and above 0 temperatures, snow melting fast again, patches of green showing through. The robins are singing away and are very visible now.

    1. I hope so too Linda! It is supposed to get very warm here today. Yay! Sunny too! xoxo


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