
Friday 11 March 2022

Ponderings . . .


“War. Huh. Good God, y’all. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”

 Fifty-two years ago (in June), Edwin Starr caught the ear of millions around the world with the lyrics of this song which asked a short question.  War.  What is it good for?  I was almost 15 years old at the time and war was still raging in Viet Nam, there were troubles in Ireland and of course its always been bubbling in the middle East.  Lets not get started with the Cold War which reigned throughout my childhood . . .  and then there is Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq . . .  the list goes on and on.

Throughout my whole lifetime, and certainly before I came into this life, Wars have been raging throughout the world.  

What is wrong with us?  As human beings and children of God, what is wrong with us?  Do we never learn our lesson?

From the moment that Abel's blood cried  to God from the earth and God asked Cain the question, "Where is thy brother?" . . .  the blood of mankind has been crying from the earth it seems . . .  and the answer, as with Cain's, has been, "Am I my brother's keeper?" 

I don't know why, but this aggression by Russia towards the Ukraine is really bothering me.  I feel helpless to do anything about it and my heart is breaking. I feel very much that I am my brother's keeper and I want to be doing something, but feel helpless  . . . all I can do is to pray and I pray constantly . . . 

For the people of the Ukraine, the mothers and the fathers, the sons and the daughters, the old and the infirm and the young and the helpless, and everyone in between.

Have we learned nothing in the 80 years since the second world war?  I feel that Putin will stop at nothing. He will not stop until all life has been drained from the Ukraine and then he will move on from there, annihilating all the life from all of the countries that were once a part of the USSR, and then . . . what next?  Will his war machine continue to plunder its way across Europe? 

Am I my brother's keeper?   

I feel very much that I must be my brother's keeper, that I am my brother's keeper.  And I cry daily because I feel so helpless in the face of what is going on.   And I wonder why this is affecting me more than other conflicts have, because  . . .  there's always been War in the world . . .  and God's children have always suffered because of it.  I am at a loss as to understand why this one I feel more.

Maybe its because I was there, watching on the television, when the Berlin Wall came down and I rejoiced with those dancing on the rubble of it.  My heart was filled with hope because of it. I dared to think that, as humanity,  we were taking a huge leap forward towards invoking freedom for all of God's children. 

Maybe its because I just don't understand this need of men to want to be in charge at any cost  . . .  to be the King of the Castle and to reign over the rest of us . . .  the dirty rascals.

My mother taught me to share my toys, to be kind to others . . .  to always live by the Golden rule. My heart always breaks when I see or read about others behaving in ways contrary to that. It hurts.

And, as well as sad  . . .  it makes me angry.  Injustice makes me angry. Greed makes me angry. I don't know what the answer is  . . . all I can say is Jesus come soon.

And I pray. I will do whatever I can do and what is asked of me to do . . . and then some.  I am very much my brother's keeper.  That's why my heart aches. I, too  . . . hear his blood calling from the dust.

Just my thoughts this morning. 


  1. Heart breaking.
    I do know that I respect and admire chef José Andrès and it is one of many fundraisers.He is there..feeding the poor Ukrainians.

    1. That's very good Monique. I had not heard of that. I do give through the Humanitarian Aid program with my church. They are often the first boots on the ground throughout the world when aid is needed. I just feel like I need/want to do more. :-(

    2. How kind of you.I know organizations are popping up everywhere..But I had just seen him on CNN last week in the midst of it all..he's such a good man.

    3. I was able to donate Monique and I felt good for doing so! Its just a small thing, but every little helps. xoxo

  2. A heartfelt post, Marie. If mankind doesn't learn from his mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them and here we are, another war at the expense of innocent people. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I agree Elaine. I dread to think of what comes next. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. There truly isn't anything good about war. So many dead on both sides. I join you in praying for peace in our world.

    1. I believe in the power of prayer Pam and I know you do also! xoxo

  4. This one has got to me more than any others too. Maybe it’s because it’s so visual everywhere, maybe our age (I’m only 2 years behind you 🤫) maybe because there is no stopping the mad man of Russia, maybe because the Ukrainians are so defiant, maybe because it feels so close. I cry everyday. As my beloved mum used to say: there but the grace of God go you. They are us and we are they. Stay safe and stay strong xx

    1. (((((hugs))))) You are right. They are us and we are they. You stay safe and strong also Karen. xoxo

  5. It isn't war that is evil; it is injustice. YHWH is a warrior (Exodus 15:3), after all. I don't mind Him tarrying; there is still much to be done. And while I may well long for His justice (and more so His mercy!); I do not long for that day - for in that day, the day of His return, the great and terrible day of YHWH, men's hearts will fail them for fear (Luke 21:25) at the very sight of the coming of Son of Man, when He comes in great power and glory to strike down the nations and tread them in the winepress of His wrath (Revelation 19:15).

    1. I know that things are going to get much worse before the Savior's return. And also that there is much we still need to do before that happens. But we have seen how very quickly things can happen also. Mine is not to question when, but only to look forward with hope. I am not afraid of His return. Perhaps I am odd.

  6. There is always a huge cost to civilians in a war situation. But if the only place you hear about current events is the TV, internet etc...the regular news channels, esp. in this country there is HUGE gaps in truth. It does appear that this conflict is one-sided. Maybe so...maybe not. I do not think Putin is a good man...however, he may be doing some helpful things, if only by accident. Were you aware that there were several biolabs in Ukraine, some say financed by our own govt here?? I see no reason for there to ever be such a need...and if such was on our doorstep we might want our govt to take them out too. There is other missions going on hear a bit here and there...but even for those closeby, it is very possible we do not know the whole truth. It is a good thing, if one can be sure of how the money is spent, to give to help those who are innocent in this mess. Hopefully most of the world is growing sick of all this fighting and killing!! Hopefully they will want to do things GOD's way...and follow peace with all men!! SOON!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Our world is such a mess Elizabeth. It makes me very sad. If people lived by God's laws and the golden rule, it would be transformed indeed. xoxo

  7. No winners, been going on for centuries, some still haven't learned


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