
Wednesday 23 March 2022

About me . . .


Such a long time ago I painted this one.
9 years!  Time flies! 

Hello there. My name is Marie.  Well Marie Alice Joan.  I grew up being called Alice because my mother's first name was Mary, my sister's first name was Mary, my grandmother was Marie Alice and so with so many versions of Mary or Marie,  the name I was known by was Alice.  I never liked it.  I used to get "Alice in wonderland," "Alice doesn't live here anymore," "Alice from the land of the Goons on Popeye" . . . you get the picture.

At school I always had to correct the teachers at the beginning of the year.  I hated feeling like the center of attention in doing so.

As I got older, it became synonymous to me of being a person who was browbeaten and bullied by certain people who should have known better and who were supposed to, had vowed to . . . love me . . .

Then when I joined the church, I thought new life, fresh page  . . .  from now on I wanted to be called Marie.  My close family still calls me Alice and I am okay with that.  I hate it when my ex ex calls me Marie. It feels like he is belittling me or assaulting me. Just. Don't. Like. It.

I love polka dots and stripes and lace and pompoms and sometimes I love all those things together and sometimes I love them apart, but I. Love. Them. 

Two of my most favorite dresses I had when I was growing up where two that I made myself as a teenager.  I used to love the Style patterns.  I thought they were very chic.  I had a dress that I had made from swiss dot fabric which had a navy base with red flocked dots, and I had a dress that had a pink base with white flocked dots.   Another thing that I love  . . .  swiss dot fabric.   I always felt like a queen in those dresses.

I love aprons and potholders and quilts and candles . . . 

When I was a little girl I had big dreams. Huge dreams. I wanted to travel and see the world and experience and see all of the things that I read about in books first hand.  I have always loved nature and geography.    I wanted to write and to draw and to dance and to sing, but most of all I wanted to be a wife and a mother.  My five children are the greatest accomplishments of my life. I am proud of each of them, in unique and wonderful ways. I love them with a love that is unconditional.  Of all the things I have done in my life, bringing up five relatively happy, decent, human beings is the one thing that I consider my greatest achievement. I did not get to finish bringing up the last one, but that wasn't my choice.  They are good people.  Each of them.  And they are good partners, parents, citizens, etc. 

I believe in true love, even if I have never been lucky enough to find it for myself.  I know that it is out there and one day I might find it, but the older I get the more I come to accept that I probably won't and that is okay with me.   I have been in love many times.  I am loyal with a capital L.  I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I think love is love and love is good.  It does not matter to me who is doing the loving. If any two people care enough about each other to commit themselves to a permanent, loving union, then I am all for it. More power and happiness to them.  Its all good.  If everyone could love unconditionally then our world would be transformed.

I love animals. Especially dogs and cats. They have unconditional love down pat. I don't think I would ever want to be without a pet of some kind.  They are great companions and company.  They don't ask for much and are willing to give you all of themselves just to be a part of your life.  They don't judge or find you lacking.  They just love.

I am a woman of deep faith.  I cannot remember ever not believing in God or Jesus. My parents taught me to pray and I have been praying ever since.  I am grateful for that.   I cannot imagine living my life in any other way.  It is my express desire to return to my Heavenly Home one day, although I am not in any hurry to get there. I am still too busy learning and growing and becoming.  

I have many weaknesses and shortcomings. I love food too much, especially junk food. I cry too easily. I often have a hard time seeing the good in me. Sometimes I expect too much from myself.  I am my own greatest critic.  I sometimes give the opinions of others far more weight then they deserve.  I can often be too trusting.  I fail more often than not, but I keep trying.  I can often be lacking in confidence and too shy for my own good.  I am far too romantic and too trusting.  I like to binge on trash tv like the housewives.

If I call you my friend, then I mean it for life. I am loyal to the end.

I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.  I love my family.

I could go on and on, but its getting late, so I will just leave you with a thought for the day. 

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*To ease another's heartache
is to forget one's own.
~Abraham Lincoln

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Easy Bakewell Tarts. These are fabulous!

 I hope you have a great day. Its sunny here and promises to be warmer. A fine spring day. Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. Lovely little biography, Marie, written by the person who knows you best! You can certainly be very proud of all you've accomplished. You're a very brave lady. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! Sometimes I just don't know what to write! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. It is a cute little biography:)Every morning these days as I relay a UKrainian post to J from IG or eyes well up..we actually laugh because I just cant hep the tears.

    1. I cry every time I think or read about the Ukraine. I don't know why this conflict is bothering me more than any other. ((((hugs))))

  3. My middle name is Alice too, from my mother.

    1. Something else we have in common Linda! xoxo

  4. In this post, so much I can relate to, familiar, in common and shared. Have a lovely day, breathe, work, relax, pray and enjoy. xo,V

  5. I identify with a lot that you middle name, which I also was called by, was in my view hideous. And I loved my first name and switched FINALLY in 2003 when we moved cross country where no one knew us. I do not mind kin and friends from before then, to call me the name they knew me by...but I have much enjoyed my other very much. When we named our kids, we chose names that are easy to spell, easy to pronounce, and names that were not made fun of...which to me was vitally important. It does a lot of damage to be made fun of for your name as a well I understand. And yes teachers (dumb ones) were part of that problem, not being able to pronounce correctly...nor care apparently. I agree with you...what a world where unconditional love was the norm...that day will come...hopefully SOON!!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks very much Elizabeth. I think most of us are a lot more alike than we are different. I tried to pick simple names for my children also, or at least I think I did! Unconditional love. Will there every be a day? I hope so and soon! xoxo


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