
Tuesday 18 January 2022

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .



FOR TODAY January 18th, 2022

Outside my window ...
Its much milder this morning, but it expected to get colder as the day goes on and maybe a few flurries later.  We had crazy rain yesterday. It was coming down in sheets.  Dad says it was a bit slippery getting home.

I am thinking ...
Now this morning Cinnamon threw up.  I am wondering if they have some kind of a bug that perhaps Cinnamon picked up at the Vet?  Its hard to know.

I am thankful for ...

No words needed . . . 

In The Kitchen ... 

Dinner on a Dime.  Ten meals engineered to help you pinch the pennies with your food budget. 

On my "To Cook" list ...

Served From Scratch.  Sweet and Spicy Noodles. 

Good to know ... 

Interesting to say the least. 

I am wanting to create ... 

One Skein Wrap .  Yarn Inspirations

First the Coffee. Combo Stitch Dishcloth.  


Seasoned Homemaker.  Easy Tote Bag.  

Agnes Creates.  Playing card holders.  Great idea!! 

Ann Wood.  Homemade Chicken ornaments. 

I am reading ... 

Mr. Dickens and His Carol, by Samantha Silva 

Charles Dickens is not feeling the Christmas spirit. His newest book is an utter flop, the critics have turned against him, relatives near and far hound him for money. While his wife plans a lavish holiday party for their ever-expanding family and circle of friends, Dickens has visions of the poor house. But when his publishers try to blackmail him into writing a Christmas book to save them all from financial ruin, he refuses. And a serious bout of writer’s block sets in.

Frazzled and filled with self-doubt, Dickens seeks solace in his great palace of thinking, the city of London itself. On one of his long night walks, in a once-beloved square, he meets the mysterious Eleanor Lovejoy, who might be just the muse he needs. As Dickens’ deadlines close in, Eleanor propels him on a Scrooge-like journey that tests everything he believes about generosity, friendship, ambition, and love. The story he writes will change Christmas forever. 

I know. I should have read this before Christmas, but I only just discovered it. Enjoying it very much.  

Dreaming About ... 


Macarons  . . . . 


Ruffles  . . . 


Hummingbirds  . . . 


Tea parties  . . . 


Dance  . . . 

Something to watch ... 

Paranoid, on Netflix

Makes me smile ... 

Dad's joy at seeing his pie.   I somehow got it too salty.  He didn't seem to mind.  We ate it anyways because there was no other choice.  He enjoyed it and that's what counts. 

Corners of my kingdom ... 

A shelf full of treasures . . . things that bring me joy.

A thought to carry with you ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *We do not see things
as they are,
we see things as we are.
~anais nin •。★★ 。* 。

And that's my daybook for this week  . . .  

   ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
 ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   


✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!  


  1. I saved those chickens too..and I made Ricardo's Chicken Pot Pe which is delish..and got it too salty..I feel you have to be experienced to cook it..the thickening has to be watched..but its a good one!Your dad must be in 7th heaven:)

    1. He did enjoy it and that is what counts. My sister and I mostly cook without salt or at least with very little. So we are probably hypersensitive to it. The meat mixture for this needs to soak in salted water over night. No thickening per se, it thickens itself somehow! I will look for the Ricardo's Pie! xoxo

  2. Sending tickles and strokes for the kitties. We are dealing with the aftermath of the storm today, +35 cm of snow, not including the drifts.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! That's a lot of snow. Much like we had. It is snowing here again now! That's January! Stay safe and stay warm! xoxo

  3. Belated Birthday to your young Dad. Hope he has a fantastic year ahead. And, maybe enjoy every day instead of dwelling on when or how much time he has left! Each day is a blessing.

    1. Thanks very much! I hope we get to enjoy many more birthdays with him! Each day is a blessing! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, it could be their food making them ill. Most cat and dog food originates from China. And sorry to say that whether it has a high or low sale price it is all bad. I wish we had fed our cats organically home made food. If we ever get a cat again I will try hard to do so. So again, consider the food may be bad. I will pray for the little ones. I look forward to reading about them everyday. Dale

    1. I will look into that Dale! I hate it when they are ill. They cannot tell you how they are feeling! xoxo

  5. Couldn't you start feeding the cats organically now? They'd soon get used to it. Do they like to eat people food? Tuna, chicken, salmon? Sounds like your dad had a lovely birthday. We're digging out from masses of snow. We'll be home today. Love and hugs, Elaine

  6. Loved seeing the pictures of your Dad enjoying his birthday! He does look good for his age!

  7. Is it possible Cinnamon got into some human food? That or changing cat food brands are a reason a cat might throw up out of nowhere. But also, if she just had surgery, I'd call the vet and tell them, and see if they think it's a concern or not.


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