
Thursday 13 January 2022

My Favorite Things . . .



A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    I'm pretty sure however, that these things mainly make my own heart sing.   

The new Royal portraits of the Duchesse of Cambridge.  Nothing short of stunning.  I have the utmost respect for this woman.  She has always held herself with dignity and grace. 


I have had a lot of something smalls over these past months. And I am grateful for each and every one of them. 


Dove soap. Its pretty much the only kind I use for the most part. 


Chickadee's. They are the sweetest birds  . . . 

RR mailboxes.  When I lived in NB, I had tole painted mine with sunflowers all over it.  


Old writing desks  . . . 


Breakfast nooks  . . . 


My grandmother used to sing this song to me and I sang it to my own children  . . . 


Sewing boxes  . . . 


Outdoor markets  . . .  they have beautiful ones in France and Germany. 


Old kitchen dressers  . . . 


Surprises  . . .  like this  . . .



I had this plant in my garden in the UK, but for the life of me the name of it escapes me this morning. The Bees loved it. 


Wings  . . .  I'd like a pair  . . . 


 Tulips  . . .  pink are my favorites  . . . 


Colour  . . . I love colour  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week.  I hope some of them were some of yours as well.

Cinnamon is doing really well this morning. I am ever so pleased. She perked right up yesterday.  She was not as tired as the day before and is eating and drinking well.  Oh how I love those two little furry babies of mine.  Cindy and Dan came for supper last night. I treated us all to a takeaway which was nice.  Dan had his usual burger (he is predictable that way) and Cindy had her haddie bits and I had fish and chips. (Talk about predictable!)  It was nice to have them here.  I do love my family so very much.

I am going out today to do some banking and get in a few bits before the storm which we are supposed to get tomorrow, water, etc. That is January for you. A series of storms.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.Rejoice in hope,
be patient in tribulation,
constant in prayer.
~Romans 12:12•。★★ 。* 。  

I am sharing my 10 favourite muffin recipes over in The English Kitchen today.  I have baked a ton of muffins over the years, but these are my favourites of the favourites!  What's your favorite muffin recipe?

Have a wonderful Thursday!  Whatever you get up to don't forget! 

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And I do too.


  1. So happy Cinnamon is feeling better. She probably wasn't over the anesthetic yesterday. And Marie, you do have wings, you just can't see them but they are there. Sounds like a nice dinner with Cindy and Dan. Stay safe when you're out and about. Hope the storm isn't too bad. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Aww thanks so much for saying so Elaine. I like that idea! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. So good to have your family over - wonderful! And thank you for the Cinnamon update - so glad she has perked up! Have a good,good day.

    1. You are welcome Mary. I hope you have had a good week! xoxo

  3. Good to hear Cinnamon is much better. A dull day here, but no precipitation. Hope you are having a good day.

    1. Thanks Linda! I hope you have a good day as well! xoxo

  4. I commented earlier but don't see it. Just wanted to say how glad I am that Cinnamon is doing so well! Have a happy day!

  5. Are the flowers Coral Bells? Good to hear Ms. Kitty is doing better. Much love - Raquel

    1. Sicilian Honey Bells! Thank you! Love and hugs, xoxo


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