
Monday 20 December 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

Although I didn't feel entirely safe attending church yesterday and so stayed home, I was still able to watch a beautiful service online. Not only here in Canada, but also in the UK.   I was uplifted and edified.  Spiritually nourished and I was able to feel of the spirit.  I wasn't able to partake of the sacrament, but that's okay.  It was still all good.

We have a new Missionary couple serving here and he used to sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  He sang a special song, which was very nice.

My friend Glenna dropped off my new manual for 2022 after church. It was very kind of her to do so.  I haven't had a chance to look through it yet, but I am really looking forward to getting stuck into the Old Testament in 2022. 

My scriptures are all ready to go.  I have put all the tabs in and they are only waiting for me to start studying. Its a journaling bible so that there are side columns which I can write my notes, thoughts and feelings into. I like pretty things.  I love the scriptures. Maybe this will end up as a legacy I can leave to my progeny.  Maybe they won't care.  No matter, it only counts that I do. 

This little character.  He got through his operation alright and has recovered well. I need to take him on Thursday for the Vet to have a look.  In the meantime he is being Mr. Charming. 



Eileen always wants me to take pictures of the cats to send to her when we are chatting. Yesterday she said Nutmeg is smiling. It certainly looks like he is.   Cindy says he is a ham.  I agree!  He's a little poser.  Cinnamon is much more laid back. 

Are you ready?  Have you done it?  haha. I would need to set it back a lot more than 10 lb. Never mind.  I thought this was funny.  It made me chuckle. 

Have you ever done that with your life?  Followed up on all the little promptings and inklings that you receive throughout the day, week, month, year?  Most of the time I try to.  If someone's name pops into my brain I try to give them a call, or write them an e-mail, say a little prayer, whatever.  Usually my promptings are about people.  I know we all lead busy lives, but there are many, many out there who are lonely and would just love a quick call. 


The giving and receiving of Christmas Cards. Todd always enjoyed this practice very much. He would string them up with twine over our front window like a garland each year.  I have nobody to do that for me here, so I have them in a little basket.   It is nice to be thought of and to also spend time thinking of others.

Maybe next year I will get them all done on time. 


The snow from yesterday is still here, but I am not sure how long it will be. It is supposed to turn to rain a bit later this week, then snow again on Christmas Day.   I only like snow at Christmas time. The rest of the year it can take a hike, lol.   

I have some guests coming for lunch today. I have not seen these people in a very long time. I can't really say who they are because I am not allowed to, but I am really looking forward to seeing them. I am pretty sure they are safe to see as we all have health issues and are very careful with who we see and what we do.  Safety measures will be taken nonetheless.  Social distancing, etc.  I hate that I feel nervous about this, but am happy to have a long table where we can sit far apart from each other.  I am making my lemon chicken and rice.  And a salad. I baked my Victoria Sponge last night. Twice. And both times it was a flop.  I am not sure what is wrong. That is usually my tried and true cake.  Maybe my scales are off. I need to get some new batteries.  In any case I think we are having frozen sherbet for dessert because I have nothing else and I am out of time.  

I will leave you now with a thought for the day as I need to get cracking with stuff. 

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 *Smile at each other,
smile at your wife,
smile at your husband,
smile at your children,
smile at each other -
it doesn't matter who it is
and that will help you to grow up
in greater love for each other.
~Mother Teresa
•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Easy Ciabatta Pepperoni Pizzas.  Something quick for these busy days of this week.

Have a wonderful week. I hope it is filled abundantly with small and wonderful things!  Don't forget along the way . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. Enjoy your lunch with your friends. Lemon chicken sounds delicious. We're just headed out the door for last minute provisions. At least it's not snowing. Take care. Love and hugs, Elaine

  2. Enjoy your lunch today. Happy Monday.

  3. Sherbet always makes for a good desert, Relax and enjoy your guests!

  4. Baking is especially sensitive to how much humidity is in the air...that I learned when we lived in was difficult to ever get cookies to turn out well there!! Don't will figure out why your recipe is misbehaving where you liven now!! Hope the company and meal turn out to be a blessing to you!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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