
Wednesday 24 November 2021

Wednesday This and That . . .


I had a pretty busy day yesterday. I wanted to get into the Post Office early in the day just in case the weather turned nastier.  It was only a light sprinkle and so I took myself off there bright and early.  I wanted to get some stamps and I had a package to post off.  

Tina's granddaughter-in-law had ordered some stuff from a place that didn't deliver to the UK and had it sent to me so that I could post it off to her.  So I also had to post that package. They have all had Covid.  She started a new job at a school and within a couple of days of working at the school, she had Covid and ended up giving it to her whole family.  

This is far from being over. We see numbers increasing here every day.  Please keep on being careful and cautious people. Please.  For your own safety and that of others. Please. 


I came home and I got a package in the post. I had ordered a new Temple dress because I had left mine in the UK.  I hope to go to the Temple soon.  I got a new slip also. Now all I have to do is to hem it.   I am pretty short and I always have to hem everything. 

I had a bit of cooking to do and I did that and took photographs.  I had made a green bean casserole and baked a coffee cake. I looked out the window and saw my next door neighbor walking her dog home and she looked lonely to me. I thought she could use a visit, so I packaged up some of each and took a trip next door just to see how she was doing.

I am glad that I did. Most elderly people who live on their own can get quite lonely. I know my father does.  Half the time he calls me it is because he is lonely and wanting someone to talk to.

Having a pet is really important to the elderly.  That's why in the UK most Senior's Homes will have a resident cat, and some places bring dogs in to visit the residents.  Stroking a pet is good for the health.

Speaking of Pets.  Nutmeg has learned how to jump on the counter.  Cheeky little so and so.  I caught him up there once this morning and chased him off.  Who knows how often he visits it during the night when I am asleep.  Its a good thing I don't have any food laying about! This morning it was the empty cat food tin. The noise of it getting knocked into the sink is what alerted me! 

Those two certainly keep me on my toes! 

Cinnamon is a little bit more sedate and not so cheeky.  (I say that, but she is the one who got stuck behind the washing machine!) She's gotten very affectionate.  Last evening she spent a good part of it sprawled across my chest, flat on her back, tummy wide open and legs splayed, purring to beat the band while we watched TV.  When she wasn't doing that she was giving me a chest massage with her tiny little claws. Ouch! 

I had the surprise of all surprises last weekend when I received an e-mail from my old employers. Not a word in over 11 years and all of a sudden an e-mail.  They issued an invitation for me to go down to the Bahamas and work for them, or at least help train someone new to work for them. I respectfully declined.  I am too long in the tooth now to want to work full time in that capacity. Its very hard work being on your feet like that all day, not to mention working the dinner parties, etc.  I also have great responsibilities here. I am only just beginning to catch my breath after the events of the last couple of years. 

I don't need any more drama in my life.  I have had enough to last me two lifetimes.  Its nice, however, to know I was appreciated and that I was the "Best cook they had ever had." Their words, not mine.

What would I do without my babies?  I could not bear to leave them now, not for even a brief moment.

I got a couple of other things in the post yesterday, both very exciting things, but I will wait for a while to share what they were.

When I was coming out from my next door neighbors the man from across the road was arriving. I think he had been to pick her up a few things at the shops. He mentioned that he had noticed I had my Christmas tree up.  He must be able to see quite far into my place during the day. (I better not run around in my underwear, lol)  It isn't a Christmas tree per se, just another kind of tree, but it does have lights and I can keep it up all year round. It is a lit birch tree.  I may string a few ornaments on it this year. We will see. I don't want to be having to get after the cats too much over these next few weeks. They are still so young and rambunctious for me to want to have a Christmas tree. Besides I would have to get all of the decorations from scratch and that's an expense I don't really need.


When I was in the Post Office, there was a gentleman in front of me that was having a package sorted. It took rather a long time.  It ended up he was a man I had gone to high school with, way back in the day.  I remember he had had quite the crush on me back then. But I already had a boy friend. He was a very troubled young man back then and had a lot of emotional baggage. My mom would have been made up if I had dated him because his dad was the Base Commander.  But you know, there was no chemistry.  Anyways, he was a nice guy.  I didn't have the opportunity to speak to him yesterday because he was busy with his business and I was busy with mine, but it would have been nice to chatted for a bit and say hello. I had people behind me however and so needed to take care of my business. 

I think that's the first person from way back that I have run into since my return. Mind you Covid means people are not really out and about much anyways, and when we are we are wearing masks, so it is not easy to recognize anyone.  I had always fretted a bit about moving back here when I was in the UK because I thought I would always be running into my ex or whatnot.  Truth be told, not once have I run into him or my son.  My sister has run into them more than I have. Well my ex anyways.  My brother even ran into him in Ottawa one day, lol  Not me, and that's how I like it.


I am going to meet up with Dad and his Harem tonight for fish and chips.  I wasn't going to, but then I thought to myself what the heck. Why not. the ladies enjoy having me there apparently, and he enjoys having me there, so why not, plus tonight its his treat.  Mrs. S always gives me her coleslaw because she doesn't like it and she knows I do.

When I was in grade 6, Mrs. S's son used to chase me home from school every day trying to kiss me. He was in a younger grade than I, but he used to be waiting right outside the school for me. I would run like the Devil himself was after me because I didn't want him to kiss me. He would be hot on my heels. One day my sister put an end  to that however.  She got hold of him and told him to leave her sister alone. Job done.

She's always had my back.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Sometimes as an antidote 
to fear of death I eat the stars.
~Rebecca Elson  •。★★ 。* 。


In The English Kitchen today. Elegant Green Beans. I downsized the recipe to feed four instead of eight. It was delicious!

Have a wonderful Wednesday. Only three more sleeps until my son and his wife and son arrive.  Can't wait!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Mr and Mrs Manor house? Egads I hope not..You were so good to them.
    Sometimes fun to see blasts from the past;)

    1. I agree that it can be Monique, depending on who they are! No the trauma of how that all ended in the Big House is still with me. I would not care to repeat it in the least. xoxo

  2. You must be so excited to see your family. And that certainly was a feather in your cap that the Lady of the Manor has invited you to the Bahamas to cook for them again. Nice newsy post today. Enjoy your fish and chips. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Its nice to be wanted for sure Elaine, but I could never do that again. I am enjoying my quasi-retirement too much! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Interesting you heard from the Manor folks...glad you did not NEED to say yes!! Your green bean casserole looks yummy!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am grateful that I did not need to say yes also Elizabeth. God is good! xoxo

  4. Aww thanks Becky! I will try to do more of them! xoxo

  5. That was indeed a great compliment, xoxo

  6. Maybe if they had treated you better you might have considered a wee vacation in the Bahamas. They probably can’t get staff as they are not nice people. They are probably realizing now how lucky they were.

    1. This is probably true, but I am so settled now where I am, I don't think in any case I would go. I am not travelling anywhere for a very long time. I am quite happy to let sleeping dogs lie! xoxo


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