
Wednesday 17 November 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


    I woke up with an Abba Song in my head this morning. "Take a Chance."  I am not sure if there is any significance in that or not, or maybe I need to listen to different music!  That song will probably stay with me all day until I listen to something else.   Does that ever happen to you?  There are worse songs it could be.

Abba was very much the music of my late teens and early twenties.  The disco years.  Platform shoes, halter tops and ultra flared trousers.  I used to love to dance.  We had a DJ at my first wedding.  My parents really loved dancing also. They used to go out dancing pretty much every Friday and Saturday night, even after they were divorced, they both went out dancing at the weekends. My mother danced right up until shortly before her cancer operation.  Her whole life changed dramatically after that.

Life really does turn on a dime. 


I put my heat pump on this morning, just now. I have electric baseboard heating, but there is a heat pump which is supposed to be a lot more energy efficient.  The fella came last week to clean and service it. In the summer months is works as an air conditioner.  Over all it is nice and comfy in here. I have not really been too cold as of yet. The floors may be cold come the winter months however, but that is nothing that a good pair of slippers cannot deal with. 

I think I did see it snowing at one point yesterday, but only a little and it didn't stay.  Its quite windy out there this morning.  I am not sure I am ready for the snow. I have not done any Winter driving in a very long time.  21 years to be exact! I will be okay. I drove for many years in the Winter prior to moving over to the UK.  


Somebody had a birthday yesterday.  Jake turned 11. I think he  is in the middle of saying something here, so not the best picture. He looks annoyed, but I know he really isn't.  He is having his favorite chicken burgers for supper and cake of course. I had talked to him earlier on the facetime, when he was opening the card I sent to him. Of course there was a bit of dosh tucked inside. They are at an age now where they would rather have the money to buy something they want.  They are all growing up too quick!  Somebody make it stop!  That's Jon in the front. He will be 16 on his next birthday. He is tall and lanky and his hair. I would have killed to have that hair when I was 16. I had wavy hair. I have always wanted straight. 


This is the back of Josh's head working on gingerbread houses.  As you can see, he is really small for his age.  They are coming here at the end of the month and he is being tested at the IWK.  They will be here from the 27th to the 30th, and yay! They are staying here.  I can't wait.  This is the first time I will have my son and his family as overnight guests in my house. I will be busy next week making plans!  I ordered a blow up mattress so that Doug and Kayla have a place to sleep and I figured Josh is small enough he can sleep on the sofa.  This is pretty exciting stuff for me.  I think on Saturday night I will have one part of the family over (Cindy, Dan, Dad) and I will get Pizza's and birthday cake for everyone.  It is Doug's birthday on the 23rd. He will be 40.  Then I will have Eileen and Tim over the next night, so they can visit with them.  Unless they have other plans. I know that they will want to see his Dad when they are here also. I will just play it by ear. That's the best. 


Sitting on the sofa last night, watching tv and I looked down and here was Nutmeg, dead to the world, his little tongue sticking out between his teeth. I could not help but take a photograph of him.  They are two cats with very distinct personalities.  Both are very affectionate, but he is more in your face with it. Both like to be close to me. I love that.  Both talk to me. I love that too. He is a bit louder. In the morning when I get up, they are laying against my bedroom door waiting and immediately begin telling me all about their night.  

I have tried several times to let them in to sleep on the bed at night, but soon abandon the idea and put them out (with treats of course.) They are too  excitable just yet. Maybe when they are older and have calmed down a lot more. 


I was going to throw some stale crusts out back to the crows yesterday when I noticed that the huge wooden partition between my garden and the one to the right of me had broken and blown over.  It must have happened in the wind storm at the weekend.  I phoned the landlord to report it just in case the other neighbors hadn't.  Its a funny system really. The same person owns these places as what owns the motel that I stayed in when I first arrived here. You don't actually talk to him, but you leave a message at the motel.  I am never entirely sure if he gets the messages or not.  I also saw a full blown rat on my front deck the other day. I thought I had caught a glimpse of one a few weeks back, but the other morning when I went to open my curtains, there it was, sitting under one of the chairs.  Creepy.  You know where there is one, there is more.

It is probably because of the farm market right behind us. They would have a lot of old vegetables, cabbage leaves, etc. laying about in their bins.  It probably attracts rats.  I think I will take down my bird feeders for a while and see if they go away, or at the very least stop throwing out crusts and peanuts.  


I have my two naughty book ends flanking my computer this morning. They are purring very comfortably. Right at home.  Like I said, they like to be near me. Every once in a while they show me their bellies and look up at me with love in their eyes.  That makes me so happy. Who doesn't love being loved!! 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day.  I have a lot to fit in today, and I must get the barebones of my talk written for Sunday. It will not write itself.  I don't mind giving talks.  To me, they are like having a conversation with some friends. Oh, I do get a tiny bit nervous in the run up to it, but mostly I am quite comfortable, especially once I get started.

A thought to carry with you . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.If you want to get warm,
you must stand near the fire.
If you want to get wet,
you must get into the water.
If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life,
you must get close to, or even into
the thing that has them.
~C.S. Lewis, Neare
•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pork Chops with Cream Gravy.  These were incredibly delicious. I downsized the recipe to feed only two people (and in fact I only cooked one for myself, although I did keep the gravy quantity for two.)  This was wonderful served with some mash and a salad on the side!

I hope that you have a fabulous Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. You must be so excited to have your family stay with you. Hope Josh's tests go well. I'm having lunch with friends today and yes, it sure would be nice if you could come too. You'd like my friends, I'm sure. Have a good day. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I'm sure I would Elaine! I hope that you have a lovely time! I wish I could be there! Love and hugs! xoxo

  2. It's wonderful that your son can come to visit with his family. It means a lot to actually be able to see and hug them. THE KIDS GROW UP SO FAST SO IT'S IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THEM.

    1. I can't wait to spend time with at least this one Pam! It is long overdue! I have not seen him in person for about 9 years now, so he was very young the last time I saw him! xoxo

  3. Now that's exciting!!!Happy for you!

    1. Thanks very much Monique! I am feeling pretty good! xoxo

  4. I am SO HAPPY for you Marie...and that most of all, they are staying WITH YOU!!! About time....lovely!! Hope the tests will go ok for the little grandson...some stay small a long time. Ours here is still small...but FINALLY at age 12 he is growing...nearly as tall as short me there is hope!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I think he is just not going to be a very tall person. His maternal grandfather is a short man, and a red head also, so he is probably taking after him! xoxo PS - Yes happy they are staying with me!

  5. How lovely to have family visit! xxoo, V

  6. I'm sure your talk on Sunday will be lovely. I would like to hear it. I liked Abba back in the day. Still do. We must be about the same age - Abba and Disco was the music of my late teens and early 20s. I liked it all. Donna Summer was a favorite as well. I love hearing about your kitties and seeing the pictures of your grandchildren. Soo glad you could get together for the birthday celebration. Sounds like your week is going well. Here is Utah, it is cold, but sunny. See you again soon!

    1. Thanks very much Deb! It is cold here as well and raining today, but we have had some really lovely days. We cannot complain! xoxo

  7. I STILL love ABBA. Even when I'm not inclined to clean house, why I just ask Alexa to play their greatest hits (loudly) and before you know it, I'm dancing with the vacuum cleaner.

    Having your family visit sounds awesome; I'm sure tickled for you!

    1. Oh yes, their music is the best thing for getting you up and moving about! Thank you! xoxo


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