
Monday 8 November 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   


A tangled mess of paws, fur, cute little noses and love.  Always together and, when they aren't playing, wanting to be close to me.  I love these two little munchkins. They sure are great company.  Last two nights I have started off trying to let them sleep in the bedroom with me, ie. keeping my bedroom door open.  It doesn't last long, and I am shooing them back out with the promise of treats. They seem to see it as the beginning of lets jump all over the bed play time. Maybe things will improve when they get a bit older. In the meantime when I leave the house they are both sitting in the basket on top of the scratching post watching me go, and when I come back they are both sitting in the basket on top of the scratching post watching me return, and I can hear them meowing their hellos when I get out of my car in the garage. 

My days are punctuated now with plenty of purrs, meows, deep massages and the sound of thumping paws scrambling across the floors in play.  Its a wonderful thing.

Time spent with Dad.  I got to spend lots of time with him last week. He was here for supper one night, we went out to supper with him one night.  I got to help my sister at his place on Saturday and then yesterday I went to my sister's for dinner and got to spend time with him again. Every cloud has a silver lining and spending time with dad is the silver lining of mine.


Danish Butter Cookies. Not only do you have moreish buttery cookies to eat, but you end up with a tin to store things in.  Love LOVE them. 


Time spent with my sister.  Whether we are painting, or whatever, it is always special to me.  I love my sister so much. Being able to spend our old age living close to each other is something we used to talk about when we were growing up. We always thought we would be like the Baldwin sisters. We are not quite, but I like to think we are just as close. She has been my best friend for all of her life, and she is everything to me.  I thank God for her every day.

The ability to create something with my hands. I am down to the pompom trim on this shawl, but am having problems getting it done. My two munchkins want to help and it doesn't work out well when they do. haha 


I found myself feeling a bit despondent at the weekend.  Its been a year since I've seen Mitzie, my wedding anniversary is coming up this week,  Bruce and Amanda not wanting anything to do with me, grandchildren I've never seen and probably never will, etc. Anyways, it started to get on top of me a bit. I didn't even go to church yesterday morning because I just didn't want to be around anyone. Instead I stayed home and watched church online, listened to some talks, worked on my lesson for next Sunday. I felt better after.  None of those things are gone, but I feel better about them. for now anyways.  Time spent with God is never wasted.


This picture looks just like my sister's cat Jazzy!  Its uncanny! When I arrived last year she was just a wee kitten, now she is full grown and I have never seen such a fluffy cat. Her tail is like one of those huge dusters, except made from silk. 


Today and every day  . . .  

I got myself a pair of shoes and they fit beautifully. I feel like I am walking on a cloud when I am wearing them.  Sketchers.  I love them.  My shoes that I was wearing when I returned from the UK have a hole in them which meant my feet were getting wet when it was raining.  I do have a pair I bought earlier this year, but I wear them to church and didn't want to start wearing them for every day.  I am now a two pair of shoes woman!  Yay! 

Its a really foggy morning out there this morning and there is frost as well. I think it was -2 when I got up.  I hate the time changes in the Spring and in the Autumn. It always takes me a while to adjust to them. Just before I woke up this morning I was dreaming that someone had purposefully changed all the numbers on my clock to different places. I was quite upset about that in my dream, although I could tell what time it was just by looking at the hands of any clock without the numbers.  And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .

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*When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege
it is to be alive, to breathe, to think,
to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Twice Baked Cauliflower Cheese Potatoes.  These were really yum!!

I hope your week ahead is filled with abundance.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Certain dates on the calendar can bring challenges, that's for sure. I wish your children could forgive and forget and start a brand new loving relationship with you, for their sake and their children's sake. Love and hugs, Elaine

  2. I love this time change:)
    The anniversary..I hope at one point it doesn't cross your mind.
    I would be so done.
    Once something big happens..I am done.
    But we are all different and I respect that.:)
    I see your life as so much better now..I keep saying that I'll stop:)

  3. You have so many things to be thankful for and it is always a good thing to give thanks. So many times we forget to count them and that makes for a wasted day. Time giving thanks is never wasted !

  4. Memories, relationships and calendar dates, hard to forget some …even if you would like to…😔
    How lovely you can count the sweet blessings you’ve come to enjoy this year. I wish you many more blessings as you begin another chapter of Marie.♥️
    Have a good new week. xo, V

  5. Love your shoes...mine are wearing out that I wear to town too...also Sketchers...we must have similar feet!! I LOVE slip ons...without a back due to not wanting it to hit my ankles!! Your week sounds glad for you!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. Kitties are adorable, so good to spend time with your Dad and sister. Memories/special dates will always be there, you are coping well, down days are bound to happen, try to think positive.


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