
Monday 29 November 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.    

Three gingers all under the same roof!  Good times!  We have enjoyed having little Josh here all weekend. He is off to Halifax today for his tests. Wishing them safe travels in the Winter weather and that all goes well with the testing. Looking forward to seeing them later today to see how it all went and to enjoy one last night together before they leave to go home tomorrow.


I am not sure how much Cinnamon enjoyed this part.  But it did make for a cute photo.  Look at those little paws sticking out the end of the blanket.  Grandsons are a lot of fun.

The cats are splayed out in exhaustion this morning.  They are getting a well-deserved rest. lol


Three generations together.  Almost identical photo to last year this time, but with a different grandson in the sandwich. Josh doesn't really like having his photo taken very much. He is camera shy.  He gets that from me I guess.

Kayla with Doug and Dad.  I think Doug is the only one who really looks happy here, but its not so. They are all pretty happy. Dad especially!  He loves spending time with family. He couldn't wait to see and spend time with Doug. On Saturday we couldn't get ahold of Dad so Cindy and I were really afraid that something had happened to him. It turned out he hadn't gone home after his trip to the mall but has visited with his lady friend's daughter and husband before coming to my place.  Cindy and Dan had a wasted trip all the way to dad's place, but the good thing was that Dad was okay. He doesn't half make us worry from time to time! 

They were all here for Pizza on Saturday night. I didn't get a photograph of everyone together.  Sad about that.  I should have been more attentive, but to be honest I was just so relieved that dad was okay!  We all had a nice visit together anyways.  

Yesterday it was Eileen and Tim's turn to come over and see Doug, Kayla and Josh.  Tim wore his Christmas hat the whole time. They were really happy to be here, and Josh was being camera shy hiding beneath his blanket! 

But he did enjoy helping Grammy cook (sans makeup and hair not done. blah!)  We were making Pot Roast for supper.  And yesterday afternoon we played a card game (just Josh and I) and did crafts and just enjoyed each other's company.  Its been a lot LOT of fun!  All the time I was in the UK I dreamt of this.  Now my dreams are coming true. 

My table has been enjoying the weight of a family gathered around it this past weekend, earning its keep. We managed to get seven around it yesterday without too much of a problem.  We feasted on pot roast, mashed potatoes, roasted turnip/parsnips/carrots, gravy and then cake leftover from Saturday night for dessert.  It was just nice being all together like this. 

I am wishing them a safe journey into Halifax and out today and that Josh copes well with his tests. It will be a long day for them all. They left here at 5 am to go to my ex husband's place. He was driving them into Halifax for the tests, etc. I  was up at 4:30 to wave them off and make sure they had everything with them that they needed.

Seriously this weekend has been beyond expectation. I have loved having my family around. I am so sad I didn't get any pictures when Cindy and Dan were here. Darn it! 

Cindy had a well deserved day off yesterday however, so that is good.   I hope she was able to relax.

Family times are the best of times. And here's some more good news Anthony, his wife and two boys (Gabe and Luke) are planning on coming for Christmas!  Tres exciting!!!

I am a very happy mother, sister, daughter, grandmother today.  I am so very grateful for family times together.  Dreams come true.  

And it snowed, which again, I did not get a picture of!  This has been the picture perfect weekend however!  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*Families are the compass
that guides us. 
They are the inspiration
to reach great heights,
and our comfort when
we occasionally falter.
~Brad Henry•。★★ 。* 。

I am very grateful for mine. Doug loved his painting that I had made for him for his Birthday as well.  That made me very happy. 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken with Cheese, Leeks & Spinach.  Delicious and such a doddle to throw together. I love meals like this!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with abundance.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


PS - I probably won't be doing a post tomorrow as it will be my last morning with my family before they return home.  I'll be back with you Wednesday! 💖


  1. You are bubbling over with the joy of seeing your family. Hope Josh gets good results from his tests. And you have Anthony and his family coming for Christmas. How exciting for you. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I have been waiting for these times for over 21 years Elaine! I am truly blessed. God is good! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. A dream come true! Kids are the too:) But there's an honesty in kids I''ll always love..
    Yay yay yay for this weekend:)

    1. I know what you mean. They just love and accept people without any judgement on their part. If you love them, they love you right back! xoxo

  3. I loved seeing all th happy faces and seeing the love shared there. So glad you could enjoy this visit with your family. Praying the tests all go well. Enjoy your family and don't worry about doing a post. Make sure to take a lot of pictures !

    1. Thanks for the prayers Pam! They are much appreciated! Xoxo

  4. Wonderful...and so glad it went so well! Nice you had kitties for the grandson to play with too...animals make such nice playmates! Our 2nd grandson was VERY small for most of his years too...but in the last 18 months or so, now just turned age 19, he shot up to 6'3"...and his younger sister was just as tall as he for almost all the past years. Some sure grow differently than the usual. I hope it will turn out the same for your grandson too!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! He’s very well adjusted, small or not. A very happy boy! Xoxo

  5. Wonderful times with family, hoping everything goes well with the tests for Josh. I do have trouble commenting on your blog, Google won't let me sign in and sometimes it goes through and sometimes it just vanishes. I keep trying, apologies if some go through more than once.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! I have problems with some blogs also! I appreciate your efforts! Xoxo

  6. What a terrific post! Love love the photos…..yikes, makes me smile! xoxo,V


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