
Wednesday 13 October 2021

This and that . . .


 Things have warmed up here this morning and with that comes a smattering of rain. I don't mind rain really. We need rain from time to time. That was one thing I got really used to in the UK.  Rain. It did rain rather a lot and sometimes more than a lot and for longer than we wanted it to, but it was all a part of what made the UK such a beautiful  group of countries.  I don't think I have ever lived anywhere so beautiful or so green. I loved the very length and breadth of it.  

I was watching the first episode of season 9 of Call the Midwife on the telly last night and a character in it made this statement, "That's the last time I remember feeling happy." She was talking about how her mother had been taking her to drop her off at an orphanage because her  mother was dying. They stopped at the bakery for two cream cakes on the way. They were sitting on a stone wall eating them together, and that had been her last memorable feeling of happiness.  It was sad, but made me feel really blessed. 

I have had some remarkably unhappy moments in my life but they have been counterbalanced with many moments of incredible joy.  I guess that is the same for most people's lives.  They are a balance of joy and sorrow.  If at the end the balance tips in the favor of joy, well  . . .  then you  have had a great life indeed. 

Nutmeg, or nutty as he is affectionately

Last night I thought I might actually let the kittens in to sleep with me.  Now the fleas are gone and they are that little bit older.  They lasted half an hour and I was putting them out.  I expect that they would have settled after a time, but for that half hour my feet were being pounced on every time I moved them.  They just wouldn't settle at all. 

I started to worry that they might get into something during the night if I did fall asleep. I was trying to read a book on my iPad and they kept coming over to sniff it. My fault entirely because I have a cat toy app on it that I sometimes let them play with, so when they saw the light of it, they thought to themselves playtime. I am sure they were disappointed that it was only words and not a moving pin-dot of light that makes noise whenever they touch it! 

They are, despite being bad bed partners, incredibly wonderful to have in my life.  Each has their own unique personality and are endearing to me in very individual ways. 


Cinnamon has gold eyes and her paw pads are an apricot color, whereas it remains to be seen still what color Nutmeg's eyes are going to be, and his paw pads are the pinkest of pinks. Cinnamon has become much more affectionate, but unlike her brother is also quite independent, not needing me to pet and cuddle her continuously.  Hers is a quiet affection, whereas he  . . . 


Is more apt to be in my face than anywhere else. Oh how I love them both and they have added an immeasurable amount of joy and comfort to my life.  I am so happy that I made the decision to have two instead of one. 


My friend Myrna lost her battle with ALS yesterday and slipped over the veil to the other side.  What a brave strong and courageous woman she was.  She was only 55.  I met Myrna way back when I first joined the church I belong to. We were visiting teacher partners as well as serving together in the Relief Society Presidency.  Above all she was a friend. She was such a sweet, caring and delightful person, absolutely filled with light and joy.  She, her husband, and their daughter were one of the first family's to be sealed together in the Halifax Temple. She was proud of that. She was a wonderful example to me always, of the kind of woman I wanted to be.

ALS is a terrible disease. It steals your life and your loved ones away from you physically one tiny bite at a time. At the end you are a brilliant mind trapped in a body that can not and will not function.  Despite the challenges that she faced over the past two years, Myrna had a light that could not be dimmed, even at the end.  While I am grateful that she is no longer suffering and in pain, I am very sorry for her family.  Those who knew her will always miss her, but for her family, the loss is even greater . . . 

Her Facebook page is filled with tributes to the wonderful woman and person that she was.  A sweet light has gone out in this world, but our loss is heaven's gain. 

My favorite memory of her was when, a few years after I had moved back to the UK, I came home  unexpectedly one summer without telling anyone. I went to church that first Sunday I was home.  She was one of the first to see me come in. Her eyes lit up and she came running towards me with a big smile on her face and open arms, enveloping me in a genuine hug filled with warmth and with joy at seeing me again.


I ordered some blackout curtains for my living room yesterday.  With the darker mornings and evenings I need something which can afford me some privacy.  If I can see everything that the gentlemen across the way are doing, then I know they can also see me, and I am not comfortable with anyone being able to look in at night and see me.   I want to be able to relax totally and completely in my home without fear of being seen. If I want to dance around in my underwear (not that that happens) I want to be able to do it and know that nobody can see me.  I don't like sitting here in the dark. Its just not me.  I like to live in light. 

I got my first box of Christmas Cards.  Every year I say I am going to start early and every year I leave it to the last minute. This year I am going to start early. And then, if I buy my stamps a few at a time over a period of weeks it won't seem like so much.  Its hard to believe that we are already at the point where we are thinking about Christmas cards.

I need to get back making ornaments for my tree.  I don't think I will have a full sized one this year and it pains me that I had to leave all of my wooden angels, blown glass ornaments, etc. behind, but I mustn't think that way. I am grateful for the joy that they brought me over the years that I had them. Now it is the time to make new memories, and I will.

Well, the sun is fully up now so I will bring this to a close.  My sister and Dan are coming for supper tonight.  Cindy is working all day today so I said come over for supper, that is one less thing she has to worry about. My father will be having his fish and chips supper with his harem.  I think Dan has some yard ornaments for Halloween he wants to put up.  He loves to decorate for the holidays! Everyone should have a Cindy and a Dan in their lives!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*The autumn wind blew over England. 
It twitched the leaves off the trees, 
and down they fluttered, spotted red and yellow, 
or sent them floating, 
flaunting in wide curves before they settled. 
~Virginia Woolf, The Years•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Rich and Creamy White Turkey Chili.  Leftovers never tasted so good!

Have a wonderful Wednesday. I know I am going to! (knock on wood)  Don't forget! 
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And I do too!     


  1. I'm sorry for your loss of your friend, Myrna. You have such lovely memories of her to bring you comfort. Enjoy your dinner with Cindy and Dan. What are you going to serve? Your kitties are growing. Love and hugs, Elaine

  2. ALS is a death sentence and suffering of the worst kind.
    Sorry for your loss.
    Enjoy your your dad and his harem..

  3. Sorry for the loss of Myrna. Good for you for starting Christmas cards. I have cut down so much over the last few years, but do make special ones for family.

  4. Condolences Marie. It’s very, very hard to lose a friend. ♥️
    xoxo, V

  5. I’m so sorry Marie that your friend Myrna has passed.
    I’ll be sending prayers your way and her family too.
    Stay safe and take care!


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