
Monday 11 October 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

Thanksgiving.  My first Thanksgiving dinner with family in 22 years.   Its been a long time coming.  My sister cooked a beautiful meal, and I enjoyed every mouthful, but most of all I enjoyed the company.  As you can see clearly my sister's stuffing was my most favorite thing of all. Doesn't everyone love stuffing?  I could eat a plate of stuffing and nothing else! 

Dan was the master of Ceremonies and was regaling us with all that he was thankful for. I am thankful for Dan. There is no way my sister could take care of that house by herself. I am amazed that my mother did it for so long on her own. Well, she actually didn't do anything but what was absolutely necessary for most of the time she lived there.  Dan does a wonderful job of taking care of the yard and any repairs that need doing.  He's often found vacuuming and dusting, etc. How can you not love a guy that is so willing to chip in and do whatever! 

Family, it is truly one of the greatest blessings in life and one I am truly grateful for. 

I truly don't know how I would manage to get any writing done without these two little helpers.  As you can see they need to be in on everything.  Every keyboard click is accompanied by purring and cuddles.  I wish you could hear their little engines revving.  

As you can see they are very much involved. Look at those little white furry boots crossed together and waiting, all eager to jump right in.  Cinnamon on the other hand is getting involved right away. 


How I ever got by without their help all of these years is beyond my comprehension. LOL

I mean seriously? 

They are great company for me  . . . 

And for each other.  I can't complain. I am never physically alone now.   I love these two little furry ginger bundles of energy so very much. 

My sister made some more art journals.  These are based on the art journals made by artist Becky Cao on YouTube.   Mine is the one in the center, although now I am wishing I had gotten a darker fabric for the cover of mine, even tho I love the bees`.  This one will get dirty I am sure.

She does such a fabulous job on these.  She only wants to do them for herself and for family. I cannot blame her, they are a ton of work. I am so grateful to have one myself.  My sister is so good to me.  What I ever did to deserve such kindness, I will never know, but I am very grateful for it! 


“We can navigate our way through the darkness and trials of this life and find our way back to our loving Heavenly Father if we seek and accept the spiritual landmarks He has provided, embrace personal revelation and strive for daily restoration.” 

I think my lesson that I taught at church yesterday went alright. I even managed to get in a full night's sleep Saturday night. I was so relieved at that.  Usually I hardly sleep all night. That was an extra blessing. I made myself a mug of warm milk before I went to bed, with just a touch of honey in it.  It seems to have done the trick. 

My lesson was based on the talk from the Oct. 2021 General Conference given by Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf during the Sunday morning session entitled Daily Restoration.  You can find it here if you would like to listen to or read it.   I am never sure who gets the most out of these lessons. Me or my class.  I think me.  But that's okay!  Improving oneself is never a bad thing! 

I am going to finish this up now. I have ever such a slow connection this morning. I have tried rebooting my computer and everything.  I am supposed to have high speed internet, but I seriously doubt that I do.  Its always really slow, and some days slower than others. This is one of those days.

Lets just say my life is filled to overflowing with blessings, both large and small. My cup truly runneth over.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛We can only be said to be truly alive
in those moments when our hearts
are onscious of their treasures.
~Thornton Wilder  •。★★ 。* 。  

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Mississippi Mud Bars, a small batch.  Delicious!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. So wonderful to have Thanksgiving with your family after all those years. We are getting together today with family. Such adorable kitties overseeing your work. The weather is amazing here. We are enjoying it as we know it will be changing soon,

    1. Its been really chilly mornings now. But I love the autumn. Getting ready now for canoodling in! Comfy season is about to begin! xoxo

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Marie. It's lovely Cindy has Dan. It looks like a delicious meal. We're having ours today. I'm cooking a frozen, stuffed, Butterball turkey breast. Hope it's good. I'm off to prep the veggies. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I hope that your turkey was really good Elaine! I saw those in the shops and wondered how they might be! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. 2 yrs ago one of my daughters made the best stuffing:)I saved the recipe..only need the occasion.
    It will be an outdoor charcuterie boards few hours later..still no inside.
    Dan sounds perfect lol.
    Love your journal.Beautiful .
    Happy TG Marie.

    1. I am getting so tired of all the restrictions Monique, and we have not had it as bad as you have. Will it ever be over. I am starting to despair that it won't. I want to see all of my children. Cindy and Dan are perfect for each other! Love my journal also. Now to fill it! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving also! xoxo

  4. Cindy and Dan and you and your dad and all your family are lucky to have each other! Love love family time … and FaceTime and kitten helpers and even slow wifi….so many blessings!!! Happy new week! xo,V

    1. We are all very blessed indeed V! Happy new week to you! xoxo

  5. Oh, my friend, I loved reading this. Your Thanksgiving sounded like a wonderful moment. I'm sure you treasured the minutes with family. The photos of your charming kitten's are adorable. I'm sure they are helping you a lot. I think it is awesome that you have them to bring you such great joy.
    I did love the message by Elder Uchtdorf. I can just imagine that you gave a powerful lesson on this one. I have always wanted to be a fly on the wall to hear you. I am sure you are a terrific teacher. You write so well, so I'm sure you teach good too.
    Blessings and hugs for you my dear!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I have come a long way in a year. I do enjoy teaching. Not sure if anyone gets as much out of it as I do! But isn't that always the way!! Blessings and hugs. xoxo

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you ! :) I've been thinking about your beautiful Art Journal . You could buy a clear plastic book cover for it .You know , like the ones they use in the library . They can be found on the usual well known websites and don't cost too much. Hugs Debbie x

    1. That's a great idea Debbie! Thank you! I will be on the lookout! I had a great Thanksgiving! xoxo

  7. I’m glad you had a fantastic Thanksgiving Day Marie with your family! One more month for us! 🦃
    Stay safe!

    1. Thanks so much J. I love the American tradition of having it in November. It seems to usher in the whole Christmas Season! xoxo


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