
Sunday 26 September 2021

Sunday this and that . . .

 I never did get the air fryer I had ordered, and they never did come to pick up the pots and pans.  As I had paid for the air fryer I decided that I would finally unbox the pans and have been using them.  They are a nice set of pans.  I am a bit annoyed that I didn't get what I had ordered and more than a little bit disappointed at the customer service, but oh well.  I didn't really need any pots and pans, but these will certainly last me the rest of my lifetime, if not my children's. Langostina. The best. Triple clad. I suppose a fairly decent trade off for an air fryer. 


I had a nice breakfast with my father yesterday morning, although it was very difficult to hear.  I find that as I get older it is more difficult to hear what people are saying when you are in a room with a lot of people talking. Add to that the noise of a heat pump motor that isn't working properly and conversation was about nil. My father had to take off his hearing aids because the heat pump noise was making them squeal.  That meant he could hardly hear anything I was saying.   I didn't want to have to shout either, so conversation was at a minimum. Breakfast was tasty however, so that was a plus. 

Dad was late getting there as he had fallen asleep. I as just getting ready to give up and go check on him at his home when he arrived, thank goodness. 

I have eaten out twice this week, so must curtail my spending in the coming week to make up for it, as I also have to bring the kittens to the Vet on Wednesday. 

Cinnamon mid-meow
She looks ferocious! 

I picked up something for their fleas the other day and a comb.  My sister came over that night to help me administer it, but I am still combing lots of fleas from them, still moving . . .  not dead. I got the Advantage ll, once a month stuff, for kittens.  It is supposed to kill fleas, eggs and larvae.  I think it will be a long process this.  But they are worth it. 

(there are two cats here, lol, not that you would know it.)

The spray bottle is and isn't working.  They are not really going on the table much now, but are scratching the furniture any chance they get. I squirt them of course and am very cross with them, but they don't seem to care and go back for more.  They do however attack the squirt bottle, knocking it over to the floor if they come across it when I am not there.  It is not their friend. I may have to go and buy those things you put on your furniture to keep them from scratching it. I forget what they are called, but they are made of some kind of vinyl.  Or maybe it would be cheaper to have their claws covered with those little plastic thingies. I am not sure which.  This bears thinking about. 

Baya, Jake and Charles 

I had a nice facetime with my son Doug yesterday. I had been going to call him, but he ended up calling me first. I wanted to talk to him before his procedure this week. He explained to me all that it involves and it doesn't look overly intrusive.  There is a video here that explains what will happen. He, Kayla and his father in law will be driving to Saint John on Wednesday, then he will have the procedure on Thursday and then, all being well, he will be released to go home on Friday.  To say that they are a bit anxious about Covid is an understatement.  It is rather bad in New Brunswick at the moment. My oldest grandson is already home on home schooling again due to the closure of his high school, and of course his brother was tested, negative thank goodness. These are anxious times to be sure.

I am so very grateful for this kind and caring son of mine who goes out of his way to include me in his and his family's lives. I know it takes effort and I am grateful that he puts it in. He is so tender and caring in all that he does for me, and he always has been.  I am so sorry that he has to face such health challenges in his life. If I could I would gladly take them from him and bear them myself. 

It slipped out in our conversation that his sister had facetimed him from their father's back deck one day last week to discuss his operation.  He was sorry to tell me that, because he knows it hurts my feelings that she comes down so close and yet never contacts me.  I told him, its okay. I do want to know that she is well and that she is okay. I love her. Yes, it does hurt that she doesn't contact me, but I never want that to be a reason for people not to let me know how she is doing. I want to know she is okay. I love her and as she is a health professional, I want to know she is okay, healthy, etc.  It is the same with my youngest son. They are both very close, she and he.

I have been tried for unknown crimes, prosecuted and found guilty without ever having had the chance to know truly what I have been charged with. Even a murderer has the opportunity to defend themselves and be listened to.  I will never understand this in a million years. But then, I am a much more forgiving person. I always have been. Their dad not so forgiving. He victimizes anyone who cheeses him off.  He once did not speak to my sister for a number of years simply because she said something to him that was true, but that he didn't like. Even when she would phone the house, he would not speak to her if he answered the phone. He would simply hand the phone to me. Obviously they have inherited his stiff-neckedness and inability to see two sides to things, or to compromise on any level.

And I am still in the dark. I know I should let this go.  But these are my babies, and it affects me profoundly as much as I try not to let it.  They speak to me in my dreams but that is all. I need to let it go, I know. I pray for that every single night, and for a possible reconciliation. I know they have their own journeys to take, and I must let them take them.  I also know that I have a Heavenly Father who knows and loves me, and that He has a plan for me.  

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, 
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an expected end.” ~Jeremiah 20:11 

There are people who do horrendous things to their children and their children still love them. 

Don't you just love this cup and saucer. See the 3D ladybugs?
So cute!

I am thinking of trying to write  a novel.  I have always wanted to.  There is an idea formulating in my mind. We will see what happens. I have tried/started, etc. many times before, but never finished.  When I think of a novel as being a series of related short stories, linked together in one place, it seems quite do-able, but we shall see.  It may be yet again something which either never gets started or finished, lol.

That is me, and with that I best leave you with a thought for today as I need to get ready to go to church.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *When you are happy
you enjoy the music,
When you are sad, 
you understand the lyrics. 
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

Have a wonderful Sunday. Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!


  1. I will be praying for the reconciliation of your two children with you. That has to be very hard and something I've never experienced. Sometimes the best thing we can do is turn it over to God. He can do the impossible. Hope you have a blessed Sunday. It is a cool start to the day for us

  2. I have lagostina pots, had then years, love them. Have a good Sunday.

  3. I think you should write a novel! Yes, do it! I believe you would do a wonderful job!

  4. Hi Marie~

    I often find that restaurants are too noisy, either too much clatter or the music is too loud. I'm glad the food was good!

    I hope the vet can give you something that will help quickly for the kittens. It would be such a relief for you.

    You will be in my prayers, Marie. Both for your son's health and recovery and for a reconciliation with your children...that is so very difficult.

    I'm off to get ready for church as well. Today we find out what they will do with our Stake boundaries. We will most likely be in a different ward, and possibly in a different Stake.

    Much love to you! XOXO


  5. There is an old saying- that I will not get quite right!! - basically if you love something let it go. If it loves you it will come back. If it doesn't it was never yours. Hard to understand for a mother I know. But perhaps that in and of itself is the lesson. Feel the love that surrounds you Marie. Do NOT let negativity spoil your journey through this world

  6. For me personally Marie, it is the distance between me and a child that is hardest of all. At one time it was my 2nd kid and now it is the first...and to a small degree the 3rd too at times. I think they have been brainwashed to a degree in that most everywhere you have those trying to put distance between closest of kin. THAT DOES BENEFIT a govt for one thing...but apparently other kin farther distance in relation too (in my case my husband's sister did her best...I have to admit she did quite a good job of it love lost there for me, for sure.) But I do hope and pray you will one day be vindicated (of whatever unknown crime they think you you, I have no idea what I have done that is wrong). Sending you hugs...only a mother understands in a similar place has been my experience!! Thank GOD for the is where I learned I am most certainly one of many in similar place (even though I find that horridly sad too...still it is harder to suffer all alone).
    Sorry you had such a tough time hearing your dad etc. It is sure hard loosing hearing (mine is less than good too)!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. I have Langostina pots and pans too! It took a while to get used to the heaviness but once I did I love them. So easy to clean, and nothing sticks. I got them three years ago and they still look brand new. I am spoiled now.... I'll never get another brand.


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