
Wednesday 18 August 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


Well, my wallet is considerably lighter after my foray into Pet Smart with my sister yesterday, but I now have everything I need for my kittens, at least to begin with.   Boy, you could spend a bomb in there though.

I got a corner litterbox. I thought I could fit it just about anywhere in the house and it has a lid with a filter in it, so hopefully that will help with any smell.  I thought I would start with it more out in the open and then slowly move it to where I want it to be. Its been a very long time since I have had a kitten in my house so I am not sure how that will work. 


I got this scratching post. Cindy seemed to think it would be okay.  it has carpet pretty much all over, except for the one side which is sisal? Plus a fun thingie hanging down the middle and a kind of a crows-nest thing that they can sit in and look out the window.  

I also got a cat bed with some toys.  A variety of balls etc.   The bed will be big enough for the two of them for a little while, but eventually I will get another one, so that there is two beds.  The reality will probably be that it will end up as just a hold all for their toys and they will sleep on my bed, or the sofa, or chair, etc.  lol

I bought kitty litter, and a pooper scooper, and cat food both dry and wet and  some dishes to put the food and water in.  Today I am going to go to the dollar store and buy a mat to put under the food dishes and a mat for in front of the litter box. 

I am going to cover my sofa with a white cotton blanket and then the quilted throw just to protect it until they get older.  I hope that works.  


Then last evening I was sitting here and browsing on Amazon (as you do) and I came across this and thought how cute.  With lots of different textures, etc.  There was a video of a cat enjoying it.  I thought to myself, they could use two scratching posts, right?  That way they may not bother the furniture too much?  I can but hope!

Of course yesterday we bought the must have lazer light toy. Like a little pen light that shines a red pin dot  that they can chase and I bought this glow in the dark grasshopper that buzzes and skitters across the floor.  I bought one for my sister's cats too. We thought that they jumped when the cats touched them, but alas, nope. Just skitters.  But that could be fun too. 

Things are about to get very exciting around here methinks.   

Well, these pots and pans are still sitting here in the shipping box by my front door.  Its been well over two weeks now. No attempt has been made for them to be picked up and neither has my air fryer arrived.  So at what point do I just unpack them and decide I am keeping them?  I paid for the air fryer when I ordered it.  These pots and pans are worth considerably more.   My last e-mail to them, I told them that I wasn't going to be returning the pan set until my air fryer arrived. That was two weeks ago.  No response.  This has never happened to me before.  I am in a bit of a conundrum over it all.  Wanting to do the right thing, but not wanting to be out of the money I spent for the air fryer without actually having one either. Not impressed in the least with their customer service to be honest. 

So my brother posted this photograph yesterday on his Facebook page. Its that ant that was pulling that piece of cat kibble up the wall at my sister's house that day we were all there for supper. It was about 3/4 of the way up the wall when we noticed it.  What an industrious little character. You can see the difference in size between the ant and the kibble.  Scared the life out of me when my brother said, what's that and I turned my head to see this about six inches away.  I thought it was some weird kind of insect at first. Nope, just an incredibly strong ant. 

After that we noticed that there was a whole trail of ants which had found the cat kibble underneath the refrigerator.  When Jazzy was a small kitten she liked to play with her food and some of it obviously found its way beneath the refrigerator.  Its gone now. 

Somehow I accidentally ended up with two copies of this book. Its a great book, anyways I decided to give one copy to Eileen because I thought she would enjoy it.  Most of what is in it is biblically based with scriptures, etc. from the bible.  There is the odd LDS scripture however.  Anyways, I showed it to her and gave her the option, did she want it or not.  And I told here there was a small amount of LDS scripture quoted in it, but that it wouldn't hurt her. That the goal of the book was to help people to have  closer relationship with Christ. I did tell her that her step mum and mother in law might not like it, but it was her choice to take it or not. She had a look through it and she chose to have it.   I hope nothing negative comes from this, but I have my doubts. 

All I have ever done is love my children. I would never do anything to hurt them. Never. Not deliberately or on purpose.  I love them and want the best for them as much as anyone wants for their children.  For anyone to make them think otherwise is basically, intrinsically . . .  wrong.  Character assassination is a criminal offence I think, but I could be mistaken. 

It is so magical to sit here in the mornings and listen to the birds outside. I have always loved that.  I was early picking up my sister yesterday and we spent some time walking around her garden.  What a magical place she and Dan have built for themselves there.  I could spend hours just sitting and watching and listening. A tiny Shangri-La on earth. Everyone should have such a space.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*It takes grace to
remain kind 
in cruel situations
.•。★★ 。* 。 

In the kitchen today, Chocolate Raspberry Cake.  Dairy and egg free, vegan friendly. And yet uses everyday normal kitchen ingredients we all have.  And its delicious. You may want to bookmark this one for that occasion when you have someone with food sensitivities visiting!  

Have a great Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. The kitty excitement builds. Everything is ready to welcome them,

    1. I can't wait! I hope they are not up all night though, lol. xoxo

  2. I am sneezing lol:) They will love you!I mean look at the welcoming.
    I thought you had the all in one airfryer thingie?Confused.Is this Amazon? I couldn't keep the pans.. My guilt would prevail.

    1. NO, its the Bay. I do have a big airfryer/toaster oven thingie. Cuisineart, but I thought I would get a smaller one that is only an airfryer. Its The Bay, and yes I am wanting them to come and pick up the pots and pans, but I want my airfryer first. I mean, bring my airfryer and take back the pots and pans. I haven't unpacked them or anything. All I did was open the outside box and see the box of pans inside. The returns label is on it and everything. They need to let me know what they are going to do. Its quite frustrating! Sorry you are allergic to my babies, I hope you can still read the blog, lol. I promise not too much cat spam! xoxo

  3. What a good cat mama you are! They are so lucky to be moving in with you. Don't forget to take pictures of their homecoming. We know you love your children, Marie. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I will for sure! Prepare yourself to see lots of photos! Love and hugs! xoxo

  4. It sounds like you have everything you'll need and more. Scratching posts are a good thing. My couch and chair still have the scratches on upholstery where my cats used to claw at. The cats are long gone, but not the furniture as it's still good otherwise. That cake with the raspberries looks delicious and make my mouth water. Have a wonderful Wednesday !

  5. HOORAY… your gonna be a cat momma too! :) We can be crazy cat ladies together… haha! VERY excited for you about the kitties! Love seeing all the goodies and prep for welcoming them home soon! It is good to have fur-babies to spoil a little. Can’t wait for photos!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. In USA, Amazon phone number for help with orders is: might find some help there, if you can call that number from your location anyway.
    Ah, kitties...well, you won't be bored...more busy I would think!! Your supplies look very nice!! Happy for you.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. I love that crow's nest thing ! They will snuggle up together in there and enjoy looking out of the window . xxx

  8. Oh I will like seeing your spice girls for sure..I only sneeze in person.Surprised at The Bay...


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