
Sunday 29 August 2021

Sunday this and that . . .


Just a brief explanation. I know its late in the day and I was concerned that you might worry if I posted nothing! I was super tired this morning and ended up going back to bed.  I actually slept for an extra hour,  which is so not like me. Then when I got up it was time to get ready for church.  And then my dad called, and it ended up being too late for me to properly get ready for church so I ended up watching it online for this week. But I thought that would be okay for just this week, although to be sure I missed taking the sacrament.

And then church finished and my friend Jacquie called me because she hadn't seen me at church, and I hadn't been to see her this week.  (Pressure.) I really need to make myself do that this next week one day. I am not exactly sure about which house is hers, and its on a busy highway and people are driving 80 miles an hour, but I will figure it out and get there. I promised.

And then I just had enough time to grab something quick to eat and it was Sunday School, so I did that. Then Sunday School finished and I had a bit of work that needed doing/finishing for this other project that I am involved in but can't tell you about just yet, but lets just say we are down to the nitty gritty on that one.

Then surprise! My sister and Dan showed up.  They had ridden their bikes into town and stopped by for a quick visit.  Always NICE NICE NICE! I was pleased about that, and they were just leaving and I said to my sister, I never got a blog written this morning so here I am!

Just to let you know I am A.O.K. and will be back tomorrow morning with something worth reading!  Today just got away from me, and now I am going to my sister's for a Roast Beef Dinner.

I am so pleased that I have family around now to spend time with. Its just the best!  

Some sleepy kittens to oggle and I am off to write a quick letter before I need to go to my sisters. I am also way behind on my comment/responses/blog reading.  Those kittens take up a lot of my time, but in a very good way.  I lose myself in them and playing with them.   So I will leave you with a pleasant thought to carry with you  . . . 

A picture one because I thought it was so true and so sweet. 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Vanilla Glazed Ginger Scones.  Seriously tasty!

Hope the rest of your Sunday is blessed.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Isn't it great to have some choices?? At least if things don't work out to attend in person, there is online to watch!! Sounds to me like your day is turning out just perfect!! The blessings of family is no small thing!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am indeed very blessed Elizabeth. Even in the hard times. I have nothing to complain about! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie~

    I love that we can watch online...such a blessing! Can't wait to hear about the surprise project, I know it will be a good one. Keep cuddling those cute babies, and yeah, on the roast beef dinner and the call from your dad!! See you tomorrow XOXO

    Hugs and love,

    1. It is such a blessing and I hope it continues, at least for those who are shut ins, elderly, etc. and can't get out! Hugs and love to you Barb. xoxo

  3. Such a busy day you had, no chance fir you to be bored. Take care.

    1. Most of my days pass very quickly Linda! I have no time yet to be bored and lonely! You take care also. xoxo

  4. Glad to see your post, Marie. I was a little concerned, I must admit. Some days there just aren't enough hours. I bet you enjoyed your roast beef dinner with Cindy, Dan and your Dad. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I did Elaine, and I would never complain about my life as it is. Busy days are good because you have no time to stop and think or get sad! Love and hugs, xoxo

    2. PS, even now there are two furry rascals curled around my slippers! *heart*

  5. I did love this update. I can see you have an interesting Sabbath Day. I remember days like that. It still looks like you had an awesome day.
    I love that you have this special time with your Dad and can share a dinner with your Sister.
    I'm happy you are back to church and missing a Sunday isn't horrible. I love that you can tune into the Zoom meeting.
    I do plan to go back and read through more of your posts. I have not been reading blog posts and I think about my blog friends all the time. I haven't done a blog post for over a month and that is the first time in 11 years. My life has been crazy and at some point, maybe this week; I can share about it. I have been way busy, but with good things.
    I have been missing you! Sending loving thoughts and hugs!


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