
Monday 2 August 2021

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  


I didn't get to church yesterday.  To be honest I haven't been feeling really well for a few days now. Having had an ocular migraine on Saturday night  and just feeling pretty tired, I thought I wouldn't take the risk, so I watched church online, twice.  The UK one at 6:00 am and then here in Nova Scotia at 10:00 am. This was the last time I will be able to watch the UK service, as they are opening up completely now and you will only be able to watch the service online by special invitation. That makes me kind of sad, but I always knew it wouldn't last forever.  I am pleased for them that they are at the point where they feel totally comfortable opening up their services for everyone to attend in person, but I will surely miss them all.

Being able to watch church online these last 18 months has been a really special blessing for me.  


My sister made baked beans on Saturday for their supper and early in the evening she stopped by with a small container of baked beans for me and a couple slices of Mrs. Dunster's Oatmeal Bread.  I was surprised. It is so nice to have a sister who loves me and thinks about me and does these kindnesses for me. I had them last night for my supper and they were really good.  She does her baked beans in the slow cooker.  They're really delicious! 


My little chipmunk is getting quite tame, although still very wary, which is a good thing. It comes quite close to me when I give it the peanuts now.  I have been reading up on them, and they have a lifespan of between one and five years.   I think it is the same chipmunk that is visiting me and not different ones. But you never know. It is so cute to watch, the way it stuffs its cheeks.  It kind of rolls the peanut around and nibbles off bits of the surface to make it more pliable and then it stuffed it inside. I guess that way it can fit more nuts in its cheeks. 

I have really been enjoying the hummingbirds.  There seems to be quite a dominant one at my feeder now which tries to chase off all the others. 

It sits in the top of the feeder like it is in the crows nest of a ship and then as soon as it sees another one approaching it chases it off. 

The other night when it was chasing another one off, a different one came and started to feed. It didn't notice it being there when it came back and so I watched them for about five minutes or so. The one on the top being ever-watchful, the one on the bottom sitting there, still . . .  still  . . .  still . . .  It was not feeding, just watching the one up top.  Then the one on the top flew off and the one on the bottom fed for a bit until the top one flew back, noticed it and chased it off. Quite comical to watch really.  And very interesting.


I will have to make sure I get some more feeders up before the winter to help encourage the other birds to come. 

One thing I have noticed for sure. Hummingbirds prefer homemade nectar over store bought nectar. One part sugar to four parts water. No food coloring. Very easily done.


I am very much enjoying all the fresh produce showing up at the farm markets.  Had some lovely corn on the cob at the weekend and fabulous beans, both yellow and green.  I really missed good corn on the cob when I was in the UK, but I am enjoying it to my hearts content at the moment, diverticulitis aside.  I do have to show a bit of caution, but so far so good.  The other day that's all I had for my supper. Two lovely cobs of corn with salt and butter and it was so delicious! I really enjoyed it. 


I get to talk to my father about three times a day every day. Its nice to be able to do that. Not really long conversations really, sometimes they are, but usually just short ones.  Being able to talk to dad like this is the silver lining in all that has happened.  It truly is. 

Being able to have Eileen and Tim over for supper, and spend some time together. Of course I still talk to Eileen every day anyways, just as I did in the UK.  Being able to spend real time with her is an additional blessing.  

Face times with Doug, Tina and Carolyn.  So grateful for modern technology!

My cousin with all of the kittens . . .  which one will be mine???  We shall see! So much to look forward to! 💓💓💓

I have been reading about the fourth wave of the virus this morning.  I can't help but wonder if we are not opening things up a bit too soon.  Time will tell. There are still so many unknowns, I don't think anyone really knows anything for sure.  We will probably never really know how it all started.  Never.   I will be happy just being able to see and spend time with my family. Nothing else really matters to me, but then, I am not of working age, etc.  I am sure the needs and desires of people vary a great deal from one to another.  Basically I just wish it gone, but fear it never well be.  I am just grateful for the safety measures we have in place and would happily live with them forever if I had to, and it it meant everyone was safer in general.

Oh well, I guess I best leave you with a thought for today . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.°Where flowers bloom
so does hope.
~Lady Bird Johnson•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today. Lamb with Lemon, Mint & Potatoes.  Deliciously simple!

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you, filled with lots of small and wonderful things.  Don't forget! 

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right where you are! 

And I do too!  


  1. Have a good day..feel better.Dear dear sister!

  2. Feel better. It is a lovely sunny day in Ontario, hope it is the same for you.

    1. It did rain buckets, but I didn't mind the cooler temps! xoxo

  3. Relax today, Marie. After all, it is a holiday. Would love to have Cindy's recipe for slow cooker baked beans. They look so good. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I will get it for you Elaine. That recipe picture is for my easy baked beans:

      And they are fabulous! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Happy day to you, rest and feel better. xo, V

  5. Hi Marie, I hope you feel better soon. You should ask Tina to speak to the UK Branch of your Church and ask for a
    standing invitation link since you derive such a blessing from it. I think they would be happy to do it. I enjoyed yesterday's topic about Eileen. She is a great girl. I face similar challenges with my 28 year old son with autism He is a beautiful innocent soul .
    Sorry for running on so .xoxo, Dale

    1. Thanks Dale! Never apologize for sharing. I love learning more about my readers. I have e-mailed the Bishopric in the UK and as far as I know I will be allowed to watch. xoxo

  6. I have read recently that some medicals say it is a lack of magnesium that brings on migraines...not sure of that...but it might be of help. I hope you find relief soon...2 of my kids suffer some from them too...they both avoid sugar and have had some relief doing that. Wishing you the best,
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am just grateful that they don't hurt Elizabeth, just make my eyes wonky! xoxo

  7. What a surprise to see you in my mail feed today ... I haven't received notification for months, if not years! So you're no longer in the UK? Much has taken place in the interim, hasn't it? I'm still in south Alabama USA. Great to hear from you.

    Sharon in Alabama

    1. Weird that Sharon. Nice to see you. In any case, do bookmark the site as I think feedburner is disappearing soon! xoxo

  8. What a lovely positive post. You have truly made a new home for yourself. I hope your life continues to be a happy and healthy one surrounded by all your loving family.

    1. Thanks so much. However much longer I shall live I shall endeavor to make it a happy healthy life! xoxo

  9. I found a place to get some lamb and hope to cook some soon. Growing up, I had lamb fairly often.
    I'm glad you have been able to watch church on lind it was such a blessing. I wish you could continue to the one from the UK. I'm excited to see you make friends and enjoy church where you are.
    I do love your interactions with your family. I love that you have a close sister, and your visits with your Dad. I'm sure having Eileen and Tim is the best. I think face time is such a blessing and I love when we can do that with our friends and family.
    The kittens are adorable; I can't wait for you to get one. I know you are going to treasure that.
    We have high Covid numbers her in Utah. I'm worried that they might go back to church and more temple restrictions. I don't like masks, but if they do that; I'm OK. I just don't want them to restrict numbers.
    Well sweet friend, enjoy your Saturday and moments with our family.
    Hugs for you!


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