
Wednesday 7 July 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
Show life that you have a thousand
reasons to smile.

I had a very busy day yesterday. I always talk to three people every morning, well almost every morning anyways. God, my dad and my sister.  The first thing I do when I open my eyes is to thank God for another day.  Dad always calls to let me know how his night went and that he's still alive. And yesterday, in particular, I wanted to wish my sister a Happy Birthday.  Mom always called each of us on our Birthdays. She was not one to make long distance phone calls very often, but you could absolutely count on getting one every Christmas and every Birthday.  I miss those calls. I know Cindy misses mom on her Birthday also.  These three days in July were always a celebration of them both, with Cindy's birthday on the 6th and then mom's on the 9th.


I had to go to the shops first thing to pick up a chicken.  I had been the day before, but no whole chickens.  I went again to my preferred shop. No whole chickens, so I had to go to my second best shop. I did get a chicken, but it seemed really small. By then I had no choice. I had to get what I had to get.

I came home and blew up balloons.  I thought I was going to die trying. How did that happen?  How did I get to the point in life where I can almost not blow up one balloon, let alone four.  Somehow I did it, but what a gargantuan feat that was for me. 

I was going to put them on my sister's chair, but I didn't have any tape and I kind of didn't really want to tape them to the chair anyways.  I had bought some elastics at the dollar store. (I know.  But sometimes you have to do what you have to do.) I tried to tether them with those, but in the end I gave up. Time was marching on. 

I had a cake to bake. 


I decided the balloons could guard the cake.  They were really cute balloons, with ears and faces.  I couldn't get the ears to fill up. Maybe they are not supposed to.  Great discussion was had with Dan later on about how they even got the ears onto the balloons, not to mention how they  made balloons to begin with.  How do they make balloons? 

I had gotten my sister a lei to wear and a special Birthday Girl button.  Everyone deserves to feel special on their Birthday's. Not saying I will do this every year, but this first year that I was able to celebrate her Birthday with her in over 20 years, I was going all out! 

I roasted a chicken and made mashed potatoes, peas, carrots. She had wanted my  ex MIL's stuffing for with the chicken. I had actually made it the day before and I put it into the oven with the chicken.  I had covered it with some foil and it ended up steaming.  A classic mistake. It was far too moist.  We ended up decanting it into a skillet and frying it. It still tasted good, but I was so disappointed that it hadn't turned out the way it usually does. 

Everyone ate it anyways, and nobody really complained. It was probably only me, the perfectionist, that was disappointed in it, and maybe my sister a tiny bit, but she never said.  She said, she liked food with crunchy bits. So do I.


I love my sister so much. She's been so good to me, both her and Dan, and my dad too.   She looks so much like my mom here. She and mom have always looked a lot alike.  They were both the pretty ones. I have always wished I was as pretty as my sister, with her sweet sparkling smiley eyes.  If I could give her the moon, I would.

But you know, you cannot out give a giver. Its true. She had brought me a bottle of her homemade Lavender Kombucha.  Its really nice. I had a taste of it. I am leaving it for a few days now so that it gets even fizzier and then I will put it in the refrigerator and spread it out over a few days.  The other day she gave me a jar of her homemade strawberry jam.  


I hope she gets her wish, whatever it was.  Dan said she was going to later on. *wink*nudge*  He's such a kidder.  We enjoyed slices of the cake with some whipped cream dolloped on top. I didn't have room in my fridge top freezer for ice cream, and darn it!! I remembered this morning that I had forgotten the fresh raspberries I had to serve with it as well. 

The cake looks lopsided in this picture, but it really wasn't.  

Family times are the best of times.  I was really quite tired when all was said and done.  I must be getting old when a simple thing like a birthday celebration has the ability to tucker me out.  

Today we are going to Jonnys in Berwick for either lunch or supper. It all depends on Dan's workaday.   

Dad always goes out for Fish and Chips on Wednesdays at the Big Scoop in town with his harem. So we have done our own thing.  Cindy loves Jonnys, so the rest of us are going there for a slap up later on. They are supposed to be really good.  I have been there in the past with my cousin Geralyn for ice cream and the ice creams were amazing.  


I know Dan will probably have a Jonny Burger, but I can almost guarantee my sister and I will have the fish and chips.  Its a family thing . . .  or we may have this  . . . 

They are supposed to have the best Poutine.  Poutine is a Canadian thing.  I prefer it old school with just gravy and cheese. I haven't had any at all since I have been home.  Today just may be the day!  We'll see.  Can I break the Villeneuve tradition of having Fish and Chips every time we eat out?  Time will tell! 

So anyways, that was how I spent my day yesterday. It was a pretty good day I reckon. There were lots of other little bits in the day, like Dan putting up my big painting permanently. (The other time it was just a temporary fix so I could take photos. Its properly hung now.)  Watching The Great British Menu with Dad while we waited for Cindy and Dan to arrive, etc.  Watching the hummingbirds with Dad.

Goodnight phone calls with Dad and with Cindy. We have our routines.  

A multitude of small and simple pleasures.

I was quite tired when I went to bed last night and said my prayers. I have said prayers last thing at night every day of my life that I can remember. My mother taught me how when I was only small.  Lately they seem to be going only one way.  I sit on my bed, I begin, and then I just cry.  I can't control it. The words don't seem to be able to come. Just tears.  But He knows our hearts, and so I rely on that.  At the end of the day, I guess my heart just feels sad.  It probably will for a while. This, too, shall pass. 

And now to begin this day in earnest with Jonnys to look forward to, a thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Be a lamp, a lifeboat
or a ladder.
~Rumi•。★★ 。* 。 


I small-batched my mother in laws bran muffin recipe to make just six muffins. That's what's going on in the kitchen today!  Original All Bran Muffins, small batch

Have a wonderful Wednesday. No matter what you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!        


  1. What a lovely day you had for your sister’s birthday, and more to look forward to tonight. My bet is fish & chips. Enjoy.

  2. You had a lovely celebration of Cindy's birthday. And those balloons are cute but quite big! You must be tuckered out. Rest today until it's time to go to dinner. God can read our tears and he comforts us. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you Elaine. He collects them in a bottle! Our tears. My bottle is overflowing by now I think! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. The path of grief is long...and there are many things in general to complicate our lives these days! Take care, rest, and if tears some, what else can you do? Sending hugs...
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so very much Elizabeth! Love you! xoxo

  4. I'd say you truly made the most of your sister's birthday and it sounds like the celebration isn't over yet with going out again tonight. I always order seafood when I go out to eat. And I also love fish and chips@ Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday@

  5. Hi Marie~

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cindy!! What a great celebration, Marie! I loved this whole post, I loved that you went all out for your beautiful sister's birthday! And by the way, you and your sister look so much alike! I was a little confused at first why you were sitting with the was Cindy! You two look so much alike!! You are both beautiful, with beautiful sparkling eyes and smiles!! I could actually feel the joy and excitement through your words...what a fun night!

    Did you have the fish and chips?! I love that you have the same thing every time you go out...a family thing.

    I'll bet you are so happy to have your beautiful picture hung up permanently. It looks so pretty about your couch!

    God does read the words of our hearts, and I know that your words are very tender...

    Love you tons, Marie! XOXO


    1. We were just saying how very much the three of us, my sister, brother and myself are starting to look alike in our old age! Thank you for your very kind words. Love and hugs, xoxo


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