
Tuesday 27 July 2021

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .



FOR TODAY, July 27th, 2021 

Outside my window ...
Its pretty foggy this morning. Mom always said a bit of fog in the morning meant we were in for a fine day.  Not sure about that today, but we will see! 

I am thinking ...
Is it too soon to life all the Covid restrictions?  I think so.  Am I alone in this? I just think if we open everything up too soon in our rush to get back to "normal," we are taking a huge risk. I would rather be safe than sorry.

I am thankful for ...
The windows of Heaven.  I experience them every day in one way or another. 

In the kitchen ... 

The Southwest Chicken Melt Sandwich.  Deeeee-licious! A great way to use up leftover chicken. 

On my "To Cook" list ... 

Creme de la Crumb.  Kung Pao Noodles. I love any kind of noodles.

One of my favorite things ... 


Having my father stop by for lunch when he's in town. It was a nice surprise! 

I am wanting to create ... 


Renata SAJ  Sun Star snowflakes.  

Rebekah Smith.
  Simple eye candy, but I love the colours and love working with wool felt. 


Wooden Spools Designs. Jingle Bells Ornaments. Not free.

Lisa Pace.  Silent Night. 


No source, but isn't it cute?  I lost all of my ornaments.  I had been saving blown glass ones for years.  Oh well, as I keep telling myself whenever I think of something like that, its only stuff. Breaks my heart though  . . . 

I am reading ... 

Fire Along the Sky, by Sara Donati 

A strong, vivid historical novel set against the backdrop of the 1812 war between Britain and America.

Fire Along the Sky is the story of one woman's unforgettable journey across a young nation threatened by the flames of war. 

The year is 1812 and Hannah Bonner has returned to her family's mountain cabin. But Nathaniel and Elizabeth can see that Hannah is not the same woman as when she left. For their daughter has come home without her husband and son, and with a story of loss and tragedy that she can't even bear to tell. 

Yet as Hannah resumes her duties as a gifted healer, she finds that she is slowly healing herself. Little does she realise that she is about to face her greatest challenge ever. Hannah is called away to the war to perform one final act of courage, duty and sacrifice. And in risking everything once more, she may learn to live – and even to love – again. 

Sara Donati’s novel is passionate and compelling. It brilliantly captures the vigorous spirit of its young protagonist, and the setting is one of the most exciting and pivotal eras in American history.

Have only just started this. But I am loving it. 

I am looking forward to ...

Seeing my brother in not too long now. 

Dreaming about ... 


Good chocolates  . . . 


Fresh picked apples  . . . 


Strawberry milk shakes  . . . 


Toast and marmalade  . . . 


Birthday cake  . . .  


Jam filled cookies  . . . 

Something to watch ... 


Larry Crowne on Netflix  . . . 

Makes me smile ... 

Corners of my kingdom ... 


From the front looking in  . . . 

A thought to carry with you ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

*Don't believe everything

you think.•。★★ 。* 。 

And that's my daybook for this week  . . .  

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   


✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!     


  1. How pretty your home..and how happy your dad..All that felt looks grand!

    1. Thanks so much Becky! I used to sit in the UK and wish for a front porch and a screen door. Dreams can come true! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie. You have a lovely home - so comfy and cozy. I love your hummingbird feeder. I really love hummingbirds and have three feeders. So glad you are getting to see a lot more of your dad now. That book you are reading sounds really good. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Oh, maybe next year I will get another feeder or two Deb! I hope you had a wonderful day also! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    I love your home, it looks so fresh, yet old fashioned with the porch and the chairs. Your Geraniums are gorgeous!! Lots of cute things to look at, but the best was the smile on your dad's face :0)

    The book looks really good, I'm almost ready for a new read.

    Have a marvelous day, Marie!! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I agree Barb! That is the best part! My dad! Love and hugs to you and Bob! xoxo

  4. Your front porch looks very welcoming, Marie. We've been busy making funeral arrangements for my brother. Such a lot of details to take care of. I'm off for a nap. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine, my heart and prayers have been very much with you at this time. (((((hugs))))) Not easy I know. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Sweet crafts, good foods, dear Dad, lovely home. Life is good. xo, V


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