
Sunday 11 July 2021

Sunday this and that . . .


This is my cousin Sherie's cat. I don't know her name, but on Friday she had seven kittens, all gingers.  And guess what?  Yep, one of them is going to come to live with me when the day arrives that they can go to new homes.  I don't know if they are girls or boys, or what, but as soon as I saw this photo she posted on Facebook along with the announcement of their birth, I thought I want one of those.  This is meant to be.

They were all born on Mom's birthday.  Mom loved ginger cats. This is a gift. 


Mom's last two cats were gingers.  First there was Ginger.  He is buried with mom. Mom had him for a very long time and he was such a smart cake.  He had real personality.  Then there was Pumpkin. Cindy still has Pumpkin.  Pumpkin is a bit of a Diva, and she bites, but she loves my sister.  Every animal loves my sister.

So now I am going to start getting cat stuff, a bit at a time, so that when the day arrives that I can bring my kitten home, I am well prepared.  I am about to start crocheting cat toys and I saw this  . . . 


Its a cat couch. I think its pretty cute, but then again there are these  . . . 


Or maybe I will just buy one. We'll see what happens.  In any case, I think it is meant to be.  I've been thinking of names.  I think Peaches if it is a girl (or Cinnamon) and my sister suggested Cheddar if its a boy.  But I also like Rusty, and Poppy, Winnie  and Frito and (forgive me) Cheeto . . .  we'll just have to wait and see.  When I see the kitten the name will jump out to me I am sure. 

Time will tell.

If you read my food blog, you will have read about my great Amazon adventure.  I will recap here. I was expecting an order from Amazon on Friday. I saw it arriving later in the day.  I saw the car and the guy was out there checking his boot, back seat, etc.  looking for it.  Right in front of my house, phone in hand. You learn to recognize deliveries.  And then all of a sudden he hopped back into his car and left.  I thought to myself. He must have lost it or misdelivered it, whatever.  So yesterday morning I went out to get some watermelon and when I came back there was a box on my doorstep.  I thought to myself it must be my package.  I picked it up but thought to myself, it is kind of light and there was no address on it, etc. 


I opened it up. It wasn't hard to open really. It wasn't taped shut or anything.  I hadn't been able to open it on the doorstep because my arms were full.  It is a half eaten pizza, with crusts, and dirty napkins, etc.

. . . and the above photo of it on my doorstep?  It is the one that the delivery guy took to prove that he had delivered the package and arrived with the email to say my package had been delivered.  Yep of the pizza box.  Very calculated and designed to cheat both myself and his employer.

I was very upset about this.  Not only have we both been duped, but I carried a box containing someone else's garbage and who knows whatever else it contains into my home.  In the days of Covid. I complained to Amazon and they have processed a refund of my money.  I have also complained to the courier company, along with photographs, etc.  I think this is disgusting personally, and I was very upset by it.

But then I got worried.  This guy knows where I live.  What if he loses his job over this (and he rightly should, he's amazingly dishonest).  Will he come back and slash my tires some night when I am in bed asleep? Tear down my hanging baskets?  ????   I don't know.  I know he is not a very trustworthy person and very deceitful.  This took deliberate planning on his part. Who knows what he or his friends are capable of.

I parked my car in my garage last night and will from now on. 

I hate feeling unsafe. 

*Ding Dong*   Another car just pulled up and a young guy (not the same one or same car) dropped a package onto my doorstep, no photo or anything.  I opened it up and its my package, so I don't know what to do. Amazon has already processed my refund.

What would you do?  I want to do the right thing.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *.˛.°Success doesn't come from 
what you do occasionally,
it comes from what you do consistently.
~Marie Forleo  •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today a delicious Watermelon and Feta Salad for one.  Its pretty simple really.

Have a wonderful Sunday.  Whatever you get up to don't forget  . . . 

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And I do too!



  1. Love that you're getting a ginger cat born on your mom's birthday. It's meant to be. Tell Amazon your parcel arrived safely. They may or may not bill you again. But that's the honest thing to do, I think. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. I think you are right about that. The honest thing to do is always the right thing to do. Love and hugs, xoxo

      Yes, I think the kitten is definitely meant to be!

  2. WEll I have had similar.. re a product..nothing like pizza etc..but I told Amazon (that's me) and they said keep the refund..They did not charge me again.
    Amazon has Intelcom here and I think they're terrific..the pizza story is a quiz..
    I always leave 5 star reviews re Intelcom.I'm thinking it wasn't amazon that left the pizza..
    Jut my humble opinion...

    1. No, but it was their delivery guy because he took a photo of it on my doorstep and then the photo arrived from the courier company in my e-mail along with the package has been delivered notification. So, he deliberately delivered the pizza box and tried to pass it off as his Amazon delivery. The system is fundamentally flawed. A photo of a box on your doorstep is not proof of delivery in my mind. xoxo

  3. PS that's how I lost all my google albums..for years I had wanted to leave a bad review re a professional and never did..I finally thought I cant let anyone else go through what I did..
    I posted a review..felt guilty and thought he could come back on me and deleted my albums thinking they would still be there on my blog.. no:(It was so important to me that no one be subject to him:(

    1. I agree, its important to leave reviews. Forewarned is forearmed! And I want to know what I am dealing with! xoxo

  4. That is quite the Amazon experience. We had one too awhile ago, ordered something, delivery date sent, driver arrived on driveway, got out, got back in, no package, drove away. Contacted Amazon, they said package couldn’t be delivered, yet the guy arrived with no package, refunded money. Strange goings on, but we have had numerous deliveries since with no problems. Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Yes, I have had numerous deliveries without any problems also. But then you get one like this and you think, oh boy . . . This guy spoils it for everyone else. xoxo

  5. I think it is beyond awesome that you are getting a kitten. I know you are meant to have one. I can just picture it curled up in your lap. Your kitten names are cute. I will be curious to which one it beomces. I wish I could have one too; but alas, I am allergic to cats.
    The amazon story is a sad one and I would be upset too. I think you did the right thing on reporting it all.
    Sending loving thoughts, and hugs your way!

  6. Thinking about your kitty, Marie. Why not get two so they will be company for each other? Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Cute! Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh that is such a cute idea Elaine! I can see them now Cinnamon and Nutmeg, I love it! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Hi Marie~

    I love that you are getting a kitten...and a ginger one at that! My daughter just got a new kitten and it is a ginger kitten! My daughter said she is a little skittish, so she named her, Skitty. I haven't met her yet, but I can't wait to snuggle with her.

    That is a terrible Ama*on experience! I know they are really good about refunds, and being honest about receiving the package later is truly the best thing to do. They will most likely just tell you to keep the package on their dime.

    Hope your Sabbath was a good one! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks so much Barb! Honesty is always the best policy! xoxo

  8. Call Amazon and explain what you need the phone number? They tend to hide such but long ago I wrote it down and taped it to my computer!! Haha...they can fix it up...I had a similar thing that the delivery never came, even though supposedly there was a photo of it...there was a photo of a person who lives upstairs apt...not ours...and any rate, they gave me the money back. Finally those neighbors got home from vacation and brought our I called Amazon...they told me to just keep that pkg as well as replacement. Good enough.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That was very good of them Elizabeth! I did call. xoxo

  9. I try to believe that as well Becky, but boy oh boy am I ever disappointed when they let me down. xoxo


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