
Saturday 3 July 2021

All Things Nice . . .



There's something wondrous sweet and fair
In women folk with soft white hair,
Standing beside an open door,
As if she stood and waited for
Someone she loves to come along,
whose love for her is staunch and strong.

And as you see her there you sense
That safe within her picket fence,
Are all the riches of the earth,
Warm fires on a shiny hearth,
Clean food in rich abundant stores,
Bright sunlight falling on her floors.

You know her kitchen will be clean
(where she reigns as undisputed queen)
Of pots and pans and mixing bowls,
Of apple pie and shiny rolls,
Syrup and pancakes piping hot,
And beef stew simmering in a pot.

You know that here within these walls,
Where firelight and shadow falls,
Are peace and love and kindly things,
That cheerfulness and fragrance clings,
Tender and lovely as a prayer,
Because Love brought and held it there.
~Edna Jaques, There's Something Wondrous, 
Fireside Poems 

Fireside poems is a book my mother had in her bookcase when I was growing up. I loved to sit and read the poems in it.  There was a poem in it called, I think of Mother, that she particularly loved, although when she got older mom could not recall it. I loved this book of poetry and mom gave it to me when I left home. I carried it with me across Canada and back again many times, and then across the seas.  It got left there, but I was able to find a copy of it last winter when I was with my sister and I bought it.  It may not be mom's copy, but it is filled with words I love to read and ponder on.  I think Edna was a wonderful poet. One of Canada's great wonders.  And yet, many don't know about her.   

I think of my mother several times a day.  Lately I have been thinking of her even more. On the 9th of July she would have been 89 years old. I want to go to her resting spot and bring my Eileen with me, perhaps lay some flowers. I haven't been since the last time I was with Cindy and Dan. I think it would be good for Eileen to have a walk through the cemetery and I can point out different graves to her, of her great grandmother, and great great grandmother and so on. Tell her some stories about these people.  It is good to reflect on your roots and the  people that came before you. So they are never forgotten. One day, and probably not in too many years hence, I will be planted there too.   Another flower in a stone garden of remembrance.  

I hope someone plants forget-me-nots on my grave. I need to tell my son, or my sister. They will get it done. I hope. 

He/she comes every day. Sits there on my porch railing waiting, grooming.  I know not everyone's cup of tea. I put out a few peanuts when I see her/him. She watches me . . .  just sits there, and once I have gone back in and shut the door she makes her move. She turns the nuts over and over in her paws, nibbling on them as she does so, and then tucks them into her cheek pouches and scurries away. Tucking them away for the Winter months I suppose. For the lean times. We can learn a lot from animals like chipmunks and squirrels.  We need to always have something "squirreled" away for the lean times. Tucked into our cheek pouches and buried in our safe places so that when we need them, we have them and times are not so tough as they might be without them. 

My sister made strawberry jam this week and gave me a jar last night.  We had all gone with Dad to Angie's to have fish and chips for our suppers. She had some post for me and a jar of jam. She's so good to me. 💕 I haven't opened it yet. I will save it for Winter so that when I open it I can smell summer, and taste it on my tongue.  Strawberry jam, homemade strawberry jam is the taste of summer. Mom always made freezer jam. It was so good, bright red.  Sometimes for a real treat she would give us bowls of vanilla ice cream with some of it spooned over top. It was delicious. I still like vanilla ice cream with strawberry jam spooned over top.  


 Mom always kept the porch light on for us when we were growing up and out with our friends on the weekends at night. We were not really allowed to go out anywhere on school nights, but on Friday and Saturday nights we did go out with our friends.  We "hung out" as it were.  Sometimes there was a dance to go to and sometime not . . .  sometimes a house party, which was kind of like a dance in someone's basement.  Most people had "rumpus" rooms.  Just a sofa and a chair, perhaps a tv.  A place where their kids could hang out with their friends. A safe place. We would listen to records and dance. It was fun.  I remember being at one and this boy I had been seeing off and on . . . I knew he didn't really want to be with me. A girl can tell. His name was Ray.  He had dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes and was a really nice kisser.  He used to wear an old army fatigue jacket.  Boys did in those days. My ex-husband showed up (I have known him a very long time. He was our paper boy.)  I remember dancing with him and thinking it might make Ray jealous, but it didn't.  I remember my ex was wearing a "muscle" shirt which was kind of like your father's undershirt, but colored.  I remember the record that was playing. It was the Bee Gees . . . "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart." 

Funny, the things that stick in your mind. My ex ended up being the great love of my life.  My heart is still broken over how it all ended, but I guess some things are just not meant to be forever, but now finally I am at a place that I can say I am glad that it happened.  That we were, even if only for a time, even if the ending was really painful. 

I think I'm ready.  I am just waiting for the right one. I want a little black and white one . . .  like Postman Pat  . . .  but I will know when the time is right, when the right one comes along.  A little grey tabby would also be nice. Just some company and something to love all of my own. Company.  Someone to talk to, to cuddle with, to love and love me back.

I am going to be the cat lady I guess.  I was a cat person for many years, I guess I can be one again. 



I really like bees  . . .  and things with bees on them.  That little glass bee I got from Simon Alderson has become one of my favorite things. There is no hole in it for stringing it up so I can't really hang it in my window.  I need something that is transparent that I can use to stick it on the window that will hold it. I don't want it to fall off and break.  Although it is quite small and probably wouldn't break. It is about the size of a quarter. So cute.  I may have to get me a few more eventually so that I can have a few bees on my windows.

I have decided to hang my sheet/curtains on my window with curtain ring clips. No sewing involved. My sister will come over and help me to hang them when the clips come. (I ordered them from Amazon.)  It will be a two person job for sure.  Dan is going to put my super duper hook on the wall Tuesday next so that I can hang my big painting up permanently. I hung it up temporarily so I could take photos of it for the photowall people.  You know these people want things done right away, and I was happy to do it, but I couldn't keep it up permanently because it is so big and heavy. It needs a proper hanger to hold it.  


I decided to frame these two cards that I got from friends.  I loved the sentiments on them and thought they would be nice framed.  They are the first things you see when you come in my front door.   The one on the top says, "home is that precious place where your heart feels safe to live, love, grow and simply be safe."  The bottom one says, " the heart finds peace and happiness where God remains a welcome guest."  They just seemed so right for framing, and look very much at home where they are now.  Reminders that I am loved and cared for, and of the feeling I want for and in my home. 

I never thought I would end my life alone, but it is what it is.  Many, many people are in the same shoes. 

Elaine had included a little something for Eileen in my housewarming package and I was finally able to give it to her. She was thrilled as you can see. She loves Peter Rabbit. He will go very nicely alongside of Tom Kitten who Elaine sent her for Christmas.  That smile on Eileen's face makes my heart smile. Oh how I love this oldest daughter of mine.  There is not a mean bone in her body even though through the years many have been mean to her, sometimes even the people who were supposed to be caring for her.  We have always been close. I know that she really missed me those years I was away, and I missed her too, but you try not to think about the things you don't think you can change or have no power over.  I am so grateful that now we are able live closer to each other and to do things together again.  I am taking her clothes shopping next week one day.  Her dad has given her the money to do it, but she wanted to go with me. She has a list all made.  I am thinking that we may do it on Mom's Birthday and then go visit mom after.  That would be nice . . . 

Yes, I think I am going to get me a cat  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Life appears to be too short
to spend it nursing animosity
or registering wrongs.
~Charlotte Bronte•。★★ 。* 。 


Someone asked for one and I was happy to oblige. In The English Kitchen today . . .  Applesauce Spice Cake for Two.  Delicious! 

Have a wonderful Saturday. I am going to pop out for a few bits that I need this morning, but it looks like rain is in the forecast.  I want to be off and back quickly.  Enjoy your day and don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Eileen looks thrilled!You two will have fun shopping..
    Nice that you are with family..
    Sometimes you get two loves of your life;)
    Wait and see.
    And a kitty Kat is a grand idea.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. Yes, they say never say never. It is probably too early yet for me to say a definitive no about that. But I tend to think not. I hope you are having a good weekend also! xoxo

  2. I am not much of a poetry person, but this one is very nicely written!! I am glad you were able to replace the book you had to leave. I hope you can find a very nice personality cat!! They are, I suppose, a bit easier to care for in general, than a dog...though I always hated how they get on tables, counters, etc. I sure hope your day shopping with your daughter will be just wonderful!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Ohh, I love poetry Elizabeth. I have always loved poetry and I love to write poetry as well. I guess I just have the heart for and of a poet. Cats are easier to care for than dogs, but yes, they do like to get on top of things. xoxo

  3. I appreciate this lovely post….love the poem, the kind words, the photos, the memories and sharing your thoughts….and Eileen makes me smile too.
    Happy day to you. xo, V

    1. Thanks so much V. I think Eileen has an infectious smile! Happy day to you too! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    What a beautiful post! I cried through most of it...I loved the poem, but felt really bad that you had to leave your mother's book behind...but really happy that you found a new one!

    There are times in my life that I think about more then others. Boys that I really liked, and songs that remind me of them. Every song the, Bee Gees sang usually have a boy attached ;0) All the dances and "hangout" times in rumpus rooms, the fun and the music...ahhhh, brings back so many memories!

    I love your framed cards, and I love that you want a cat...cats are good friends. My daughter has a little black and white cat named, should have a cat.

    I really love that you are going shopping with Eileen! She will love having you with her...she is beautiful! Visiting your moms resting place will be such a good thing to do. I will think of her on the 9th, she was a good woman...she had you!

    Thanks for the recipe for the spice cake...I have made the spice cake in your cookbook many times, it's one of my families favorites! I might make this one for the 4th of July.

    Have a wonderful Saturday, and remember how much you are loved, because you bring so much love to so many! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Oh, I am sorry Barb, I did not mean to make anyone cry! I want to call my cat Miss Kitty when I get one. Just waiting for the right one. We are good because our mother was good. It is not a very large cake Barb, so maybe the other one would be better for the 4th if you are going to be with family! Love and hugs and blessings to you also and Happy 4th! xoxo

  5. There's the perfect little cat out there just waiting for you, Marie. You need each other. I think it would be lovely for you and Eileen to visit your mom together. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. I will know it when I see it I guess. It will be love at first sight methinks! I hope you are enjoying your weekend also! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Oh Marie, you should get cat; I know it would be so good for you. I love cats, but am allergic to them. Luckily, our little dog, Sammy doesn't shed so I'm good.
    I enjoyed reading all your thoughts today. I loved the poem your Mother and you loved. I'm happy you found this favorite poetry book to purchase.
    I do think it is very important to share your ancestor stories with your children. I am so excited that you have your Eileen to do things with and enjoy. What a blessing that is for both of you.
    I loved your story about your youth. It brought back a flood of memories from that era and doin similar things. Those dance parties were fun. It is always fun to hear more about what you did as a youth. I enjoy music from my era a lot.
    That cute little critter that visits you everyday is adorable. I so love nature and miss having it close by. We do have ducks that are fun.
    That spice cake looks yummy; I do love your recipes.
    Blessings and hugs for you !


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