
Wednesday 30 June 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


There was a knock on my door yesterday morning about 10:00 am and there was a girl standing there, all masked of course, and distanced, wanting to know did I want to buy some strawberries, freshly picked just that morning.  Only $3.  I bought a box. They looked really lovely and she was such a nice girl. I wish I could have bought more, but its just not practical for me on my own.  They were absolutely lovely!  Best berries I have had in a while. So fresh and delicious!  I find myself hoping that she comes again some morning so I can repeat the experience.

Dad stopped by in the afternoon and he helped me to eat half a box.  I love that my dad can just drop by when he wants to and that he can sit here and eat fresh berries with me.  I would never have envisioned this happening just a year ago.  Life has a way of truly surprising you. 


I am having my second vaccination this afternoon. A completely different one than I had the first time.  My first one was Moderna, and this one is Pfizer.  I am told it won't make a difference having two different ones and it may even be better. Time will tell. My brother had the Pfizer this time as well, He felt punky for a few days.  I didn't feel too awfully bad after the first one.  I had a bit of a sore arm, but that's all, and then the rash about 9 days later. 

My sister is having her second shot today as well. She had the Astra Zeneca first time and is having Moderna this time.  

Time will tell if this makes a difference.  I tend to think that we will have to be careful for a very long time, if not forever.  I think our lives have ultimately been changed, and whilst we will hopefully soon be able to gather with our families again, there will always be masks and social distancing, this need to be cautious.  I hope I am wrong, but I am prepared to live a life with restrictions if I have to. To keep others safe, to be safe myself, its a small price to pay. But that is just me. 

Life is changeable at best. Fluid . . .  we never truly know what the future holds.  At best we can hope that it is all good, and if not  . . .  that we have the strength and means to power through whatever it decides to throw at us. 

I had purchased a wooden cross through Amazon. I thought I would like to have one on my wall in the bedroom.  It was quite nice, carved wood with a pattern of grapes and leaves running through it.  I have come to see the cross in a different light in recent months.  Instead of a symbol of execution I see it now as symbolizing the two great commandments.  The center rod pushing upward symbolizes the first great commandment which is to love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul.  The other rod reaching outward like a pair of arms, symbolizes the second great commandment, which is to love your neighbor as yourself. 

It arrived yesterday and it is quite nice.  It was handcrafted in India.  There was a sticker on the back which said, "Made in India by hand with Love."  I hope that whichever hands worked on it, they were treated fairly. I like to think so at any rate and would not want to think otherwise. 


Its going to be my sister's birthday soon. She has been blessing my life for 63 years on the 6th of July. Mom's birthday was on the 9th.  So I guess 63 years ago mom got the best early Birthday present she ever received!  I have been so lucky to have this best friend in my life for 63 years.  I was remembering this morning how years ago, while we were both stay at home moms, we would call each other on the phone and talk for about 2 hours every morning. I always loved those conversations.  We talked about everything under the sun and then some. Having a sister in my life has been an extra special blessing for me.  

I was thinking about Britney Spears and her conservatorship.  What a strange thing to be 39 years old and having other people exert so much control on your life.  Especially when you have been the main breadwinner for these people since you have been a young child.  They seem to be quite happy to live off the proceeds of her hard work, but not willing to give up control of her life. It just seems highly unfair to me. I know I do not know and am not privy to what goes on behind closed doors, if Britney has a severe mental illness, or whatever. (I am thinking we all might be a little bit nutso if we had to live our lives under a microscope like that.)  I just think its a bit much that she cannot remove her birth control, or marry the person she loves without the express say-so of other individuals. It just doesn't seem right to me.

I think we are seeing a person who has had no control of her life since she was a small child.  Who has consistently been exploited by the people around her, and for the most part by the people who were supposed to be taking care of her for no other reason than that they love her.  Who has been hounded by the press relentlessly. To me it is all very, very sad.  

If this is the price you pay for wealth, then I would rather live in poverty. It is too steep a price to pay.


My sister made strawberry jam and she says she has a jar of it for me. I am looking forward to that. I used to make all sorts of pickles and preserves when the children were growing up.  I have not done that in a long time now. I did make apple butter one year when I was in the UK. Most of it never got used.  That is what it is like when you are a smaller family. You just can't use it all up, but it does make nice gifts. 

Are you pedantic about making sure your doors are locked, etc. at night?  I am.  I think I probably check them two or three times before I go to bed.  Is that verging on OCD?  I hope not, lol.  I never used to lock my doors until one night when my children were very young I heard a noise downstairs. When I went to check the outside door to my kitchen was open and there was a pile of melting snow in the middle of the kitchen floor. Not too long after that a couple that my parents knew were murdered asleep in their beds by someone walking into their house through an unlocked door.  I have kept my doors locked every since. 

Its a good thing I check too, because last night when I checked both my front and garage entry doors were unlocked.  I must be slipping.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day before my morning gets away from me.

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*The smallest things were often
so much bigger than the great things.
The trivial pleasures like cooking,
one's home, little poems especially
sad ones, solitary walks, funny
things seen and overheard.
~Barbara Pym  •。★★ 。* 。 


I small-batched my Classic Potato Salad recipe yesterday.  I love potato salad and don't want to be eating it for weeks and I don't want to be wasting it either.  Its delicious. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday whatever you get up to.  Be safe and be happy.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. I bought some new potatoes from the farm yesterday to make potato salad. We also have a young girl who cones around to sell eggs. They live way up in the field behind us and the kids have 20 chickens they raise and sell eggs from, I always buy my eggs from the farm, and these girls are her granddaughters. Love tasting fresh eggs and veggies. Hope your second vaccine goes well.

    1. This hearkens back to the old days when we had bread, milk, fish, meat, etc. all delivered to the door. Those were the days and everything was much fresher, tastier. I wish more would do it! Thank you Linda! xoxo

  2. Marie, so glad you and Cindy will be getting your 2nd doses of the Covid vaccine. I just now was able to move our second shots from September 28 to July 19th. We got Pfizer the first time but will likely get Moderna next time. Sadly, the days when we could leave our doors unlocked are gone forever. Stay safe. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. We are certainly living in a different era Elaine! Good that you are having your second dose so quickly! Yay!! I wish everyone would get them. Maybe we could see an end to this quicker! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Yes I always keep the doors locked here at my house, the one time I forgot someone walked right in as if they belong there. She said who are you? She thought my house was her brother's who lived next door. I've never forgotten since then. I was lucky it wan't anyone who meant me any harm. But boy did it scare me. I love fresh strawberries, but haven't had any yet this year and I think the season for them is just about over.

    1. How scary Pam! I think it becomes even more important when you live by yourself Pam. You are even more vulnerable I believe. I hope that someone brings you some berries soon! I wish I was nearby as I would bring you some. Socially distanced of course! xoxo

  4. I got may second dose8 days side effects..your arm may feel brusied but to me that's nothing lol.
    I will wear masks in stores..not with my family ..outside still for now..
    We do lock our doors but there is no reason..we're just like that.Unplug toaster and air fryer turn off water after laundry..
    Your KA looks amazing..I took pics of beauty dishcloth and birdie..not happy..Coming:)

    1. I do the same Monique. An ounce of prevention and all that! I love my KA and it looks great where it is. I can't wait to be able to make some breads with it. I don't have a breadmaker yet, but hope to at some point! xoxo

  5. Oh, how odd. Our health provider told us you could not mix the vaccines. We had to get the Pfizer both times. The second shot gave me a fever for three nights but everything else was okay.

    1. I am just feeling a bit foggy headed. My sister is very unwell. Here in Canada they just want everyone vaccinated. Most people are now finally getting their second ones. xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    I'm so glad you are getting your second shot...we had absolutely no side'll do great!

    The strawberries look delicious, what a wonderful way to start the week off!

    The cross sounds beautiful, and I loved the way you described your view of it, so beautiful, I hope it brings you peace every time you look at it.

    Your kitchen looks so cozy, Marie! I love your red, Kitchen-aid!

    Keep your doors locked, even during the day! I have had a few kind of creepy experiences with my doors being unlocked during the day, some people just don't know boundaries :0(

    Have a blessed Thursday! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks very much Barb! The kitchen aid was a gift from a very generous friend. I have been more than blessed. I am feeling a bit punky today, but my sister is very unwell. You have a blessed Thursday also. Love and hugs, xoxo


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