
Wednesday 23 June 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


Its a dull day in Whoville today. Its been raining, but we need the rain.  The postman was saying to me yesterday that there has been incredibly dry summers and winters these past few years.  A sign of climate change for sure. Its not supposed to be quite as warm today as it was yesterday, which is a plus for me.  I am not a huge fan of sticky warm hot humid weather.  

The Postman had this delightful Housewarming package for me from my dear friend Elaine. She is always far too kind to me (I am not complaining!) and everything is always so beautifully wrapped and presented. She has a real flair for this.  We all have our talents and this is hers.  That plus she pays attention to everything you say, and then remembers it.  We should all be so great at that!  Its a real skill. Oh, and she always includes my Eileen in her thoughts. That is just so very kind and Eileen is always thrilled.  She never gets mail or packages. 

Side note: Yesterday she put on Facebook she would really like to learn how to play the violin. (Eileen, not Elaine, lol, although maybe Elaine would like to learn to play the violin also.)  I love my Eileen so much.  She is always making me smile. A few years ago she said to me she would like to learn to speak Jewish because Jesus was Jewish and she wants to be able to talk to Him when she finally meets him one day. I applaud her desire always to want to learn new things. 

Back to the package. 


Inside were these beautiful placemats.  I am in love with them. So beautiful and well done.  Hand quilted by Daphne in Newfoundland who has an Etsy shop, Saltwater Stitches.  Her handiwork is so beautiful.  The fabric in these placemats is simply stunning.  These are a most beautiful addition to my home. 


This beautiful crocheted red doily.  Elaine felt that every pot of geraniums in a home should have a pretty doily to sit upon, and now mine does.  What a beautiful marriage of Cindy's housewarming gift to me and Elaine's.  And because it is a beautiful marriage I decided to stick  the piece of the broken ceramic spoon I saved into the soil as a reminder to me and to all that we are loved. 
Also those milliner's flowers. Be still my heart.  I was heartbroken to leave the ones I had behind in the UK, that Elaine should remember that and get me some for here was such a tender and gracious thing to do. 💝 


Well hello Mother Rabbit! Welcome to my home!  I love adore anything Beatrix Potter.  So sweet. 

Susan Branch may have a Peter Rabbit Room, but I have a Beatrix Potter Shelf that I adore and Mrs Rabbit fits in there very nicely.  Thank you!

When I was a little girl I had a 45 record which was orange in colour. On it was the story of Mopsy, Flopsy and Cottontail.  I loved that record so much.  I can still hear the opening song in my mind . . . it was a real delight to my little ears.  The story on the record was about Flopsy losing her tail. Flopsy and Mopsy were twins you know. 


Some beautiful smelling soap.  I love it. I don't want to unwrap it.  The paper packaging is sooo pretty.  


One of my favorite cake cookbooks to replace the one that got left behind.  You cannot go wrong with the WI.  There will be plenty of tastiness leaping off these pages I can assure you! 


But best of all, the love of a friend, who knows me and loves me anyways.  This was a beautiful package, wrapped and sent with love, Elaine and the card says it all. You are so dear to me.  I will be giving Eileen her wee gift as soon as I see her. She is already very excited about it. Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  

My sister stopped by yesterday morning to cut up some water-color paper with my paper cutter.  She also cut some for me. (She is so good at that. She doesn't just sit and cut. She carefully measures, etc. I am far too impatient.) She happened to mention that she had been at the local grocery store the night before and they had raisin tarts on special for only $3.99 a dollar off.  Not to tempt me or anything.  I had to go to the store later on to get some milk and those darned tarts jumped right into my cart!  What was I to do?  I brought them home with me and unfortunately inhaled one last night. 

Now I have a choice for breakfast this morning, both of them very naughty.  Whatever should I do?  Raisin tart or sugar donut? 

Or maybe this. Also very naughty. Will I never learn?  I told myself naughty food was not going to come into this new place of mine. Only healthy stuff, but alas . . .  I have virtually no willpower.  Obviously. 

I finished a red hens and chicks tea towel for a friend, now I think I should to one for me.  What do you think???

Its hard to believe that June has almost slipped off the Calendar.  The days seem to pass by in a blur.  My life is full and very busy at the moment.  One day scarce starts and it is ending.  I wish I knew how to harness the days in and keep them with me for a tiny bit longer so that I could cram more into them!  If you ever discover that secret, please let me know! 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says, I'm possible!
~Audrey Hepburn•。★★ 。* 。

Lynny62 to answer your question about what I feed the chipmunk. I buy whole, roasted but unsalted peanuts at the farm market behind my house.  They are still in the shell, and not expensive.  They also like small fruits like berries and cherries! 


In The English Kitchen today, I am making great use of my leftovers with a Skillet Turkey Alfredo. Sized for two and perfectly delicious!

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Mine will be very busy. I have some writing to do, a bit of cooking and then the second part of my Temple Recommend interview later on.  I can hear my chipmunk calling to me, so I will bid you adieu!  Happy Day!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Elaine is a dear friend to you.And the thoughtfulness at knowing exactly what you would like is astounding.She's good..really good..
    Have a wonderful Wednesday in Whoville lol..cute!

    1. She really is Monique, but so are you. I am very blessed in my life! xoxo

  2. June is flying by and all we an do is try to enjoy each day to the fullest. It's warmer here today than yesterday and I'll be getting out to some shopping. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Its hard to believe its almost done and dusted Pam! You have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, it was fun to see the pictures and hear you talk about your housewarming gift. I did not know Flopsy and Mopsy were twins. We're headed out to the farmer's market to see what else is in season besides strawberries. Hope it's cooler today for you. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I hope you were able to find something tasty at the famer's market! Love and hugs Elaine! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    What a beautiful and thoughtful gift from Elaine! I loved the red doily, and it looked beautiful under your red Geranium. It was so thoughtful for her to remember Eileen as well, what a sweetheart!!

    Your new home looks beautiful, Marie! I am just so excited for you! It's always fun to add your own touches to a new place.

    I love that Eileen want's to learn Jewish...such a sweetheart! She is truly special.

    I'm with you on, why do the days go by so quickly?! Time needs to slow down a bit...I'm not good at running!

    Thank you for making some of your recipes for two people. I have a hard time making full recipes for just Bob and I, and I love that you used left-over turkey in this one!

    Good to catch up with you!!

    Hugs and Much Love,

    1. Thanks so much Barb. I think Eileen is a treasure too. I think I'll keep her! ;-) Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. What a fun post today. I loved all the endearing gifts your sweet friend Elaine sent you. The Placemats and Doilies are lovely.
    I loved that she sent you the Mother Rabbit; it's perfect for that area. I just took three of my grandchildren to see the movie,"Peter Rabbit 2"; it was such a fun one. I loved the stories and the twins were so cute in it.
    It is strange how those goodies jump in to your grocery chart. I'm impossible.
    Sending loving thoughts and hug!

    1. It was so kind of her LeAnn! I have not seen Peter Rabbit 2 yet, I'm not even sure if I saw the first one. I think those kinds of movies are really enjoyable to watch with children. Love and hugs and blessings to you. xoxo


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