
Wednesday 2 June 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .



Help!!  Somehow I have made the size of the text and everything in my creating a post setting to small, so small I almost can't read it. I don't know what I did. Hit a button or something, but I don't know how to get it back to normal.  Everything posts in the right format, but its when I am writing in the editing stage that is extra tiny! I am sure it is just some simple thing. It happened when I was writing my post for the EK yesterday. All of a sudden my writing was in extra small. Any smaller and it would disappear altogether!  Help if you can!  Thanks!


I forgot to take a photo yesterday of the leaves on the maple tree in back of my house.  So here it is today. I think they are pretty much fully out now.  The branches touch the roof and scratch if it is windy out.  I need to spray again because I have seen more ants in the house.  The soil here is very sandy.  Ants love it! Grrr . . .  I don't think Ants are dirty per se, but I still don't want them in my house! 


Peanuts sitting on the coffee table waiting for Chip to show up. He/she comes regularly and just sits on the railing staring at the house.  They seem to know when I am about to appear because the little dear climbs down off the railing and is waiting right on the deck for me to open out the door and put out the peanuts.  Its really cute to watch him.  He/she stuffs two of them into their cheeks right away and scurries off.  I suppose it is either storing them for the Winter or taking them to babies?  I have no way of knowing. 


I got this bug zapper not too long after I moved into the house. It was an impulse buy when I was at Home Hardware one day.  Right near the cash.  I have used it a couple of times now when a fly got into the house and I can tell you, it works wonderfully! I am not sure how or what it does, but kills them dead as soon as it touches them. (You need to push the button on the side.)  I wonder if it will work on wasps?  I hope I don't need to find out! 


I got this coiled basket thingie to sit under the one end table to hold my projects, etc.  I haven't gotten it into the round shape yet that it is supposed to be.  Any idea on how I can do that? Maybe I could cut a piece of cardboard in the right size and put it into the bottom temporarily until it takes shape and stays that way?    Anyways, its a great way of keeping things and tidy without having to put my latest project away in the closet every single time I am finished working on it for the day. 

I am coming to recognize the habits of my neighbors.  The man in the first house across the way, Mr. F, is a man my father knew when he was in the airforce.  Apparently he was quite a drinker and party animal when away from home when he was younger. I think he must be a window or a divorcee now, because he is on his own.  Nothing happens that he isn't aware of.  The day Home Hardware brought my furniture I could see him standing in his window watching the whole time. And the first time my father was here and then was leaving to get back into his car, Mr. F popped out of his front door like a cuckoo bird on a clock to say "Hi Tony!"  Its nice to know that he is keeping an eye on things. 

Next to him is Mr. MG.  He is the father of my childhood school friend.  He has a prostate problem which he has informed me all about.  Every morning he sits out on his deck in his shorts (rain or shine) and reads the paper and watches a little portable tv he has out there, and talks on his phone.  I now know that the Big Scoop has the worst hamburger steak dinner available on the planet, so won't be ordering that.   His grandson comes every weekend with a basket of laundry and stays the weekend. Mr. MG is very friendly and affable. Very pleasant actually.  I will never be able to call him by his first name, Al.  He will always be Mr. MG to me. 

Next to him is Mr. Grumpy and stays to himself.  He is up very early in the morning and to bed really early at night.  (His lights are always on around 5:30 when I get up.)  He goes for a walk as soon as the farm market opens up and brings back a newspaper.  He then sits behind his little bush outside his veranda on a chair and reads it. I can see his feet popping out the end.  Then he reaches over the railing, pulls a few weeds and is back inside for the duration of the day/evening. 

I don't know who is next to him, but my friend Glenna is in the next house and then on the end are the two older lesbians.  They are avid bird watchers and have a dog.  One is very friendly and keeps an eye on the neighborhood as well, which is nice to know.  They have a beautiful garden, with a raised flower bed, etc. and they also drive a red soul, just like mine! 

I am not too in the know about the people on my side. The W's live in the first house.  They also have a beautiful garden, and put a lot of care into it. They both seem a bit grumpy, but looks can be deceiving I know.  She saunters.  I have seen her go across my lawn a few times and she smokes. That's all I know.

Then there is Sheila on the other side of me. She is very friendly and outgoing and a widow, having lost her husband several years ago.  She has a dog, who is quite old, deaf and blind. She can put me in touch with an organization that gives senior dogs to seniors just so that the dogs have a home. They will pay the vet bills, etc. All you have to do is feed them.  She doesn't like to drive her car, according to Mr. MG across the way.  He takes her on errands. 

In the three houses next to Sheila are also three women, all friendly, singletons. The one on the end sits out on her porch every day.  I never see the first one and have only occasionally seen the middle one. 

And that's my neighborhood.  All very decent quiet folk. 

Oh my goodness!!!  Am I becoming a neighborhood watch person?  Are my curtains tweaking? I suppose they would be if I had any.  Still in the process of making them. (ie. I have ironed the sheets.)


I love this little bees-wax candle I got.  I saw it in an ad on Insta Gram.  I fell in love with it. You know how much I enjoy birds. Will I ever be able to bring myself to burn it?  Somehow I doubt it!  But it sure smells nice! 


Speaking of nice smelling candles.  This is the nicest smelling candle ever!  I am in love with it.  And Canadian made!  Support your home-grown businesses if you can! 


I was cleaning out my old purse the other day and found this polished jade type of stone that I remember buying about a year or so ago on Etsy.  It is shaped like a heart.  Some people believe in the magical properties of stones. I just thought it was pretty, that's all. 

I got a lovely card and package in the post yesterday from my friend Noelle, who lives in Halifax. She has been like a daughter to me through the years.  I can't wait until the day that we can meet in person.  Inside was this crochet collar on a wooden hanger. It goes perfectly on my little sideboard and is so pretty. 

There was also this cute Wrendale Mug, the diet starts tomorrow.  She knows me so well.  The diet always starts tomorrow. haha   Thank you so much Noelle!

Most important of all, the package was wrapped in love.  I am so blessed by the people my Heavenly Father has put into my life. Ever-present reminders of my Heavenly Father's love for me. 

On Tuesday's I always spend an hour with an older Missionary Couple from Alberta via zoom.  I was telling them about the letter I got from Elder Uchtdorf (then President Uchtdorf)  in our conversation yesterday, and how much it meant to me.  I got that letter back in November of 2011.  After talking to them I was moved to get it out of my journal and read it again. 


Is there any doubt that my Heavenly Father loves me???  I think not!!  10 years later and the words have blessed me again and brought me great encouragement.  All will be well.

Oh and this  . . . 


Apple Jelly  . . .  oh how I have missed thee . . .  


Somebody is turning 51 today!  Happy Birthday to Dan!  I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you!  I can't wait to see you later on and enjoy some nice homemade lasagna with you and chocolate cake!! 

Family times ARE the best of times!

Now I best get baking that cake!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *Love and kindness are never wasted.
They always make a difference.
They bless who receives them,
and they bless you, the giver.
~Barbara DeAngelis•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Paprika Browned Potatoes. Simply delicious!

Have a wonderful Wednesday  no matter what you get up to.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Good to know your neighbours, sounds like a quiet community. What a lovely package to receive and brighten up your day,

    1. Thanks Linda! It is a very quiet community. I think I will be quite happy here! xoxo

  2. Fun to meet your neighbours, Marie. It's like living in a small tiwn. Happy Birthday to Dan. Enjoy making and eating that chocolate cake. That was a lovely gift from Nicolle. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! The cake is baked and cooling now! I just need to go to the shops and get some more icing sugar so that I can do the frosting! I think Dan will have a great day! The sun is shining, he may even get in some golf! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I stuffed my basket like yours with a blanket that filled it. And I mean really stuffed it. Mine has a lid, so I put that on too. It was the correct shape within 24 hrs.

    1. I will have to try that Laura. Mine does not have a lid. I just need to find something large enough to stuff into it! Thank you! xoxo

  4. I did enjoy learning about your neighbors. It looks like a good group that looks after one another. I'm sure there are some good friends for you to make for sure. I'm happy you already found one.
    I loved the gifts you have received. You are greatly loved by many.
    I really love the words from Elder Uchtdorf, that is awesome; a treasure for sure.
    Have fun making the cake and celebrating Dan's birthday.
    I enjoyed this post.
    Hugs for you and your family!

    1. Thank you so much LeAnn! I know I am loved, even when I feel unloveable. Its a precious knowledge. Love and hugs for you and yours! xoxo PS - Have loved your photos of your recent get-togethers with your family!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!