
Saturday 5 June 2021

Saturday This and That . . .



How can it be that we are here in June already. This year seems to be flying by at the speed of light! I hate the fact that we are still caught in the grip of this horrible pandemic, but I am hoping that it won't be like this for very much longer.  My friend Jacquie lives in a B&B, which was sold the beginning of May.  The people who bought it are moving down from Ontario with their children.  They arrive on Sunday and will have to quarantine for two weeks, having already quarantined for two weeks prior to arriving.  That is as it should be, but what a nuisance for them. At least they have each other for company.  I expect the time will go quickly. 

I hope Jacquie will be safe.  She is moving out on the 1st of August into a unit like mine, but a bit further up country in the same town that my father lives in.  She has been waiting for a new place to live for as long as I was and then some. There is almost a zero vacancy rate here at the moment, which makes it difficult for everyone.  You literally have to buy or someone has to die in order for you to find a place to live. 


I bought this frame on Amazon and got it hung. It has photos of all the grandchildren in it. I did them in black and white for effect. I wish I had photos of them as they are now to put into it, but used what I had.   I need to get some more recent photos of the J's and Gabe and Luke.  I had a frame very similar to this in the UK with pictures of the grands in it. 

Speaking of Amazon, yesterday I got an invoice in my e-mail for a movie I supposedly had rented on m Prime called Suicide Squad.  I was like what the heck?  I never rented a movie.  So I started checking and there was also two films rented on the 1st of June. Overall there had been charges of over $30 for films and shows I had not rented or even seen, and those are just the ones I caught. I recently changed the card on it to my Canadian account, which is how I found out. Who knows how many had gone through in the last six months on my British account. The mind boggles.  If they were able to spend that much money in just a few days, then how much more have they stolen from me over the last six months.

I was able to contact Amazon, and they determined that the films were being watched on a Sony tv. My tv in the UK was a Sony.  So they have deactivated that device. Nobody will be able to download or rent films on it anymore, plus they have refunded the money for at least these recent purchases. 

I suppose I had a million things on my mind when all of this was going on. I never thought about my UK tv or what would happen to it.  Who would get it, or what kind of person would get it. I am going to find out from Tina where the tv ended up because wherever it ended up, that is the person who has been stealing from me.

My fault really because I should have removed all of the streaming channels from off my tv before I moved.  I really didn't think about it because, well . . .  at the time it was the least of my concerns.  

An important lesson has been learned and I am sharing it with you because I don't want the same thing to happen to you if you sell a tv, or get rid of a tv.  If you were selling your computer you would disable and delete everything on it, it is the same with these smart tv's.  We need to disable and delete everything on them also as unscrupulous people can take great advantage of you otherwise. 


This is not a great photograph, but it is one of my two hanging baskets I got at the grocery store a week or so ago.  They are red geraniums and are blooming profusely now.  I love them, but then again you know how much I love red geraniums!  They are so pretty and cheerful.

This is the lilac across the road coming into bloom. It is so pretty and probably smells gorgeous as well.   My sister has lots of lilacs. Some are on the wane now and some are just coming in to bloom. June is the month of flowers I guess! 

I took this photo of the shadow  the leaves in my bedroom window were making on the wall the other night as the sun was setting.  They were moving slightly, which of course the photo doesn't capture, but I thought it was really pretty.  I have always found patterns of light fascinating. 

I don't know what happens to my days, but they seem to get swallowed up and are no sooner beginning than they are ending and I am up between 5:30 and 6 a.m. every morning. I am not complaining. It is good to be busy.  Maybe I am just slowing down and perhaps it takes longer for me to do things now, or maybe time is actually speeding up.  I am not sure which. 

Oh and I started watching Game of Thrones again.  I have only ever watched it the once and its amazing how much I missed out seeing when I watched it the first time around. I am also watching Downton Abby again because, well, that just never gets old!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.The things we love
tell us who we are.
~Saint Thomas Aquinas•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chocolate Buttermilk Cake.  This is the cake I made for Dan's birthday.  I did not have a photograph of it cut into, so I went to my sister's yesterday to get a piece to bring home and take a photo of.  LOL cheeky I know, but it was just so darned good I wanted to share it with you!

Have a brilliant Saturday. The sun is coming out here and it is expected to get quite warm today!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 


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And I do too! 



  1. Amazon is great for adjustments..
    Love the frame..and have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks Monique! It can take a bit figuring out how to get in touch with them, but they are pretty good at making things right for sure! xoxo

  2. Thank goodness you got the Amazon movies sorted out, The new frames is lovely, and bring you great pleasure every time you look at it, Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Linda! I wish I had better photos to put into it, but alas, I have what I have and yes, it makes me smile whenever I look at it. You have a lovely weekend also! xoxo

  3. The sun is up and we are quite warm here today too. I love this weather and like to feel warm instead of cold. Your family frame of pictures is just the thing you needed for your walls there and the hanging basket is beautiful. Summer days are full of flowers of all sorts that's for sure !

    1. I am not looking forward to the hot and sticky humid weather, but I will cope with it when it comes Pam! What else can one do! Happy weekend! xoxo

  4. You have a brilliant weekend! xo, V.

  5. So glad you figured out what was going on with the TV and all...there are so many ways we can be cheated by others, it boggles the mind. Not so long ago, there was a more upright culture I think. Sad. Well, at least it is stopped now!! Your days being so busy and happy sounds so very nice!! It is about time things were good for you!!
    Elizabeth, xoxo

    1. You are right Elizabeth. Many people do not have boundaries or a sense of honor in these days we are living in. Its sad really. Happy weekend! xoxo

  6. Do you have A/C in your house, Marie? We have a portable unit and it certainly helps. It's very hot and sticky here today. Larry and I were married 45 years ago today. Would have loved to eat dinner out but restautants are still not open for inside dining. But we have cake! Hugs and love, Elaine


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