
Saturday 26 June 2021

All things nice . . .


Speak well of people, tell the kindly things
The neighbors do and how they always try
To make the day a little easier,
Talk about sun and wind and open sky,
Have praise upon your lips like jewels rare;
Talk about peace and eventide and prayer.

Speak well of neighbors, let your voice be raised
In words of comfort for the sore oppressed,
Take time to listen to an old man's yarn;
Greet every morning with a happy zest,
And pass along to others on the way,
The lovely tidings of a brand new day.

Speak well, for I have heard the old folks say
That words are arrows with golden tips,
And each will find a target ere the day
Is gathered to its close, so guard your lips
Lest you might wound a heart already sore,
And give a tired back one burden more.

Speak kindly words, they are such precious things
To brighten up a day and give it wings.
~Edna Jaques, Back-door Neighbors 

I read this poem this morning and it made my heart smile.  It is such a good thing, to speak well of others.  As my mother would say, it costs nothing to be kind. 

When I think over these past six months, I can see quite clearly that they have been filled with a multitude of kindnesses, kind words, deeds and thoughts. I have been truly blessed beyond measure. What has been probably the worst thing to happen in my life, has been surrounded and uplifted by some of the sweetest things in my life. I am so grateful to have a heart and a mind that sees these and knows these things. 


Hummingbirds are such quick little creatures. It is very difficult to capture one in a photograph unless you happen to be just sitting there with your camera ready and waiting.  I did managed to capture this one yesterday morning quite early.  I was quite far away, but I cropped the photo so that I could see much closer. Its not the best photo in the world, but it will do, pig, it will do.  I also have one with a red band around its throat. I am thinking this is a female and the red banded one is a male. 


Josh graduated from Grade six yesterday. Such strange times for children. It was a drive-by graduation. He will not be in the elementary school anymore, but in middle school which is attached to the high school.  He is very camera shy is Josh.  He has a sweet, sweet personality. Like his dad. I think he is very kind hearted. He is a quiet thinker. 


Oh how I love my grandsons and granddaughter.  I hope it is not too much longer before I get to spend some real time with them.  And I do hope that one day I will be able to spend time with my granddaughter. I live in hope.  I have two grandsons that I have never seen in person yet. It is my hope that one day I will be able to see them in person as well. Never give up. Just keep plodding on and doing the right things.  Miracles can and do happen. 

This is my daughter in law Kayla. She is married to Doug and is the perfect wife for him.  She is a great wife and mother, so supportive.  I love her. She and Doug met at ABU.  Atlantic Bible University, in Moncton, NB. She works so hard and so does he, to give their wee family the best life that they can. I love and am proud of them both, and am really proud of all my grandchildren and children also.  Family, its everything. 

Is that not all something each of us can do?  Spread Sunshine. Be lights. Go. Shine.  Light the world.  Sometimes we think there is so much in the world that is unkind and it can drown out the light because the darkness speaks louder, but it is so untrue.  Yes, there is much in the world that is unkind, but there is ever so much more light.  It is just gentler and quieter. It doesn't shout, look at me!  Look at me!  But it is there all the same and is lines our lives with its sweet and gentle presence.  Blessings are there for everyone, even those in the most dire circumstances. Its all a matter of perspective. To some it may be as simple as finding a crust of bread for the day, and for some it is much, much more.  But to a starving man a crust of bread is everything. 


There are a few things I have learned over these past months.  Things that I perhaps always knew but never outwardly acknowledged.  Sometimes it is very easy to ignore important things, or let them get lost in the business of every day life. Things like God's goodness.  How we should never ignore a prompting to act, no matter how small or large it may be.   We are His hands. To trust always in His timing. There are no co-incidences in life. I call them God-incidences.

I am actually doing very well after all that has happened, but I do have some low moments. I would not be human if I didn't.  Sometimes when the busy-ness of the day calms down things that have happened over these past months can get a bit on top of me, and I give in to the ache in my heart. Sometimes my heart feels so tender and hurt that the tears just come unbidden. I had a few such moments this week. It is only natural I suppose.   

Those moments are such tender moments.  He has prepared things in advance of these tender moments and His timing is perfect.  He has a perfect plan for us. Even though things sometimes feel like they are less than perfect, His timing is and He has the most wonderful way of reminding us that He loves and cares for us, often through the kindnesses and actions of others.  He knows exactly what we need and he knows exactly when we need it.


Way back in early April, on one of my Friday Finds posts I posted the picture and link to the patterns to make these tea and egg cosies.  I thought them quite lovely.  I knew I would never have them however, no matter how much I liked them because I lack the skills to knit such things.  It was a beautiful Retro Breakfast Set.  And I do so love retro.

This week I got a package in the mail, on Thursday, the  morning after just such a night as I have described above, when my feelings were especially tender. The package came from my friend Ginny in New Hampshire.   Look at what was inside . . . 


She knitted it for me!  And it is filled with love and covered with hearts.  Such a beautiful piece of work. She is an excellent knitter and so kind.  This arrived at the perfect time.  But that is not all  . . . 


There were also these lovely potholders that she had made for me.  The pink/red/green one is an award winning design from Harrisville Designs, not far from where she lives. It represents watermelon and Ginny knows how much I love watermelon.  The other one is one she designed herself and represents the love both my mother and I have for lilacs. It felt like my mother was sending me a warm hug, some love from heaven, through the hands and ministrations of Ginny.  God's timing is perfect. He knew I would need a mother's hug.   


There were also these lovely Susan Branch bookmarks.  I have long admired her bookmarks. I know she gives out free downloads from time to time, but these are so lovely, with such positive messages . . . 

And there was a lovely purse-sized date book.  I love it. Filled with quotes, etc. I remember having the 2019 -2020 one, and buying a few on amazon as Christmas gifts for my British friends.

My cup was running over . . . 
But that is not all  . . . this final item brought tears to my eyes  . . . you all know how much I love Susan Branch and her art.  I have been following and admiring her for years. Since the 1980's when I discovered her art in Country Living magazine.  Just a young mum with a growing family and a dream to one day paint and write myself.  A few years ago when Susan started designing mugs I saved up and bought myself a bluebird mug because I fell in love with it. 

I have never seen a bluebird in real life, but I have always loved them and anything bluebird. When I was preparing to come back to Canada in November, I had to really pick and choose what I could bring or have sent. My church very kindly paid to have nine boxes sent over for me.  

One of the things I had chosen to put in my boxes was my Susan Branch mug.  I had also won one of these mugs in a giveaway back in the autumn of last year and I had requested from Susan that it be sent to my sister so that she could have one too. She had had a rough couple of years and I thought it would cheer her up, and I loved the thought of us each having one, although we were halfway across the world from each other.  And I was looking forward to a day when we could sit and clink (carefully) matching bluebird mugs together.


I was heartbroken when I was finally able to open my boxes and see that almost every bit of china or glass I had packed into the boxes was broken beyond use. I cried when I was unpacking them, thinking to myself, what else is going to be taken from me. How much more do I have to lose.  It hardly seemed fair, but . . . . then I learned to let go of a little bit more. Stuff is only stuff and there is much in life that matters a great deal more  . . . 

I did try to find a bluebird mug, thinking that when I could I would replace it, but to no avail . . .   


I don't know where Ginny found it or how she got it, but look at what else was in the package!  A Susan Branch Bluebird Mug!  I cried.  God really knows me, and He knows Ginny. His purposes and timings are perfect.


And always wrapped in love.

Thank you Ginny.  This was a wonderful gift and a reminder to me
of a Father in Heaven who loves and knows me so very much.  


There are no accidents, and no such thing as co-incidence. 

I am blessed.

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable.
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy . . . 
Think on these things. ~Philippians 4:8
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Rhubarb Meringue Pie.  Delicious!  Simple. An old favourite!

Have a wonderful weekend. Hard to believe it is the last weekend in June.  Be safe. Be healthy. Be happy.  Love all of your todays  because they slip off the calendar far too quickly.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Josh and Oli up to Middle school here its just high school he will be joining his brothers:)
    He still seems so youngto me..
    No grad rain was expected so via zoom..
    he had a suit in his at grad Caro watched..he had his football practice shorts on..that's Oli♥

    that Ginny...
    Is Gold. :)

  2. Wonderful mail to receive for special friends, especially the mug. A rainy day here in Ontario, enjoy the weekend.

  3. What a beautiful love-filled gift from your friend Ginny. She is a very talented knitter. Imagine her finding you a blue bird cup. That is serendipity. Love and hugs, Elaine

  4. How wonderful you've been to be blessed by such good friends, they do help us get through the tough times. There is nothing quiat like a good friend for sure !

  5. Hi Marie~

    This post is just beautiful - from the poem in the beginning to the rhubarb pie at the end...just beautiful!

    I agree 100% that we all need to be careful and only...speak well. The world would be a much better place if we all did that.

    Ginny is an angel! What a thoughtful kind gift! I just love the little bluebird mug, how wonderful that she found one for you!

    The Rhubarb pie looks will be on my menu if I can find some Rhubarb!

    Have a wonderful week-end, dear friend! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Such lovely gifts you have received from friends in recent very lovely indeed!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. I loved this post. It was full of what's in your heart. Yes, hard times that you are still grieving here and there, but most of it all about goodness, gratitude, kindness, and etc.
    I loved your sweet photos of your grandson; he's a cute one. I have a redheaded Granddaughter and you spices up my life.
    I thought your thoughts are perfect on darkness, light and how it works with us. Most of all it has beautiful thoughts on testimony of God's plan for us all.
    The gift from your angel friend, is such a loving thoughtful treasure. Ginny must be a very special person to send you these precious items. I feel like you they are gifts from a loving God, telling you that you are loved and treasured too.
    Have a sweet Sabbath Day! I hope you are getting to go back to church tomorrow. Big Hugs~

  8. Lovely gifts from a most lovely friend….and oh, congratulations to Josh….he seems so dear. Have a happy day. xo, V


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