
Saturday 19 June 2021

All Things Nice . . .



This is the singing month. Rambler roses everywhere . . .  over white picket fences, over grey stone walls, climbing old well houses, blooming on lattices in old fashioned gardens. The whole green countryside is laced with shell-pink, ivory-white and rose-red. The sky sings too, such a deep tranquil blue. I think I can hear the horns of elfland faintly blowing as I go out to the Quiet Garden to shell peas.
~Gladys Taber, The best of Stillmeadow 

I love the thought of the horns of elfland blowing.  I just love the thought of elfland!  I used to devour Enid Blyton books when I was a child. I loved the adventure series, but even more I loved her books about elves and fairies.  I loved to think that such a world existed.  Very fanciful, a tiny bit scary, but mostly filled with wonder. 

Did you go on adventures when you were a child?  I did.  Mostly picnics with friends, peanut butter sandwiches wrapped in wax paper in a small paper bag with a mason jar of water to drink, perhaps an apple.   As much of a luxury to this child as  caviar and a fine wine.  We would ride our bikes or traipse through the countryside exploring in the heat of the summer sunshine 'til the cows came home.  Seeking out things we had seen a thousand times, but wanted to see yet once more through our childhood eyes of wonder.  Children have such a unique perspective on the world. How blessed I was to have been able to grow up in a time and a place that was so filled with peace and wonder. 


I. She walks in beauty, like the night 
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 
And all that's best of dark and bright 
Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 
Thus mellowed to that tender light 
Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 

 II. One shade the more, one ray the less, 
Had half impaired the nameless grace 
Which waves in every raven tress, 
Or softly lightens o'er her face; 
Where thoughts serenely sweet express 
How pure, how dear their dwelling place. 

 III. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, 
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, 
The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 
But tell of days in goodness spent, 
A mind at peace with all below, 
A heart whose love is innocent! 
~George Gordon Byron, She Walks in Beauty

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  We see what we want to see.  It is all a matter of choice I think. And of familiarity.  When we take the time to really get to know someone, and focus on their inner self rather than their outer self, we often see people in a very different light. That which might not be so attractive in the world's eyes, often is exceptionally beautiful when seen with the eyes of the heart.


I now know why the gentleman across the way sits out on his porch so early each and every morning.  This morning already I have seen little yellow gold finches, scarlet cardinals, rose breasted grosbeaks, morning doves, blue jays, hummingbirds, my chipmunk, a red squirrel, and a few crows.  We are right at the edge of town. Nothing much is built up around us, so we benefit from this in the ability to see abundant wild life. I need to get more feeders I think.  They will pay for themselves many times over in the pleasure I will have in being able to get beautiful glimpses of this beautiful wildlife up close.  


I have always been a real nature lover.  I do enjoy watching nature shows on the television and the like.  The only ones I don't like are the ones where I see animals hunting, etc. I know this happens in nature.  It is the act of survival.  Nature is often cruel and difficult to watch.  I don't like to watch these things, as natural and normal as they are.  I don't need or want to see a pride of lions taking down a wildebeest. It also upsets me when I see a baby elephant or some such becoming separated from the rest and in danger of starving, drowning, etc. I know these things happen in real life, but I don't want to see them. I don't think it is necessary really, but maybe that is just me. 

Oh how I long for a day I can read stories to a wee grandchild and cuddle them close. I live in hope that it might could happen, or maybe even a great grandchild. You never know. Unfortunately I have missed out on a lot of that, but there is still a chance . . . its very small, but it is there. It does exist.

In the meantime I have many other blessings to explore. Time to spend with dad and others that I care about. Things opening up more here.  An appointment for my second vaccine a lot sooner than originally planned. Lets get this over with so we can get closer to being back to normal, or as normal as things will ever be again. I can live with a new normal and be grateful that I have the chance to do so.


Ever wonder about fate?  When I was in town the other morning picking up my prescription, someone/thing had knocked over one of the traffic lights over onto the sidewalk right next to the royal bank.  Also portions of the fence had been taken out.  Probably some sort of accident involving what must have been a large vehicle. There was a lot of commotion going on.  I hope that nobody was hurt.  The light has since been put back up again, and apparently Dan and the bunch he works with were given the job of putting up new fencing, or at least temporary fencing.  I am happy I was not walking on that portion of the sidewalk when this all happened and only came across it after the fact! 

I am going to look for a rose bush to put into the empty space in my front garden.  I think I would like a rose bush.  Probably red roses, or maybe blush.  I will take whatever kind of rose I can find.   Roses are so pretty and bloom for most of the season. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day.  I am off bright and early this morning with Cindy.  She is picking up a few things for Dad and we are going to plan our Father's Day menu for his supper tomorrow night. I think I will make him a lemon pie. He likes lemon pie.  He loves my sister's roast beef and her meat loaf.  WE just love him.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Sun is alone too,
but it still shines.•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Fudgy Brownies, small batch.  8 Perfect bites of chocolate decadence. 

Have a wonderful Saturday.  I hope your day is filled with lots of lovely nice things.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!        


  1. I'm with you about animals fighting each other in the wild. Just can't look. You and Cindy have a busy day planned. Enjoy! I'm off to have breakfast and make some blueberry cornbread. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I think we agree on most things Elaine! Blueberry Cornbread sounds really delicious! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Enjoy your day with Cindy, and hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. Nature never fails to amaze me, and we love sitting on the deck and watching the birds, The chipmunk was out yesterday, we hadn’t seen him fir ages and we were beginning to worry. So glad you got your second shot moved up.

    1. I love spending time with my sister Linda. I am so blessed to have one. I need to get myself a deck chair! xoxo

  3. Well I’m on the fence..a groundhog is creating a mess here and I an say I hate it.
    You can’t be a gardener and love an animal that uproots all the tomato plants you started from seed in March indoors ..and kale and Swiss chard and bites the heads of your annual seeded area of those.
    So I’m on the fence.Squirrels and chipmunks too..
    Nope not a fab..
    Enjoy your papa!!

    1. Moles can create lots of mess as well Monique! I can totally understand your feelings! Thanks! xoxo

  4. I agree the world is full of beauty and all kinds of amazing things to say. Something new every day ! Hope you have a wonderful Fathers'Day with your Dad.

    1. Thanks very much Pam! I hope you have a beautiful day! xoxo

  5. Enjoy your dear Dad !….know he enjoys you all !
    xo, V

  6. I love nature too and enjoy watching the birds and other critters. Since moving to Utah, I don't get to see aa much wildlife near my home. We do have precious ducks and geese running around.
    I do feel we are watched over and protected, so I think that there is not coincidences. When we see how it might have been; it's the hand of the Lord in our lives.
    The poetry was beautiful and your thoughts on the books was sweet. I loved reading books to grandchildren. I don't have near me any really young ones to do this with.
    I do remember fun summer days, with bikes, swimming, tree climbing and picnics. Those were good old days and the best of days. I wish my grandchildren could have more of those experiences.
    Blessings and hug!


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