
Saturday 12 June 2021

All things nice . . .


O cup of Life that holds such precious brew,
The brightness of the morning cold as dew,
And sweet as honey in a golden comb.
The blessed comfort of a little home.
A field of purple clover out in bloom,
Filling the country side with rich perfume,
Dipping away to the horizon's brim;
A meadow lark piping a morning hymn.

A little girl wearing a scarlet coat,
An old man hobbling out to cast his vote,
A new pram with a satin coverlet,
A little boy hugging his tiny pet.

A radio with a small golden face,
Whose probing finger seeks through worlds of space,
Across a continent and o'er the sea,
To bring a song into this room for me.

O cup of life - give me of your rich wine,
That I may drink your vintage half divine,
And half of common earth where mortals eat,
The bread of heaven . . .  made from common wheat.
~Edna Jacques, O Cup of Life, Fireside Poems 


The irrepressible Jake and Darth Baya. Not sure Baya (their boxer) was overly impressed.  But she is super tolerant.  Dogs and little boys go together like peas and carrots.

The first of my grands to need eye glasses. Josh.  Josh doesn't like having his photograph taken. I am not sure why. I think he is a gorgeous boy with his beautiful red hair and all those stars sprinkled across his nose . . .  and don't get me started on those handsome baby blues! 

Charlie the Schnoodle is growing.  (A cross between a poodle and a schnauzer.)  He's a cutie that's for sure.  Apparently he was pouting the other day because Jake was next door playing with his friend and he couldn't go. 


This is just 8 weeks ago, prior to him coming to live with the family. He was only 8 weeks old here.  (That's Jon.)  So he is four months old now.  (Jon is 15)  


Charles and Baya seem to be getting along now. They weren't at first.  Baya is a much older dog and used to being on her own, and Charles was quite exuberant as puppies are. 

I am missing my Mitzie so much and wanting an animal to share my life with.  When the right one comes along I will snaffle it up.  I am just waiting for the right one to come along. I will know it when I see it.  

I discovered a show I really enjoyed on Vision TV.  Your All Time Classic Hit Parade.  Nice music, featuring songs that have always been popular.  Its just a lovely feel good show!

The Queen just turned 95.  She is cutting a birthday cake for her at a recent event with a ceremonial sword here. I so love the Queen.  She has been the Monarch for all of my life.  Always classy, never puts a foot wrong.  A great example to us all. 

She was recently presented a rose on what would have been her late husband Prince Philip's 100th Birthday. The pink rose, named "Duke of Edinburgh Rose," was bred by Harkness Roses and gifted by the Royal Horticultural Society, of which the queen is patron. The society's president told the queen It honors "all the marvelous things that Prince Philip did over his lifetime and for everyone to remember so much that he did," .

The queen in return said the flower "looks lovely" and that it was a "very kind" tribute. The rose has been been planted in the gardens at Windsor Castle.   

I think that is the first time I have seen the Queen without her handbag.  I always thought that would be a great game to play. What's in the Queen's Handbag? 


According to Royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith,  among the contents of the Queen's handbag are typically lipstick, a mirror, and a five or a ten pound note to put in the church collection on Sundays. I wonder if she has a mobile phone?  

I started watching a new series on Acorn tv last night, called Black Widows.  I am hooked. Its really good. It is in Swedish with English subtitles, but I don't mind.  Its really, really good! I love Scandinavian television.

A tiny peek at some of the aspects of the new blog design I am having worked on for the food blog. Its all very exciting. I wanted a newer fresher look but I also wanted people to be able to recognize it for what it is as soon as they land on the page. I am really liking how it is going!  New life, fresh new look, newer focus.  Its all good.  I want it to be more user friendly as well. I am not a person who really likes change, but sometimes change is good. 
And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°Take every chance
you get in life
because some things
only come around once.
~Unknown•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Singed Angel Wings.  Its an old, old recipe, very simple, very easy and you can make anywhere from one serving to a hundred servings. It is that simple and easy!

I wish for you a beautiful Saturday. May it be filled with all things nice! Don't forget! 


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And I do too! 



  1. Lucas got glasses too:) Handsome boys..all of them..:)
    I recognize someones beautiful blog facelift work.The best :)

    1. It is the best and you are right. Thanks for the nod in her direction Monique! I am so pleased with how things are looking! We do have some very handsome grandsons I agree! Oh to be young again eh?? xoxo

  2. Lovely kids, your grandkids...glad you are closer now and maybe soon can see them all!! We just finished watching the series called Atlantic Crossing. I love historical fiction...and this was as heavily based on truth as possible. Certainly a part of history we had not heard about before. Glad you are NOW able to watch whatever your heart desires!! Plans for a dear doggie sound good too...hope that happens soon for you!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I really hope that I can see them soon Elizabeth! I love historical fiction also. But, like you, I want it to be accurate! Thanks so much! xoxo

  3. The new blog look is lovely and meets all the things you want it to. Nice to see the grandsons looking happy. It is a lovely Saturday here, hope it is the same there. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks so much Linda! Its really lovely here also! xoxo

  4. One of my grandson's recently got glasses too. All of my children wore the from the 2nd grade on and I'm surprised that more of my grandchildren don't. I too admire the Queen. She is the longest living monarch and definitely been a part of my life. Hope you have a super Saturday!

    1. I am actually surprised more of them don't wear eye glasses Pam! Everyone in my family does! You have a super Saturday also! xoxo

  5. Exciting to be revamping your blog, Marie. Fun to see your beautiful grandsons. You must miss your Mitzie so much. I think a wee kitten would fit the bill. As you say, you'll know when you and a furry friend connect. Happy Saturday. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I do miss her so much Elaine. I try not to think about it too much because my heart breaks every time. I had a face time with them today also, (the grandsons). It was nice. Real time will be much better! Happy Saturday to you and Larry also. Love and hugs, xoxo


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