
Wednesday 12 May 2021

Wednesday words . . .


When I was a child, I automatically thought that everyone in the world was a good person and nice. Life has taught me otherwise.  I have come to learn since that there are basically two kinds of people in the world.  People who are kind and caring . . .  and people who are not.  

Kind and caring people are those who reach out when they see another soul hurting, be it with words, or with hands.  People who are not kind reach out also with words and with hands, albeit it not in the same manner.  They are the kind of people who, having seen a soul which has been kicked, cannot resist giving that soul another kick.  For whatever gain I will never understand.  Thankfully there are far more kinder people in this world than there are others. 

The other day, when I was busy moving into my new home, and off line, I received another nasty comment from someone who has left nasty comments before. When I saw it I shared it with my sister and she said to just ignore it. I did think to do that . . .  to not give this person a voice, but in thinking and praying about it, I feel that I need to address it. I also want this person to know that this is the very last time I will do so. 

On the 8th of May  in response to my Wednesday This and That post of last week, this person wrote:

"Sounds like someone has gotten out the pity pot and is trying to drop lead weight mooching hints. I wonder what your employer at the manor (and you) knew what Sidney, (did you refer to him as Todd to pretend you didn’t know about his criminal record?) was getting up to? Why didn’t you tell your readers you were fired, not retired?" 

I feel that I need to address this, and then I will never speak of this again.   


When I first met my husband online back in 1999, he told me his name was Todd.  I only ever knew him as Todd, and that is how I always referred to him. Not because I was or am trying to hide anything. I was completely unaware at the time that he had any criminal record of any kind. It is very easy to hide things like a criminal record from people,  especially when you are meeting online and the person you are hiding information from hasn't the means or the know-how to find out things like this. It was not until we went to get married that I learned his real name was Sidney and his explanation was simply that . . .  as a young man in the army, he had been in a noisy bar with a bunch of Australians and when asked his name he had said, "Sid" but the Aussie heard "Todd." The Aussie then proceeded to introduce him to all of his friends as Todd. It was a nickname that stuck and everyone had called him Todd ever since. And he had never liked being called Sidney or Sid anyways.

I had no reason not to believe this. My first name is Marie, but my family always called me Alice. I grew up being called Alice. They still call me Alice.  As an older adult I decided I wanted to be called Marie.  I liked it better and it wasn't associated with things like "Alice's Restaurant," "Alice in Wonderland," "Alice doesn't live here anymore," etc. His choosing to be called Todd made sense to me. 

Three years after we were married, I learned he had a criminal record. This was when I decided to look into our moving back to Canada and him immigrating with me, as had been our original plan.  In fact I actually went back to Canada to begin setting things up for our move, finding a job, a place to live, etc. It was only when I was already over there that he told me he would never be able to immigrate because he had a criminal record.  It was for something he had done when he was much younger, called "Affray."  I had never heard of affray and people with criminal records had never been a part of my life.  I had been married to a Military Policeman for all of my previous married life.  Todd  told me he had been in jail for a short time of time when he was much younger, for having participated in riots. We all do foolish things when we are young and stupid and know no better. 

I had no reason not to believe him. He was my husband. I loved him.  I had made Temple covenants and promises with him.  I was extremely disappointed that he had not told me this prior to our getting married, and I struggled with the fact that I would never be able to live in Canada so long as we were married, but I did what anyone who loves their husband does, and I returned to the UK.  For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer . . .  for time and all eternity.  Having already been divorced twice, and having been sealed in the temple, I was understandably reluctant to put an end to a third marriage, and yes, I loved my husband.


It was after I returned to the UK that I was hired by the family at the Manor and we moved down to Kent to live where I worked as a Chef.  It was a job with many challenges.  My boss was not the easiest person to work for, but, as anyone who has ever worked at a job with tied accommodation will tell you, it is not easy to quit when your very home is at stake.  You put up with a lot of things that you normally would not put up with because it beats the alternative, which is being unemployed and homeless.  I was the only person working and supporting us. Todd was retired and on a pension.  I worked very long and difficult hours from 9 in the morning until 8 at night, five days a week and often six and sometimes seven.  I had no time to make real friends or form relationships with anyone in my community.  I had my job, my church insofar as I had the time to participate, and I had my home and my husband.  

I was happy at work for most of the 7 1/2 years I worked there. It was only for the last two years of working at the manor I would say that I started to become very unhappy at work. My boss, or Mrs B as she was called, had become very difficult to work for.  She had always been demanding and difficult, but she became even more so. There were days I would come home and sit at the picnic table out back of our cottage and cry because I didn't want my husband to know I was upset or unhappy.  He loved living there and I loved him. Its as simple as that. 

Then one day Mrs B came back from a trip to her hairdresser in America to find a note on her bed.  Mr B had left and wanted a divorce.  All was not happy in paradise.  She repacked, left and went back to America, and he came back to the Manor.  We were all told worst case scenario was that he would have to sell everything up, but it was highly likely that whomever bought the Manor Estate would want to keep the current staff on.  This was on the Wednesday. 

On the Friday night, after I had fed him his dinner, he told me that he wanted Todd to come over so that he could talk to us. He then sat us down and said that the simple truth was that he did not need a personal Chef any longer.  Also, that he was going to have to liquidate many of his assets and the first to go would be the cottage we were living in.  I was the first of all the staff to be made redundant. I had thirty days to find a new job and a home. 


Those of you who have been readers know how very difficult that time was for me, for us. In the blink of an eye, we lost our home, our soul source of employment, etc. There was also a gag clause in my contract of employment. I had never been able to talk about them or their lives, etc.  This gag clause became a part of my redundancy.  I would only receive my redundancy pay in small increments over a period of time, and only if I did two things. One was not to talk about what had happened, and two . . . was to not contact anyone who was still working there.  That if they knew his plans to sell up they would all be looking for other employment and he would be left in the lurch.  In fact, I had seen a letter in her office to that effect just a few weeks prior, where she had been talking to realtors and had told them to be very quiet about their dealings with her because she didn't want her staff to all quit because they thought they were losing their jobs. (The selfish thinking of the very wealthy.)

When very wealthy people put gag orders in place, you follow them, because you have not the means to do otherwise.  I think that 11 years later the statute of limitations is well past.

The fact is we were all (the whole staff) made redundant within six months of that date, when all was sold off and they moved to the Bahamas. I was simply the first to be let go.  The least needed of all the staff.  So there you have it.

Not that I owed you, you  mean spirited soul, an explanation, or anyone else, an explanation for that matter. 

The first I knew of any of what recently happened to us/me was two years ago when the police called my home asking questions and I was told by my husband that an accusation had been made but that it was false and had no basis in fact or truth.  I believed him, even though my heart and mind were reeling at the accusation which had been made . . .  

I believed him. I had no reason to believe otherwise. He was my husband. I loved him.  He had only ever shown me that he was a good man, a man of God, the man I had been praying for all of my life to be able to share my life with.  It was only in October of last year that I learned the truth of it all, and that he was not . . . when he confessed it all to me.

And I was devastated to say the least. It is not every day you discover that every day of the last 20 years of your life has been based on soul-less lies,  manipulations and the selfishness of one very depraved individual. 


If I am guilty of anything Dee, it is of being incredibly naïve and trusting.  Which of us does not trust the people we choose to share our lives with?  Which of us does not love the people we choose to share our lives with? 

The fact is that there were two victims of his despicable crimes.  The child he abused and the wife he lied to.  We will both have to live forever with what he did to us.  Your trying to further victimize me by making such appalling accusations just at a time when I am beginning to try to piece my life back together says much more about you than it does about me, and I want my readers to know that. 

Do not bother to leave me any further comments containing suppositions and accusations from what I can only think is a very disturbed mind and heart, because I will not be paying any attention to them, or answering to them.  I will simply say and do as Nephi  . . .  and "give place no more for the enemy of my soul." (2Nephi 4:28) 

Final words. You should be ashamed of yourself. Very ashamed of yourself.  I can look myself in the mirror and know with every fiber of my soul and being that I am a good person and I have not and never did do, anything wrong. 

To the rest of you, thank you so very much for your love and your support over these many months. You, who have only ever been kind and caring and supportive.  You have truly been angels in my life when I needed angelic support most of all. I am most appreciative.  I apologize that once again I have had to defend myself publicly and I promise you that this will not happen again because I will not let it.

And now, back to our regular programming . . . 


I small batched my Mom's Cinnamon Rolls recipe in honor of me setting up my forever after home and Mother's Day.  Trust me when I say they are the best.  The recipe makes six lovely, delectable, yeast free, delicious cinnamon rolls.

Have a wonderful day people.  Be happy. Be blessed and know always that  . . . 

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And I do too!     



  1. Again, I am not the DEE that has been saying these awful things. I have been following Marie for years! I wish you nothing but blessings1

    1. I know its not you Dee, that's very apparent to me. I so appreciate all of your love and support and good wishes. They mean the world to me. You are GOOD people. xoxo

  2. Hear, Hear! Some people are so petty that they have nothing better to do than try to kick others when they are down. this must be a very unhappy person to do that. I'm sorry that you have had to put up with this kind of thing, Marie. Much love - Raquel XO

    1. Thanks Raquel! I hate to have to keep defending myself like this. This is the last time I promise. I was going to ignore it, but I had to address it and put the sleeping dog to lie once and for all. Love, xoxo

  3. I hope you can go on and with time, forget what this person says, Marie!! You have been through quite enough!! It is a rare person anymore, so far as I know, who does not have some pain in life from these mentally ill people...who one earth would want to spend time harassing others?? Yet I have certainly had my share of naysayers reason I do not have a might stir some of them up...sigh!! Trouble is, who on earth, can even prove they are innocent of some of the lies others tell?? This is not yet "the world of truth"...but that comes...we can all rest assured ONE day...all will be known. I hope you can block this person from contact!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I will never begin to understand the cruel nature of some people Elizabeth. I thought I would address it once and for all and put a line under it and then go on as I mean to go on. I wish I could block them, but blogger doesn't seem to have that option! xoxo

  4. Sorry to hear that someone is sending nasty comments to you.
    Best wishes in your new home.

  5. Because I'vs followed you on your journey, I know no explanation was necessary, certainly not to me. You are just beginning the best part of your life. Just be thankful, forgive and move on. No one should criticize another because they have not walked in your shoes.

    1. Thank you so much Pam! You are right, we should never judge others because we have never walked their walk. God bless. xoxo

  6. This type of thing just had a storyline on Coronation Street, people make unfounded, hurtful comments and they don’t know the whole story. Trolls! So sorry this has happened to you Marie. For each person like that there are lots more to offer support and love. You have overcome so much, and you will overcome much more. Stay positive.

    1. Thank you so much Linda. I am so grateful for all of the positive support and comfort which has been given from people such as yourself. I truly appreciate each and every one! xoxo

  7. So very sorry you’ve been having to deal with someone leaving nasty comments, Marie... how awful! As you say, it show their problems more than anything. It’s not easy but try not to use your precious time and energy on such a person/people. I’ve not been online for days after a experiencing a whole lot of unpleasant on Instagram. I might stay on at IG with private account, but haven’t decided... still feeling shaken. It is a risk putting ourselves out there, trying to share, connect. Sadly, there are a lot of disturbed people who love to make it hard for us. We’ll not let them win though, will we?! Anyway, best of all—sooo VERY happy for you that you’ve been able to move into your new place... blessing for a great new chapter of life ahead for you! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. I think the tender-hearted are targets of some very mean souls Tracy. Thank goodness that there are far more kind people out there than meanspirited ones. Sorry you have also been going through the mill. (((((hugs))))) Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. Why do some people feel they can judge other people. Do not let her opinion have any value to you. You owe no one an explanation of your life, past or present. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine. I will never understand some people. They have no light in their own lives I guess and feel the need to steal it from others. Love and hugs, xoxo

  9. You are moving forward and I admire your strength and your character. I enjoy following your blog. God Bless you.

    1. Thank you so very much Terra. God bless. xoxo

  10. Gee, I’m not sure what the reason for such unkind words. ? Meanness, unhappiness, mental illness or jealously...who knows. I hope you block that person. It’s a difficult world today when words can be spoken and there is no accountability from the dark shadow ‘trolls’. Please ignore this kind of comment, it’s hard, I know. But give yourself grace and treat yourself kindly, you know your own heart. Enjoy your new home, relax and pray....and persevere. I so enjoy your blog, creativity and inspiration....I hope you never change. Blessing, V

    1. I will never understand it V. I wish I knew how to block them, but unfortunately there is no way. Thank you so very much for your love and support! xoxo

  11. Stay strong, you are better than this person. You have many of us who don’t need you to make any explanations. Love and hugs xx

    1. Thank you so very much Karen. It means the world to me. xoxo

  12. Oh for the love of God what joy do people get out of demeaning and harassing other people. You should not feel you have to explain yourself to others, it’s none of their business. Most of your followers know the situation and fully support you in your efforts to start a new life. You must learn how to block people like her from commenting. I don’t know how it works but people are blocking commentators all the time on Instagram.

    1. Thanks so much Angharad. I wish blogger provided an option of blocking people. It would make things a lot easier! Your support means a lot to me. I thank you for that! xoxo

  13. Sad that you had to reveal all of that. But as you said; you are a kind person with nothing to hide, rather you were a victim. So not sure what is up with this Dee person but what else can she say that you have not already addressed. Sometimes you just have to stick up for yourself and you did just that. You were brave and courageous. So happy you are working to put all this behind you. And Dee, if you are reading this, get help.

    1. Thanks so much Merla. I did think to ignore, but I couldn't. I felt I needed to address this troll once and for all. I will never understand the mean spiritedness of some people. xoxo

  14. I am so angry! The animal who said those hateful things must have parents who are uneducated, uncaring, unfeeling and just plain jerks. To have raised a child that turned out like that is unforgivable. Some people like Dee pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but obviously this person really enjoys hurting others. She'll get hers. I am sorry you had to tell your story again, it's very hurtful. But now it's told, and we all adore, admire and respect you all the more for it!!

    1. Thank you so much! I am not sure what motivates people like her. I am so grateful I am not like that and also that I have lovely people like yourself who support me in a much kinder gentler way. You are all blessing to me. xoxo

  15. Thank you so much Becky. I don't think we have a right to judge others. Its so unfair as you say. xoxo

  16. I am forever sad that you have had to deal with this kind of thing. It amazes me how cruel and unkind some people can be. I admire you for your spunk and for all that you have done to get through everything. You have had a very hard row to hoe. I appreciate your sweet nature and kind ways. You are inspiring to me. Keep up the good works and ignore the jerks of this world.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!