
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .


In the ways of change we find our true
direction. ~Unknown

I am sitting here in my little house this morning, thinking about all the mistakes I almost made over the past six months and about how wonderful life gets when you listen to the still small voice and just trust in the plan for us.

Six months ago I was pretty devastated. I couldn't see that there was ever going to be a truly happy place for me again. My whole life had seemingly fallen apart. Oh heck, who am I kidding. It fell apart.  It was really scary to make the choice to walk away from everything familiar, from what had been my life for the past 20 years.  To let go of pretty much everything I had thought was important to me.

Having three days to decide what you are going to take with you into the future is an incredible experience, especially when your head is all over the place. I will always be so grateful to the members of my Ward in Chester who helped me to be able to just walk away. To Tina and Tony for helping me pack. I will always be grateful to my Bishop for arranging to have a few things shipped over and for taking me to the airport. I will always be grateful to my family for being here for me on the other side, and to all of you for your prayers and support.

I literally could not have done it without them, without you. Without God.

I learned and am learning that I can do really hard things. I have learned patience.  I have learned the importance of following the guidance of the spirit and personal revelation. Its all good. 


Yesterday I built this wee table.  I had a diagram to follow and I did get it put together wrong the first time and had to take it apart and start over, but I did it and its solid.  I also managed to set up my printer and connect it to the wi-fi and my computer all by myself.  I am amazed at that.  I do not have a technological mind.  Usually men have done all that stuff, and I have been quite happy to let them do it.  And the printer actually works from my laptop. I printed a test page (a recipe of course) to test it out. 


Dan put this together for me on Sunday.  Its in the spare bedroom (along with a bazillion boxes I need to flatten, etc.) and will be my work station.  For sewing, painting, writing, etc. It does fold flat to hide away when I have company.  For that room I still need to get a sofa bed or some such.  The only window in the room is the back door, which is all glass, but it has a venetian blind on it that you can open or close to let light in, or have privacy. 


My kitchen is quite set up now and very workable.  This is just the one side.  The other side has cabinets, the sink, the dishwasher, etc. I don't think I will use the dishwasher much. Probably only when I have company or have cooked a lot. Its just easier for me to do the dishes as I go along. I have plenty of cupboard space. No window, but that's okay. You can't have everything, and this is very workable.  The stove, which came with the flat has a self cleaning oven.  the refrigerator is spacious and roomy.  I can live with it all.  I got myself a microwave and a toaster/convection/airfryer oven.  I think the toaster oven is quite practical for cooking for one most of the time and loving the airfryer bit.


This rolling work station was a bit of an indulgence on my part, but it was a floor model and I did get it at a very good price.  I needed a place to house my baking things.  The drawer pulls out and I have my rolling pin, cutters, etc. in there.  It has the perfect work top to house that very kind gift of a Kitchen Aid. That alone was a dream come true.  I had wanted a red one for years and years.  Dreams can come true and in the most remarkable way.  It is a real work horse.  I love it.  Thank you Jen.  Your kindnesses have meant so much to me. They truly have.  I will not let you down. 


Another floor model, but it works so well.  The colors of it all match, the table, chairs, work island, this small cabinet. They were not meant to be together, but they go together. This is just the right size to hold my little treasures. And that tray on top comes off and you can actually use it for a tray if you want. functional furniture. 


When I was a child we lived in Germany for a time. My father was in the airforce and did work on several bases through Europe on the aircraft housed there.  One such place was Sardinia.  He brought these two post cards back. Flocked postcards depicting the dress of the people there.  My sister and I loved them. I remember brushing my fingers over them many, many times. They felt like velvet. My sister matted one for me.  I will get a frame for it once things open up and hang it over the small sideboard I think.  It was so kind of her to do that for me. 


My little glass birds are waiting to be hung up in the front window.  I have eight of them and they miraculously made the trip intact. I was ever so pleased to discover not one had broken in the journey.   I love them so and they will always be a tender reminder of what I really loved about the UK. I started buying them (one at a time) a few years ago when I was looking for a sparrow ornament to remind myself that God sees the Sparrow fall and they are important to him.  It was to be a tangible reminder to me of God's love for all of us.  Of course I loved the sparrow so much I had to get a robin, and then I got a robin for mom and my sister, and then a nuthatch for my sister and one for me, and the collection grew until I ended up with eight.  They are so beautiful hanging in the window.  I just need to figure out a secure way to hang them so that they won't fall and break.  I hang them with fishing line.  Its invisible.


My beautiful TV stand. Another floor model. I thought the white would go well with the color of the baseboards and trims in the flat.  Its also practical because there is space for a dvd player once I get one and the side doors can house other bits and bobs. Right now I have my photo albums in them, and some candles.   MY artwork waiting to be hung. I need a few more frames, but will have to wait until I can get to Michaels and that could be a while.


It arrived finally.  Funny story.  It didn't come the day it was supposed to (Monday). I had hung in all day waiting for it. Finally yesterday I decided I needed to go out just for a few things and could chance a quick journey.  I quickly went to the store and back.  Got home and checked and there was a message saying it had been delivered.  PANIC  No tv was here, and my neighbors did not have it.  Had it been delivered, left and stolen in those few minutes I was gone?  I went online to try to figure out what had happened to it.  Have you ever tried to find someone on Amazon to talk to?  Almost impossible. It can be done, but you have to almost stumble on it by accident, which after about 45 minutes of searching I did.  I was just talking to the fellow online when the doorbell rang and it was the delivery guy with the TV.  I have no idea why they marked it as delivered when it hadn't been.  The important thing is it finally was.  Whew! Crisis averted! 


I do so, so, so love this wee rocking chair.  I am so happy I bought it.  I had seen it initially when I went to look for furniture but didn't buy it.  I then thought about it for a few days and every time I thought about it, I thought to myself, I should have gotten that.  I decided to go back and see if it was still there and it was, and on sale. So I got it.  I am so glad that I did. My few dolls look lovely sitting in it and if perchance I ever do get my wee grandson here to visit, he will have a chair to sit in. 


I thought you might like to see that stool I tole painted back in 1994. Our Doug made the stool, and I painted it. There was no way I was leaving that behind in the UK. It is one of my few heirlooms and Doug's boys will have to fight over it one day. 

Treasure books . . . 


More treasures.  My day book journal, my bumble bee writing paper and a quote book from a dear friend.  Also my salt lamp wax melt diffuser.  The scent?  Why "Home Sweet Home" of course. 


Its starting to really look and feel like a forever after home to me.  I hope I never clutter it up.   


These are the sheets I bought to make curtains for the living room window with.  The strips are taupe.  Taupe seems to take in a number of colors I find. These are clay tan taupe. Not blue.  I think they will go well. 


It is truly starting to feel like "Home Sweet Home."  My sister gave me the cake stand for Christmas. I love it, and those pot holders were a gift a while back from a dear, dear friend.  Things that matter, things that touch your heart.  Things that bring you joy and that you love. 

The only way I am leaving this place is in a box  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *He said, "One life on this earth is all that we get,
whether it is enough or not enough, and the
obvious conclusion would seem to be that
at the very least we are fools if we do not live it
as fully and bravely and as beautifully as we can.
~Frederick Beuchner  •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 


In the kitchen today, Apricot Chicken.  This is what I made for the family on Sunday. Its easy and incredibly delicious. Only four ingredients and it cooks entirely in the oven for the most part!

Have a beautiful Wednesday. Dan has his vaccine today and then we are all done with the first ones.  Tim has his tomorrow and Eileen a week from tomorrow. Oh happy day.  I hope your day is filled with love, luck and sunshine. Don't forget! 

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And I do too!        


  1. I love seeing all the pictures of your new home. It is shaping up vsery well. It's amazing what can happen when you want it so. Take care and enjoy the new home. It is very welcoming and cozy!

    1. Thanks Pam! I hope that it is showing my personality. I want it to be a happy space. You take care also.xoxo

  2. Looks lovely. You’ve made a great start to this new chapter. Happy cooking.

  3. Loved seeing your kitchen, Marie. Now I can picture you working away developing delicious recipes. It's amazing what we can achieve when we set our mind to it. Glad everyone is getting their vaccine. We get ours on June 8th. Can't wait. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I am so happy you are going to get yours Elaine. Its been a long time coming! Has your brother been able to have his? Just wondering. Maybe once you have all had your first ones at least then maybe you can have a lovely socially distanced visit! Praying that you can see him soon! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Lovely to have a peek into your new home Marie, everything looks wonderful. Love all the pops of colour and how they all connect. So glad that your family will all have had their first does of the vaccine. Better days are ahead.

    1. Thanks so much Linda! Yes, may better days be ahead for us all! xoxo

  5. Aww thanks so much Becky! That means a lot to me! xoxo

  6. What a nice tour of your new place, thanks. That rug! Everything so functional, also so attractive and cozy. Continued prayers coming your way for health for you and your dear family...and for a million happy days in that lovely cottage of yours.
    Home Sweet Home ! xo, V

    1. Thanks so much V! Your prayers are so very much appreciated. I cannot thank you enough. Stay well and safe! xoxo

  7. Enjoyed seeing the photos of your new place...and how many items you have been able to purchase for it!! Wonderful...I hope the neighbors are the greatest too...that could make for a perfect dwelling spot!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  8. Oh, my dear friend, I am so happy to see that you got a flat and are settling in. I think it is looking so cute and homey and just perfect. I am just thrilled for you. I liked all the furniture pieces and just everything.
    I'm sad, I haven't been in for a while, but my life has turned crazy. I will hope to blog about it soon.
    Just know I cherish our friendship and hope to meet someday. I have learned alot from you and your kind, wise, loving nature. You went through the worst with such grace, and I find you an amazing woman. Keep spreading the light!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

  9. Hi, Marie! Your new place looks sooo LOVELY and cozy! So nice to think of your there and looking forward to the recipes you'll be sharing from that cute kitchen. I like all the minimal style and almost Scandi-style touches. The colorful braided rug is FUN! Good all went well with your TV in the end. We had that happen with a delivery one--TJ got a message on his mobile saying it was delivered. Nope. But it showed up several hours late... Technology glitches, I guess--haha! Glad to check in with you. I've been offline for a few weeks now, since a lot of unpleasantness on Instagram. VERY much needed a digital detox. :/ ((LOVE & HUGS))

  10. Thank you so much Becky. Your comment really brought a warmth to my soul. I thank you for that. God bless you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!