
Wednesday 5 May 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .

 Apparently I offended people the other day when I was talking about my having bought something online that ended up coming from the far east, and having suggested that the older man who had been living my place was probably not the cleanest. If I did I apologize.  Anyone who knows me or has been reading me for sometime knows that I try hard not to be offensive. 

I have nothing against Chinese people or any other race of people.  My sister in law and nieces are Japanese and I love them to pieces. My point was meant to be buyer beware.  I admittedly do not have a lot of experience in buying clothing that comes from these online places.  That was the first clothing order I had ever gotten, and now I am worried because I ordered two more things from two more places.  Obviously what is one size here in North America is not the same over there. 

Neither are Santa figures, or cat toys quite the same. Obviously I have super high standards of what I expect in return for money spent.

  Also, in my experience, and I speak from my experience alone, I have never met a man who did a cleaning job as thoroughly or as well as I would do it.  I did not suggest that the old man was dirty, just that he maybe could have been cleaner. That is not to say that all men are incapable of meeting my standards.  I am sure that there are many who would even do better.  Maybe I am just a super-picky person when it comes to cleanliness and cleaning. Me bad.

So anyways, if I offended you, I am sorry.


I spent most of yesterday in the new place. I took over some more stuff and unpacked most of what was there.  I started to unpack some of my nine boxes.  I did three of them. Then I had to just leave them and come home.  My legs were so tired, etc. and sore, not to mention my feet.  No place to sit so I had been standing and walking back and forth for hours. Not easy with arthritis.  I will not make the same mistake today.

My three boxes . . .  heart breaking. Almost everything in them was smashed to smithereens. All of my Emma Bridgewater mugs. My antique lady pig cookie jar. The tea cup and saucer my sister gave me forty years ago, all my beautiful props that I had purchased in the last few months before I ended up having to move, my fairytale plates by Scott Gustafson, my glass picture frames, etc. Three boxes of broken glass, ceramics and china.  I was crying.

I know its just stuff, and I shouldn't let it bother me.  I have already had to let go of so much . . . the thought went through my mind  . . . how much more am I going to have to let go of . . .  

All of my hurt and anguish over what's happened to me these past months just came out in a flood of tears.  I am only human I guess, and while I try to put a brave face on most of the time, sometimes I give in to the sorrow of it all.

Then I pull up my big girl panties and just get on with it. As mom always said, there is no point in crying over spilt milk.  I have far greater things ahead of me than any I have left behind. Its that simple. And I have been incredibly blessed through it all.


I have a huge list of things to do today.  First I want to take most of what is still left here over there and unpack some more.  I need to go to the Post Office because they were supposed to call me about how I am going to get my mail.  I should have gotten my modem yesterday, but of course I have been unable to check my post at the new place.  I was into the Post Office on Monday as I had not been given a key to the communal post box on the street and I was expecting the modem on Tuesday.
They didn't seem to know what the protocol was when I was in there on Monday. They said they would talk to the man who delivers the mail there and then call me. They didn't.  So I will have to go back and ask again. I have things now directing to that place.

Also I might go back into Home Hardware and pick up this tiny rocking chair they had. It wasn't very expensive and I know that I can't sit in it, only a small child could sit in it . . .  but a small doll could sit in it and I need a bit of whimsey I think.  Who can't use a bit of whimsy in their life!!

Doug and the boys have sent me a package for Mother's Day.  All those years in the UK, I never got anything for Mother's Day except online wishes.  The cost of sending things was just too high. I am looking forward to seeing what they have sent me. Its exciting!  I don't really expect anything for Mother's Day, not really, so this is a real surprise, and very thoughtful.

Plus when I was unpacking yesterday I found a note from Tina to me tucked into one of the boxes.  A tender mercy, just at the time when I needed it.  Its funny how that goes.  I don't know why we are so surprised when things like that happen. We shouldn't be. He is always there, collecting our tears in His bottle.  It was like my Heavenly Father was reaching out to me, patting me on the shoulder and saying, there  . . . there . . . 

Another plus  . . .  none of the lead crystal my mother bought me through the years was broken. 

I have bought some single flat sheets to hang in the windows until I can get curtains.  Maybe I will like them so much I will never get curtains. You never know! 

Despite there being only two real windows in the place, it is surprisingly bright in there!  I was greatly encouraged by that. 

Only a few things left to get.  A carpet for the living area, a television, and some lamps. 


Call me crazy, but I kind of like this.  Its really colorful.  But I will have to think on it for a bit. It is on sale now, but I don't know.  Is it too bright?  Dare I move out of the "safe" zone?  Express my inner child?  The more I look at it, the more it grows on me. 

Lets face it, it would go with just about any color at all!  

I will need to get a mat to put by the front door.  It is ceramic tile in that small area and could be slippery when wet, but I have time before next winter rolls around. I think I am going to use some of my yarn and knit a bunch of slippers to have in a small basket by the front door for people to wear.  Also I need to get a small runner to pop into the kitchen for the floor in there as apparently the floors in these slab homes can get a bit cold in the Winter, but I have summer to get through yet!

I think eventually I will get a small sofa bed for the spare bedroom.  Its not a very large room and I will not have overnight guests that often.  If I get a sofa bed then it can operate as a sewing/painting/office room most of the time. Perhaps eventually I can also get a small tv for in there, so when the grandchildren are there, they can play video games or whatever in there, or maybe not. We'll see what happens. 


And I guess that's about all I have to say today so I will leave you with a thought for today . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *God says don't worry about the future.
He is the author of your story and 
he's already written the final chapter.
~Max Lucado  •。★★ 。* 。


There is Sheet Pan Cooking for Two in the English Kitchen today. No fuss, no muss, easy and delicious!

Have a beautiful Wednesday.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Marie, I'm so sorry your precious things were all broken. Hopefully, things fared better in the remaining boxes. I love that rug. I think you should buy it. It is so cheerful looking. Hope your busy day goes well. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. My Susan Branch Bluebird Mug. That hurt too, almost as much as my sister's tea cup. But it is just stuff. I bought the rug! Thanks Elaine! Oh, I am living on the edge now! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Take that broken china and make some trivets, picture frames, a stepping stone fir by your door and more. It is such a shame that it got broken, but you can give it new life. I have several ideas for mosaic things on my website.

    1. You are right, I can create something new from all of the old. That's my whole life right now eh? Creating something new from the old! Thanks Linda! xoxo

  3. You are right we can't be crying over spilt milk. It's done and can't use made whole again. Better to look forward to all the wonderful things you have coming your way. Hope your mail gets all sorted out. Surely someone knows how and where delivery is. Keep your chin up and don''t let anything get you down. You have so much to be thankful for.

  4. I am sorry for your broken treasures too..:(Totally sorry.
    However I can't believe what you are and have been capable of doing.
    It seems you are doing far more than in the UK..and you are able to get settled..You will be so happy once everything is put togther.

    If they could see you now;)

  5. Some pretty amazing things have been made using broken pieces of glass/pottery. 😊

  6. Love the rug. Glad you bought it.

  7. Such a shame about the breakage. Buy the rug! If it makes you happy, go for it. This is truly your own apartment, decorate it in a way that pleases you and only you.

  8. I am so sorry that again you are facing more loss from your move!! Not that it surprises me because at least in our country the PO does NOT handle anything carefully at all. IN fact, if it says "fragile", it is handled more roughly...according to a friend who used to work for the PO. And as to your remark? I have also found it entirely true. Even learned in the fabric store to carefully look at the bolts, or ask the clerk where fabrics come from. I heard a couple years ago that some fabric mills are finally being restarted here in USA so hope at some point we can get better stuff. I did learn however, IF the fabrics were made in Japan or South Korea, that is the best currently you can find. After all, if the cloth is so cheap it will only stand a couple washings, there is no need to waste time, efforts and money on it. But I have not been able to keep anything in the past year or so, that I bought online for myself...all not worth the postage...go figure. Pay no mind to nay-sayers. My mama always said, "if the shoe fits, wear it...if not, ignore it."
    Elizabeth xoxo

  9. Oh, please don’t feel like you’ve offended anyone, didn’t say anything wrong!! Good Heavens! My ♥️sank when I read your dishwater was broken. But, you are right, it’s just ‘stuff’. You have memories and photos of your treasures and will be acquiring some new things. I know you are creative and will find a way to save and recycle some of those broken pieces. ( I have a couple of broken China teacups in my potted plants)
    I love, LOVE that rug....bright, happy colors to dance a little dance on !! Things are lookin’ up! Be happy and now, I’m off to visit The English Kitchen. Cheers. xo, V

  10. Oh, whoever was offended needs to get over themselves. People these days! I agree with everyone above, use the broken shards and make things with it. Glad you bought the rug. I had the same experience with buying a sweater online, but it said that it shipped from the USA. Nothing like the pictures online. I got on the website and emailed them and they just kept evading my questions. I took it to PayPal and got my money back. PayPal has been very good about that, I've had to do that a couple of times now. Much love - Raquel XO

  11. Love that rug, where did you find it?
    I'm a long time reader, finally saying hello!!
    Yes, you could make a great try from the broken pieces and they would tell a story. Or what about a backsplash?


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