
Saturday 29 May 2021

Saturday This and That . . .


What a busy week I have had.  I can only imagine how much busier it will get once lockdown ends. My days are full and my cup is overflowing with good things, none of which I take for granted. 

I have watched the Friends Reunion and enjoyed every minute of it.  Friends was not a program I got to watch the first time around.  The man I was married to at the time did not like programs like that.  True story, I did not watch a full episode of Friends until about five years ago.  I fell in love with it and have watched the full series at least five times since then from start to finish. 

Watching the reunion was sweet and bittersweet at the same time.  It was kind of sad to see what 17 years does to people age wise, yet at the same time it was nice to see that the show meant as much to them as it did to us.  Anyways, I truly did enjoy the reunion.  It was perfect and they are right, you could not do a normal reunion show for this iconic series because it would mean unravelling the happy ending we were all given when the show ended.  And, I don't know about you, but I would not like that one bit. I like to think that everyone lived happily ever after. 


This little guy has been visiting me every day a few times a day. He is not afraid of me at all.  He sits on the front veranda, looking at my window until I notice him.  Then I open the door and throw out a few peanuts for him which he starts to eat in front of me.  He doesn't appear to be afraid of me at all.  You can sort of see his stuffed cheeks here.  He's so cute!!  


My dad wanted to come over and watch a movie with me yesterday. He doesn't have Netflix. He did have once upon a time, but he couldn't figure it out. He paid for it for a few years, but never watched anything, so he cancelled it. He knows I have Netflix and Prime, so he wanted to come and watch a movie.  I thought that was great!

We started off with one movie that wasn't very good.  Then we started to watch Stand By Me, but he didn't really like that either. He wanted a romantic comedy so we settled on As Good As It Gets.  He was happy with that. 

In the meantime my sister was starting to panic a bit. She got home from work and was calling his house and wasn't getting an answer, nor was he answering his mobile phone.  So she ended up texting me to see if I had heard from him. 

He had left the house with what he thought was his mobile phone, but was his house phone.  He had it in his pocket, but of course it wouldn't work that far from home and his mobile was at his house.  Anyways, she was relieved to find out he was a.o.k. 

I probably should have let her know he was at my place just so she didn't worry. I didn't think about it,  but if it happens again (and I hope he will come again) I will let her know.


I spent some time yesterday defending my home against the onslaught of insects.  I picked up one of these at Home Hardware. a few nights ago when I was getting into bed I noticed a ton of ants (maybe 6, lol) walking across my bedroom floor.  I hardly slept all night thinking about them crawling into bed with me. I had put ant traps out in the garden earlier in the week. The soil is really sandy here and so there were a lot of ant holes.  Obviously it was beyond the capacity of a few ant traps.

I remembered Pam saying she used this and so I saw it when I went to the store to get some ant killer.  I thought to myself, this will do nicely and picked it up. 

Ants be gone.  And anything else that crawls. 

This darling boy turns 46 today.  Yep, that's my Anthony on his first birthday.  He was such a cutie pie and still is. We have just had a facetime together, and it was lovely.  I can't wait until things open up and we can spend real time together as a family.  He says he will cook us a turkey dinner here at my place, and I said I will let him!  It will be great! 

Oh how very much I love this son of mine who turned me into everything I ever wanted to be, a mother!  He is also responsible for turning me into a grandmother! 

He is the gift that keeps on giving.  Love you son! Happy Birthday!! 


I had a lovely facetime with my friend Tina last night. Tina and I both moved into the Chester Ward in the UK about the same time. I think I had moved back to the Chester Ward about six months before she did.  I can remember seeing her in church the first Sunday she went. She was there with her daughter, Tony having stayed behind in Australia to tie up loose ends. I remember introducing myself to her and thinking afterwards, I think we are going to become friends. You know, you just have that feeling.  I was right. We became fast friends and had ten lovely years to develop that friendship.  She always just felt like family to me.  I don't know how I would have been able to manage what I had to manage without her at the end of my stay there.  She was my shoulder to cry on, an incredible source of strength and support and Tony as well.  I will forever be grateful for all that they did to help me.  Some people might have bailed when they found out what was going on. Not them. They stepped up to the plate and said what can we do, and then went above and beyond.  They were the Saviour's ears and hands and feet.  I am so grateful for this dear friend of mine and knowing that we will always be friends, no matter what.  

God puts some people in your life for a season, and he puts others in for eternity. She is an eternal friend. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today.  I am late in getting this finished and I have a ton of things to do.  Sorry this is a Quiche, or as some people would say, a quicky! Cindy, Dan and dad are coming for supper tomorrow and I want to do some shopping for that, etc.  

A thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Never let the sadness of your past
and the fear of the future
ruin your present.  •。★★ 。* 。 

In the English Kitchen today, Nutella & Caramel Stuffed Brioche.  A simple dessert that goes together quickly and easily!!

Have a great Saturday.  Whatever you get up to, be happy, be healthy, be safe and don't forget!


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And I do too! 



  1. Loved as good as it gets:)
    Look..your life is so much better..happier..fuller.
    I wonder if its because he didn't want to go the the Susan Branch picnic when it was so close to you get around.I fely bad for you as I know you love her.
    I really enjoyed the reunion and so did J.
    It is aging..but truthfully they should have left cosmetic surgery out of their lives.
    Joey looked the best.Natural.IMHO
    So enjoyable..

    1. Thanks Monique! He actually didn't like driving that far in the later years, which was understandable due to his age. I would have loved to go, but now I do live a lot closer, lol, not that I will ever get to MV! Yes, about the cosmetic surgery. Their looks were not enhanced. I thought Phoebe looked great though and Joey, so natural. Chandler didn't look too bad either, neither did Ross, but Monica and Rachel, a bit meh! xoxo

  2. It sounds like you and Cindy are taking turns making Sunday dinner. How fun is that! Happy Birthday to Anthony. You'll be so looking forward to seeing him and his family plus that turkey dinner. Let's hope it's soon. Tina and Tony are true friends to you. Hopefully they can come vidit you soon. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I don’t think it is planned Elaine! A happy accident. I am going there on Wednesday for Dan’s birthday! My sister is making lasagne and I am making a double chocolate cake, his favourite! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I'm glad you were alle to get the Home Defense there. It's the best I've ever found. You don't have to leave your house just because you've sprayed. Hope you get rid of your ants. I'm fighting them here. I think they are gone and then they come back again.

    1. I think I will need to do it a few times I think Pam! Ants are real pests! Xoxo

  4. Such a cute little critter that visits you each day. I love the adorable photo.
    i think it is awesome that you Dad comes by to watch a movie; that is the best ever. Enjoy all those moments and do let your sister know.
    We have had some ant problems, and I'm sure your treatment will work.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Tina and Tony. Good friends like that are priceless. I'm glad you could facetime with her; that is such a gift we have through technology.
    Blessings and hugs!
    Happy 46th Birthday with your Anthony! I loved your thoughts on him.

    1. I love spending time with my dad LeAnn! This is truly the silver lining! Xoxo


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