
Thursday 1 April 2021

My Favourite Things . . .


These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are your favourites too. It is a good to take your mind off things that are bringing you down and to dwell on the good more often than not. You can admire without wanting. What can I say, I like to look at pretty things!    


Red geraniums.  I love them.  I could fill my garden with tubs of red geraniums, and window boxes too.  They just make me smile.  


Jane Austin anything . . .  love it all.  


Cinnamon anything  . . .  the smell, the taste . . .  just cinnamon . . . 


Fresh tulips.  Did you know if you pierce each stem just below the bloom they will stand upright and last a lot longer?  Just a tip I learned from my boss at the manor.


The month of April. It is filled with so much that I love.  The earth is awakening and coming back to life. The birds are nesting.  Easter. The Spring General Conference of my church. There is so much to love about this month. 


This is lovely. I love the open feel of it.  The brightness  . . . 


Siamese cats.  They talk to you.  I love them. We had siamese when I was growing up and when I had my own family we had two lovely blue points through the years. 


This. It makes me smile.  So cheerful!


A place to fix your face  . . . 


A room with a view  . . . 

 Dachshunds.  Next to Cockers, I love them most of all.  


Trail mix  . . . 


Softies  . . . 


Felted Rocks  . . . 


This sweater  . . . 


This  . . . 


Baskets  . . . 


Bagels  . . .  fresh from the bakery, so good. My sil used to pick them up from a Jewish bakery in Toronto on Avenue Road. They were sooooo good. 


Polka Dot Meringues.  What a great idea! 


Croissants . . .  any kind, but especially almond ones  . . . 


Pizza   . . .  any kind  . . .  any time . . . 


Love, love, love  . . . 


Colour  . . . I love colour  . . . 


Loving the stripes  . . . 


Oh my . . . . 


Love this too  . . . 


So pretty  . . . .


Paper fans  . . . 


So pretty  . . . 


This  . . .  just this  . . . 

I am in love with colour today, can you tell?  Am also longing for a place to call home sweet home.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛. There is always, always
something to be thankful for.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Salt & Pepper Chicken strips, served with a lush quick and easy sauce for dipping. Delicious!!

Have a wonderful Thursday. I hope it is filled with lots of favourite things.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    


  1. After a dismal winter it is wonderful to see color return with Spring. Today we have snow though. April Fool. Just when we thought spring was here, it turned cold and we have snow.

    1. They expect rain here for the next fortnight, but today it is sunny! xoxo

  2. What a lovely post! Thank you for the tip about tulips. I will try that the next time I buy a bouquet. They are my favorite flower.

  3. Yes, yes, yes to everything, it's all beautiful.

  4. So many pretty things. I love the white and pastal coloured afghan. Lovely for spring. Good tip for the tulips. We had snow in the air today. Warmer tomorrow.
    Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thankfully no snow for us. Just rain! But it is sunny today! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I always knew that there had to be some kind of trick to get the tulips to stand up bc I tried everything, but not that! Lol
    Thanks for the tip!
    I love flowers bc flowers make everyone happy!
    I love lots of color too, that's why I'm having a hard time what color to paint my walls.
    I don't know if I want different colors on the wall, or one color to look continuous throughout the rooms.
    I love your favs today!
    I wish it was warm here! Lol
    Have a fantastic weekend Marie!xoxo

    1. You are very welcome J! It works a charm! I can never make up my mind when it comes to colour. I am so indecisive! Love and hugs. xoxo


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