
Sunday 11 April 2021

How To Spend a Saturday . . .



Yesterday was  wonderfully sunny day so my sister and I decided to take the wheels out and drive to New Minas to Michaels. My father is wanting me to make him a blanket like I made myself so I wanted to get some new yarn to do it with and they have the best yarn at the best prices.  My sister also wanted to exchange a small picture frame she had bought the last time we went in as when we got home she realized the glass was missing from it. 

I really enjoy these little jaunts out with my sister and I truly hope that when I do move into my own place they will still happen.  Time together with my best friend on earth = priceless. 


I think I picked some pretty nice colors for the blanket.  I tried to make them sort of masculine, but still bright-ish.  No pinks. Ohhh, I also got a ball of bright yellow which I forgot to add to the photo. Some of the colors I got two balls.  The Purple and the brown.  

I am going to make the rectangular blanket using a pattern I purchased from Amanda of 8by6 on Etsy. I like her patterns. They always turn out great.  I've made quite a few afghans using them over the past couple of years in all sorts of colors.  Of course they all got left behind.  I am having fun crocheting more though. One for my new place so far and now one for my dad.  There will be more.


I also picked up some more embroidery floss. I've just about used up what I had. Yes, I am an embroidering maniac.  At least by the time I get into my own place I will be able to say that my months spent waiting have not been fruitless!


I got some more washi tape for my journaling. I love washi tape.  I wish they had the washi stickers. I've only ever been able to get the ones  I like online when I was in the UK. I don't know where to get good ones here in North America, specifically Canada. I enjoy using tape and stickers in my journals. I think it makes them more interesting to look at.


Speaking of journals. I got these two on sale, along with the paper sticker thingies.  The sticker thingies were marked down to $3 from $11.99. I would never have paid the full price for these, but $3 was a bargain and there are paper clips and a pencil case. 

I also bought some pens and snacks.  I can never get out of there without buying snacks for the car ride home. 😏 That's just me I guess!  And they have the best snacks, right near the cash register where you are waiting in line.

Of course then we hopped across the road to Winners. I wanted to get another towel bale as the two I had bought the last time were such good quality.  This I did, but of course I also came out with a few more goodies.  I got my sister a new grater. We have been using mom's old grater and the handle is missing and it is kind of rusty.  I thought it needed replacing. And of course I got one for my new place as well.  I am picking up these things as and when I see them and find them at a good price.  


I also walked out of there with one of these.  I had one in the UK. Actually I had had two in the UK. I use them so much I burnt out the first one and ended up getting a second one. The first one had been something which was sent to me to try for free.

I had been looking at them on Amazon and pondering buying one to replace the one I left in the UK.  This is something I used at least once a week and so I don't really consider it to be a luxury.  The ones on Amazon were kind of pricy however, so I was mulling it over.

Saw this one in Winner's yesterday and the price was right . . . and its an upgrade from the one I had in the UK as it contains a little pan you can use to make a steamed omelet in.  BONUS!

How could I resist, not to mention it is a pretty blue.


And finally I have been searching for just the right fruit bowl.  I like to keep my fruit in a bowl on the counter, but I like a flattish bowl.  I found this one marked down to $7, and it is large enough to also use as a salad serving bowl, or pasta serving bowl.  Right size.  Great color.  Good price. Win, win, win!

On the way back we went to the grocery store to pick up groceries for my dad and the few bits we needed at home.  Believe it or not we got to the grocery store by 1 pm.  I like to get some fresh fruit for myself whenever we go.  (see above)  I also got some watermelon cubes.  But they were inhaled last night while I was watching tv on my laptop. I love watermelon.

When we were in the store we ran into my cousin Hal. Actually he saw me first. I had not seen him since the last time I was home 8 + years ago, although we do stay in touch via facebook. It was soooo good to see him and I confess, we did sneak in a tiny face masked hug. He owns the pizza place in town, but hasn't been at work since last May due to Covid, although his pizza place is open. He has arthritis like I have and his immune system is compromised so he was advised not to go to work because of the large amount of traffic that goes through there. (He sells pizza by the slice to school kids at lunch time, well anytime really.)  Arthritis is rampant in our family.

I call it travelling arthritis because you have good days and bad days and you never know where it is going to hit next. One day it will be your back, the next your knees, etc.  I get it in my wrists, elbows, shoulders also . . .  even bones on  the tops of my feet . . .  but thankfully so far it hasn't affected my hands too much. 

We went to deliver the groceries to dad and he was driving out to pick up his friend to go to the mall, so we talked briefly car window to car window and then proceeded to his house. My sister always makes his bed for him on Saturday.  When we got there we couldn't get in though because my sister didn't have her car keys. DUH  So my dad didn't get his bed made and we had to bring his groceries back here to give him later on when he came for supper.

Speaking of supper.  We made pizza.  

(this is not the pizza we made, last night it was pepperoni)

I had been craving pizza since I saw the Detroit Style Pizza on the Big Food Bucket List show.  We just made an ordinary pizza. Using my dough recipe as above, except on a large sheet pan and there was pepperoni on it.  I can't do the Detroit Style one until I do a bit of research on the crush.  It is on my Bucket List however so watch this space! 

After supper and the dishes I had my shower in  preparation for Sunday morning and then I watched a bit of tv, did some crocheting and went to bed.   

And that was my Saturday.  I was up with the birds this morning because I wanted to watch church over in the UK.  That starts at 6 am, so I was up about quarter past 5.  And now I am talking to you!

I will miss being able to watch church in the UK when all of this Covid business is finished.  Right now I get to watch church twice on Sunday and I love that.

Speaking of Covid, shots are available now for my age group, but there are no appointments locally.  I would have to drive miles to get one and I am not that confident yet. None of us has been able to get an appointment locally. Its ridiculous!!  If people in other provinces can get their shots locally, why can't we???  What about the people who don't have access to transportation and such???  What about people like my daughter and her husband, who don't have cars and also don't have the internet so they can make appointments???

I am not too worried. I said to my sister. Eventually all of the scrambling will die down and we should be able to get our shots locally and hopefully by then all of the kinks in the shots will have been worked out and we can feel better about them.  In the meantime we will continue to do what we have been doing and hope that it is enough to keep us safe.


I have to say I do get upset when I see loads of young people on IG getting together with friends and stuff with no social distancing and masks in sight. Even if you have had your vaccine that doesn't mean you can't get it, or that you can't spread it. Age is also no barrier as we have learned.  I just think it is very selfish and irresponsible behavior.  Its just not on.  Until everyone starts doing what we have been asked to do we will never get a handle on this, if ever.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day because I am running out of time and need to get ready for my local church service.

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift, that's why they call it
the present. ~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  a French Apple Tart.  Deliciously simple! Yum!!

Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. The sun is shining here and a lovely day looks to be ahead of us.  Whatever you end up doing, stay safe, stay healthy and don't forget! 

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And I do too!


  1. A great day and great purchases! Fun to have a sister to be with..I've still not hugged or done is the first vaccine for me..I am hoping to do a garden centre next week..masked and one vaccine;)
    I am livid at rule breakers..near one of my daughter's homes it's blatant.Shame on them.We saw a 24 yr old woman struggling in the hospital w/ Covid today:(

  2. I enjoyed hearing about your Saturday with Cindy. Always fun to go to Michael's and Wnners. You found some nice things for your new home. It's a rainy Sunday here. Your apple tsrt looks delicious. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. A great day of shopping with your sister, I have an egg cooker and love it, mine can also make poached eggs. I get my first vaccine tomorrow, lucky to get an appointment when I did, as now they are all booked up. Your turn will come soon.

  4. I love the colors that u picked for your Dad's blanket!
    It's fun to get new things for your place, even needed things. Lol
    That apple tart looks fancy and yummy!
    It's getting cooler in the 50s again. What a difference bc it's been in the 70s!

    I holler when someone from the neighbors parks to close to my house! I haven't seen any of them wear a mask either! They're just so naive and inconsiderate!

    Stay safe and healthy Marie!xoxo

  5. I am in NS as well and if you go on the Covid vaccine site early in the morning they have the new appt slots available (they upload overnight) My husband was able to get one for next week by going on the site this morning at 6 am. Hope that helps.

  6. Hi, Marie! FUN to see/here the day out with your sister! And how nice your an into your cousin while out--extra treat! Ooo... sooo many GOODIES you bought at Michael's! The yarns color scheme for the blanket is FAB!! I miss the big craft stores, we just don't have them here. Well, we have craft stores, but everything is VERY expensive and I never go. Oh, I LOVE the pic of the bright pink sofa and the floral chair--*swoon*!! So sorr you've not been able to get your Covid shots yet. We are younger and have yet to get ours, but we are registered. The vaccination process here has been ridiculously slow, and the EU deals for vaccines has been crazy. Good to catch up with you, my friend. I slow to get here, but I get here... ;) LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))


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