
Wednesday 14 April 2021

Barbie, blah, blah, blah . . .


One of my favorite toys when I was a child was my Barbie doll.  I didn't have a lot of toys when I was a child, and only a couple dolls, but my Barbie was the one I got the most joy from and one that I had for a very long time.

I purchased my own Barbie doll for myself when I was about six years old. I had a job at that time. It was for cleaning the telephone booths in the small community in which we lived.  Most people didn't have telephones in their homes so there were about six telephone booths peppered amongst the houses and streets.  The job had been a boy across the road's, but when they got posted (a military term) to a new place the job was up for grabs and my mother grabbed it for me. 

It involved me travelling around to these six telephone booths every week with a bucket of water, etc. and cleaning them.  Scrubbing the floor, cleaning the glass, wiping off the telephone.  I wonder now at how I did it actually, but I did.  I got $1 a week, which was a veritable fortune for a six year old.

I was able to save enough to buy my own bicycle ( complete with bell and basket) and my first and only ever  Barbie Doll.


Barbie was all the rage at that time.  My father took us into Winnipeg, to the Polo Park Shopping Mall and I bought myself the only Barbie I could find, with a black bubble hair do and the outfit you see above. It was sparkly and gold and like a crow I was drawn to it.  I had wanted a fancier hairdo on my doll, but beggars can't be choosers and the black bubble do was all that they had at the time.

In time I had many more clothes for her. My mother knit some and purchased a set for me from a woman who made them, and eventually I even was able to buy myself a Barbie case to hold everything in. 


It was black and shiny vinyl and opened up into two sections with drawers at the bottom of each. Oh how I loved to have a Midge and a Skipper doll as well, and fuzzy headed Ken  . . .  but my Barbie made me very happy all on her own. In time my sister got one (with a blond pony tail) and my brother a full sized GI Joe (finally a boyfriend I could commandeer for Barbie and he came with a full sized jeep). 

We spent hours playing Barbie. For years. I was still playing with her when I was 11 years old, maybe even 12.  We didn't have a house for her, but we made houses for our dolls using books for the walls and whatever we could get our hands on, clipping out pictures of furniture from old catalogues to furnish the rooms. 

Imagination is a powerful thing. 


When my sister got her Barbie, she also got this Dutch costume with it. Oh how I coveted it. I had Barbie Doll envy . . .  what with her doll having blonde hair in a pony tail no less, and then little plastic wooden shoes, not to mention that hat. 


I so wanted this and sometimes she would let me borrow it.  I also had a really keen heart for travel.  We had a geography set of volumes for our encyclopedia and practically wore them out devouring everything I could about all of the countries of the world, Holland being one of my favorites. I had and have always wanted to go there. I should have gone while I had the chance. 

Oddly enough my own girls were not that interested in Barbie.  My oldest daughter loved all her dolls to death.  They got a new doll every year for Christmas. Her dolls would always be falling to pieces by the end of the year they were so loved. My youngest daughter's dolls always looked like new.  I guess she didn't really play with them. I think mom (me) loved their dolls most of all. Truth be told I was probably buying them more for me than for them.  But they do say if you want to get someone a gift they will love, buy them something you would love to have yourself.


Do you remember the Barbie that came with all the wigs?  Talk about hair envy. I couldn't do anything to my Barbie's hair. It was too short. I really wanted one with the wigs.  Or better yet a Tressy with hair that grew. 

Now they have those Silkstone Barbie dolls for collectors and I am still filled with Barbie envy. What I wouldn't give for one of those, but really, there are many other more important things to spend money on than a trinket like that.  Dust collectors is really what they are. 


I also love Blythe dolls. Such pretty little girls.  Expensive as well, if you can get one.  I guess I just like dolls full stop.

I also love making dolls. Perhaps when I get my own place I can get back into making dolls again. I always really got a lot of pleasure from creating different cloth dolls.  First on the list, a sewing machine.  But I have other priorities to take care of first.

And before any of that, I need my own place.  I reckon I will have the virtue of Patience well and truly honed by then!


I started a new book yesterday and I almost can't put it down.  Normally I read all my books on my kindle. This is a real paper book and I was reading it in bed last night.  Its excellent.  I wish I could write like this woman can.  I have a million stories in my head, but I lack finesse in putting them down to paper. 

I also got quite a bit done on my father's blanket.  He wants me to make a pouch on the underside so that he can pop his feet into it, so they can really keep warm.  I used to make Quillow's a long time ago. I made one for my mother. I wonder what happened to that. They were lap quilts that folded up into pillows.  

I have made so many things through the years and don't really have any of them myself.  A lot were given as gifts to others.  I am changing that now as I make these few things for myself. The tea towels, dishcloths, etc.  I have a few other things I want to make as well.  All in due time.  All in due time.

I can only store so much in my room. All in due time. 


As much as I would like a dog again, I will probably have a cat because I can't really walk a dog very far with my arthritis.  I might not even have a cat.  Animals can be expensive to keep.  That's always something a person needs to keep in mind.  We will just have to wait and see. First the house/flat/apartment.  I am always putting the cart in front of the horse.  Having a pet would be great company however and give me someone to talk to. What will be will be.

And I am really just prattling on this morning.  This afternoon my sister and I are going to Jane's again to paint, so that is something to look forward to, and will give me more to talk about. 

Oh, one final thing, my friend Tatiana needs your prayers.  She is having a hysterectomy and there is a possibility she may have cancer.  Please keep her in your prayers.  I am praying she doesn't have cancer and that she recovers well from the operation, and that if she does have the dreaded "C" that it is caught in time and can be properly dealt with. Thank you so much.  Also her mother is not doing well.  She had a heart attack a while back. Prayers there would also be appreciated.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.We're all going through life
for the first time.•。★★ 。* 。


Nothing new today in the kitchen, but I am sharing an oldie but a goodie.  Cinnamon Roll Toast.  This is so tasty and yet such a simple thing to make.  It tastes just like a cinnamon roll but without any of the faffing about. Low in sugar, and if you are gluten intolerant, you can make it with gluten free bread.  Deliciously simple. Nothing could be easier.

Have a great Wednesday no matter what you get up to and don't forget!  

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And I do too.



  1. Oh your poor friend..

    At one point I had those wigs..I'm almost sure lol.

    Loved Barbie to bits.
    Have fun!

    1. I really hope she will be okay. She is only young, the same age as my oldest son. Xoxo

  2. I never had a Barbies Doll, but made sure my daughter did. She loved it and had a Barbise Doll house to go with her. She even had a Barbie car Will keep your friend and her mother in my prayers.

    1. Oh yiur daughter was a very lucky girl Pam! Thank you for your prayers! I know they are appreciated! Xoxo

  3. Will pray for your friend and sorry to hear this. The one good thing about having a hysterectomy is that it can solve some problems. I had one at 35. Life has other physical problems but it cured some of mine at least. I had a couple Barbies, though was maybe 10 or so with the first one as they came out about then. I had lots of dolls as one grandma got me one every year. But at 14 when we moved to another state, I was not given but 2 boxes to put any toys or dolls or books into...and by then my books were SO important. But I managed to keep 2 chatty cathy dolls that my girls had to play with. Though they too were not very crazy about dolls. But in MY DAY, there was not a lot of toys for girls aside from dolls...maybe that is one reason we wanted them? I hope your apt will come soon. It is not easy living even with those we love a lot...we have had times we lived with others, or they with us. Just easier to have our own little space.
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  4. I hope and pray that Tatiana doesn't have cancer and that her Mom gets better too.

    I had Barbie and Ken dolls bc my Aunt Mary would buy them for me. She knew someone that made doll clothes and bought some of those too, with the store bought. Right after I got my barbie and Ken my Dad bought a plastic car and then a horse for her.

    My best friend and I would play for hours outside on a blanket on our front lawn til we saw a snake and ran inside! Luckily my cousin was there and he picked it up and carried it way out into the field. After we would play on her steps bc the top step was so big u could put a blanket over it and we felt safer. Lol

    When I was 12 my sister talked me into giving up all my 14 dolls for my niece, even though she bought plenty for her! She did it bc she thought I was getting to old to play with my dolls! Now they sit in her attic with all the memories of my best friend and my Aunt Mary bc they're in heaven.

    Stay safe and healthy Marie!xoxo

    1. Thank you so much J, I am sure Tatiana appreciates your happy thoughts. Oh, what a lucky little girl you were! I could play Barbie for hours and hours. I even belonged to a Barbie Fan Club. It was fun. You should ask your sister for your Barbies back! I think that's a reasonable request! You stay safe and healthy too! xoxo

  5. Praying for Tatiana and her mom's recovery. Hope Tatiana's surgery went well. I enjoyed hearing your Barbie memories. I was 13 when Barbie premiered so I was a little old for Barbies. I never had one. Clever to put a pocket in the afghan to keep your feet warm and cozy. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine! I know Tatiana will appreciate them! aww too bad you were too old for Barbie. I love your antique dolls you do have though. Love and hugs and stay safe and healthy wishes to you and Larry! xoxo

  6. Thanks for the Cinnamon toast recipe. I know my husband will love it.
    I really enjoyed reading about your Barbie and how much you love dolls. I didn't have a Barbie growing up because I am old. However, my girls did and I did enjoy them. As a young child I loved dolls and had a couple of really beautiful baby dolls that are still in good shape. Then I had a lot of story book dolls and I still have most of them. I started collecting big dolls probably about 20 years ago and they are to go to my Granddaughters when they get married. Sadly, most of my granddaughter's really don't care that much for dolls. Maybe I will do a post of my dolls sometime.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. I would love, Love, LOVE to see you write about your doll collection LeAnn! Please do! I hope you and Roger continue to stay safe and healthy! xoxo

  7. I so enjoy your ‘prattling’ ....please keep it up ! Oh, I was a Barbie lover too.
    Know that I will keep in prayer your friends. xo, V


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