
Saturday 27 March 2021

Saturday this and that . . .


(couldn't find the source) 

This is my wish for you,
comfort on difficult days,
smiles when sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunsets to warm your heart,
hugs when  spirits lag,
beauty for your eyes to see,
friendships to brighten your being,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence for when you doubt,
courage to know yourself,
patience to accept the truth,
Love to complete your life.
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson 

I love this poem by Emmerson. It is what I would wish for anyone to have. 

my car 

Here are my new-to-me wheels.  Its the best photo I could get as it was tipping it down yesterday, really torrential rain.  But here she is in all her glory. That is the winter tires you can see in the back seat. I will need to find  place to store those.  I have her all registered and insured and she is working beautifully at the moment. Finger's crossed it stays that way. I am a bit nervous having purchased her from an individual instead of a dealership, but here's hoping I landed on my feet.

Also, here is the tender mercy.  My phone rang about 2:30 and it was the Insurance Agent. She hadn't put the insurance papers in actually yet, and had been searching and searching and she found me insurance for a full thousand off the original quote.  Praise God!  I was so pleased.  Drove in and gave her back the first insurance papers she had given me yesterday morning and she handed me the new ones. I was ever so happy about that! 

"In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, 
in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; 
a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips; 
around her neck was a large golden necklace…”
~Cassius Dio, Roman Historian

I think I will call her Queenie.  After Queen Boudica (Boadicea) , the ancient Celtic warrior queen.  This is my chariot. I am woman hear me roar!

She took on the Romans and almost won! You can read more about this fascinating woman here.  


We had loads of thunder last night. I didn't see any lightening, but it was  out there somewhere.  The thunder was really rumbling however.  It made me feel all cozy and warm, tucked onto my bed as I watched tv and crocheted.  It was really raining hard too.  April showers coming early?  Maybe!

Its a bit windy out there this morning, but Dan was saying we are supposed to get really high winds tomorrow. I hope we don't all blow away to Oz!!  Or worse, lose our electricity.  Unbelievably, all the power lines here in the Valley are still above ground.  My sister was saying that most of the time when they lose the power it is during rainstorms not snow storms.

I have added a big flash light to my list of things I need to get when I finally move into my own place. My dad says he has a brand new iron and ironing board that I can have. (I hope he meant that.) He also said I can do my laundry at his place so I won't have to buy myself a washer/dryer right away.  That's very helpful, and I appreciate it.  I am sure my sister would let me do it here also.


I did not get any painting done this week, although I did get two tea towels embroidered, a hot pad crocheted and two dishcloths.  I was thinking I need to find another large crochet project, now that I have finished my blanket.  Perhaps another blanket?  Or some cushion covers?  I like to have a few things on the go so that when I get bored with one I can switch to the other. 

I was reading an article in an old Ensign magazine online from July 2004, by Elder M Russell Ballard, entitled Be Strong in the Lord. You can find that here. Its about putting on the armor of God to help us in these latter days. One of the things he advised us to do was not to waste the days of our probation by spending endless hours doing meaningless tasks. In other words, just as my mama always said, Idle hands are the Devil's work.

I am so grateful that I am the type of person who likes to keep her hands busy with doing.  I hate just sitting around.  I always have done. I have never been an idler.  I like to be working, creating, doing. 


I get a little devotional each morning from Dayspring.  This was a part of this morning's along with this verse. 

Even on the days when you can’t feel it, 
 when you just don’t see it, here’s what’s still true… 
 You’re loved. You’re not alone. 
 You have a purpose. There is always hope. 

I really love things like this.  I find them very encouraging, especially when you are going through a rough patch. 

I also just signed up to get inspiration for each day of Easter week on the Church of Jesus Christ page. (here)  To me, Easter is even more important than Christmas.  I want to get as much spirit into it as I can, and of course it is the week leading up to our semi-annual General Conference.  It is hard to believe that this will be the third one being broadcast during lockdown, but it is.

Can I be honest here?  Why not, I always am.  I am going to get the vaccine of course, but I think we are going to have to live with restrictions for a very long time, maybe even forever.  I do hope and pray every day that we will come to a time when we can gather with our family and friends once more, but I fear it will always be with restrictions.  I hope that I am wrong.


A few days ago when it was lovely and sunny and mild I had my bedroom window open for a few days in a row.  One evening as I sat in there working away at my various projects I could hear the birdsong from outside.  There was the coo coo of the morning doves, then the two cries from the chickadees (hoo hoo and chickadee dee dee) and then a crow would add his two cents worth.  I think I even heard the owl.  It was very lovely to listen to.  It will soon be added to by the sounds of the peepers and crickets.  oh how I have missed all these things over these past twenty years.

Although there was much in my UK garden to delight me as well.  Each place that we find ourselves has the propensity to bring us joy if we are open to it, and . . . yes, it is the small things which bring us the most happiness and which truly delight our souls.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° ˛°. . Faith is seeing light
with your heart
when all your eyes
see is darkness.•。★★ 。* 。 


IN The English kitchen today  . . . Bread Machine Parker House Rolls.  Deliciously simple.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday wherever you are.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Great news re the insurance!And she'a so!Independence for you and I think that's wonderful...Looking UP!!

    1. Thanks Monique! I’m feeling very positive! Xoxo

  2. Very nice looking vehicle. And what a deal your insurance agent found you, absolute bonus. The price will probably go down after a year or so of driving in Canada. Enjoy the weekend. It is lovely and sunny here after a night and day of pouring rain.

    1. Hopefully within a few years my insurance will be more reasonable, but I was really pleased with my agents efforts! Overcast and frigid here today! Xoxo

  3. Your new car is perfect. So glad you got the break on the insurance. It's expensive but worth it. You will need it if you are taking laundry back and forth.It is a big releif for me to have the vAccine now. I feel a lot safer after having had to be so careful for ages now. Hope you can get yours soon.

    1. Thanks Pam! Congrats on having had your vaccine! I bet it feels a lot safer now! Xoxo

  4. Your insurance agent is definitely a keeper. You might get a further discount if you buy your tenant's insurance from the same company. Happy travels to you and Queenie

    1. Thanks Mam! I think I will get my tenants insurance from her also! Xoxo

  5. This is a lovely post full of goodies. I like the Emerson poem, and my current post mentions the full armor of God, as I saw you also mention it. In these days we are blessed to have that armor. I have had both my vaccinations and am gradually doing more things; masks around other people are required here.

    1. Thanks Terra! I was so sad I had to leave your book behind, but will replace it when I can as I loved it! I need to checkout your post! Happy to hear you e had both your shots! Xoxo

  6. Your car is beautiful, Marie, and you'll need those snow tires next year. I love how you're filling your hope chest with treasures you are making yourself. It's a cold spting day here. Everything is slowly coming together fir you. Fingers crossed you'll get your condo soon. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I am enjoying doing these little things, filling my hope chest! It’s frigid here today,there were even a few flakes! Love and hugs. Xoxo

  7. Kia's are very reliable Marie, looks like you got a good deal in both car and insurance. Happy travels!

    1. Thank you! I feel blessed, and it’s a help to my sister as well, which also makes me happy! Xoxo

  8. It looks like a new car Marie spotless and a sporty red!
    Nice! See good things come to those who wait!
    There's no stopping you now!
    The sky's the limit!
    I'm so happy for you Marie!xoxo

  9. That's a good insurance agent. We have a good one here too. when we moved from Ohio to Oklahoma, our insurance went way higher (a lot of uninsured or under-insured motorists down here). Also,Keith had a speeding ticket that was only about a year old. They drop off after 3 years, so last year when we got our insurance and it had gone up again, quite a bit, I called our agent. She called the company, explained about the ticket and then pointed out that we both have perfect driving records, no accidents or anything and they dropped it back down nicely, $75 off what they originally wanted. Much love - Raquel XO

    1. I was so pleased! I think I’ll keep her! Xoxo


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