
Saturday 13 March 2021

Saturday this and that . . .


I just love these old illustrations and verses.  There is something very quaint and sweet about them.  I expect at one time they were greeting cards or postcards from a kinder, gentler time.

I am coming to you from my new laptop this morning. I actually bought it back in December, but have basically been using the old one because I haven't figured out how to bring all of the information over to the new one yet.  I did buy a couple of memory sticks, but have not been able to figure out how to transfer all my family photos etc. onto them and then add them to this one. I need a younger person to help me with that and the only one close enough doesn't speak to or communicate with me, so, there you go.  I hope that I have not lost them forever.  All my artwork, etc. is stored on that old laptop, not to mention my family photos, patterns I had bought, etc. My entire draft for my second book. Yikes! I hope I can do it soon.  My old laptop won't open up this morning . . .  sigh  . . . 

It probably doesn't help that I have to keep it plugged in with a UK plug, plugged into an International adapter.  I wish I knew how to buy a North American cord for it. It might work better with one! It might charge better also.


There was photos of puffins on my new laptop this morning when I opened it up. One thing I regretted about moving back to Canada was that I had never been to see the Puffins in the UK.  They are comical little birds about the size of a morning dove.  Come to find out they are indigenous to this area of the country so my wish may come true yet! It is also known as the Clown of the Sea,  as well as being called Sea Parrots, probably because of its very colourful face.  Their babies are called Pufflings. Although mostly common in Newfoundland, there are some that breed on the South Coast of Nova Scotia. Maybe we will go Puffin watching this summer.  We'll have to wait and see.

That's one thing my sister and I have in common.  Our love of bird watching. There was an owl in the maple tree outside the back window the other night right at dusk. It was probably about 12 inches tall at least and just sitting on a branch in the tree watching the back yard. Not sure what it was hunting. It sat there for quite a while.


I guess my presentation went alright last night.  I delivered it from my laptop on top of a box on top of my bed.  A bit of a challenge and I really didn't have any visual aids to help, but meh. Never mind. I hope that I got what I wanted to across to the people watching. The whole activity was based on doing Family History/genealogy. My part was based on journaling through family history. I guess because I like to journal, both digitally and on paper.  Actually that is why I started blogging all those years ago, because I wanted to put down my thoughts and memories for my family who were so far away from me at the time.  It became so much more, but that is a whole different story.  

I suppose that is why I share a lot about my family and my family history on here and actually on my food blog through the family recipes I share. Maybe one day they will be interested, but for now, it gives me something to do that I really enjoy. 

I really have been blessed in a multitude of ways via this medium.  I've met so many wonderful and kind people this way.  I am always saying most of my friends are invisible friends, or friends I have yet to meet in person. Yet we feel very connected and close.  I suppose that comes from spirit touching spirit. I am not sure exactly how it works.  I am only very grateful that it does, because I have all of you in my life and that has been a great blessing.  And it all began with me committing a few words to the screen all those years ago.

In any case I was happy to have it finished and done with last night. Whew!  It would have been so much better in person. 


I had ever such a hard time falling asleep after however.  It has always been that way whenever I have to do anything in the evening which involves using my brain to any degree.  I just can't shut it off. It takes hours and hours.  I bet it was gone 1 a.m. before I finally fell asleep and then I was awake again at 5:30.  I am not sure why that happens. It is the same if I have to go out in the evening, or if someone calls me on the telephone, etc. I just can't shut my brain down afterwards.  I am not sure what causes this, but I know there are a lot who suffer from the same complaint. 

I fear I will have to just start saying no to people who want me to do things in the evening. Never mind, I will sleep really well tonight, hopefully. 

Its my dear friend Tina's birthday today. She is turning 77.  She has got a new computer now and can facetime so we have facetimed several times this past week and its been pretty wonderful! Are we not just so lucky to live in a time and age where we have these blessings available to us!  The miracles of modern technology.  

Tina has been such a wonderful friend to me over these last 10 years or so.  We both moved into the Chester Ward/church area at around the same time.  Me from down South and her from Australia. I remember seeing her at church and thinking I need to get to know her better and I am so very grateful that I followed up on that prompting. We were able to become wonderful friends.  I really don't know how I would have coped without her over this past year or so.  She has been such an amazing friend and support to me, and her husband Tony also.  An angel really.  God knows who to send into your lives at just the right time.  We are both looking forward to the day when Covid goes away and people can travel safely again. I cannot wait to show them around Nova Scotia and repay some of the kindnesses they have done for me. 


I crocheted a hot pad the other night.  I haven't been able to figure out how to get photos onto this computer yet, but when I do I will take a photograph and show it to you.  I crocheted two hexagons using cotton yarn and then put them together and crocheted a border around them with a bobble edging.  


I used a ball of this and it looks very vintage done up. I did it with a denim blue edging and bobble trim. I was really pleased with how it turned out. Very vintage looking.  I have one more ball of it in a slightly different colour so I will be making another one in a similar fashion. Perhaps I will do a tutorial of how I did it. Now to figure out how to get my photos onto this laptop! If you think it you can do it! 


We have had some beautiful spring-like weather here these past few days. Much of the snow has melted and there were some nice breezes to help dry up any wetness. It is very breezy this morning as well, although it is set to be getting colder again.  It will soon officially be the first day of Spring, so we have much to look forward to. My son Anthony is tapping his Maples.  I think he got three 1-liter bottles of syrup from them last year and has just used up the last of it, so it is about the right time for him to make his batch for this year.  Did you know you can also tap birch trees?  I learnt that truth this week, although I am sure birch syrup would have a very different flavor. Not that I am going to be tapping any birch trees or anything.

But I do hope that I am in my own place soon enough that I can start growing some basil etc. in pots in the back garden. Or if not, maybe my sister will let me plant some out here.   Fresh herbs cost so much in the shops. I am sure I will miss my little kitchen garden in the UK.

Ohh, and speaking of the UK.  I discovered yesterday that someone has been using my Netflix account from the UK.  Did you know you can go onto your Netflix account and see who is viewing what and from which location?  I had noticed recently that all these shows were showing up on my homepage and watch lists and that I was getting e-mails asking me did I like such and such, etc.  I thought it quite strange.  So I did a little investigation yesterday and lo and behold, it was coming from my old TV and in the UK.  Lesson learnt there folks.  Change your passwords.  I did and now they won't be able to do it anymore and I can now edit my watch lists and get rid of all the crapola they were watching. I am sure they will be quite surprised when they try to log in and can't.

It takes all kinds.  And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.I will watch over you
and guide you in the 
way you should go.
~Psalm 32:8•。★★ 。* 。 


Over in The English Kitchen this morning  . . .  Homemade Vanilla Wafers.  Deliciously simple.  Betcha can't eat just one!

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. Maybe I will get some painting done. You never know!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. Exciting a new computer!!You need one..I know I do.
    I caved and bought a steam mop ..I had a bad one yrs ago.
    You should see what it gets out of floors!!!
    And I keep mine lean.
    Good purchase.
    Everyone needs a Tina🙏

  2. Enjoy the new laptop. Do both of them have SD card slots, if so you should be able to transfer files that way, or an external drive would work too. You can also look into a computer service place that could transfer everything for you, for a cost, but it might be cheaper than buying the external drive etc. Worth checking out. Glad you got the Netflix sorted out. Clocks change here this weekend, so an extra hour of daylight at the end of the day. Have a good weekend.

  3. Love your ‘journal ‘ this morning. Tina and Tony are just the best blessing. Oh, computers and Netflix, it’s hard to keep up with technology but we must! Hang in there. Have a delightful weekend, Spring is coming. xo, V

  4. Hope you got your laptops to play nice together. It's very hard to quiet your mind after an eventful day. Was your dad able to get his vaccine shot? Hope so. Love and hugs, Elaine

  5. Yay, you got a new computer!
    If I don't understand something, then my grands will tell me or show me how to do it. If it's a new phone then I like to figure it out myself!

    They told me a few days ago from the car, that when covid is done, there's going to be a sleepover at my house. Lol
    I stay on my porch and the kids stay in the car, when they come over to talk to me. That's the new norm around here! Sad.

    Stay safe, healthy and warm!xoxo

  6. Those cards are from a kinder, gentler time. In fact, I have a number of them from my Grandmother. I wonder why I save them, but I just can't part with them.
    New laptops are fun, but it is hard getting them set up. I don't think you have lost anything off your other computer. I hope you can find someone to help you.
    I love that you did a presentation on family history. I would have loved to tune in on that one.
    I am so happy that you could facetime, Tina. That is the best. I have friends, that I would love to do that with. I can tell that Tony and her are forever friends.
    I do believe God does put friends in your pathway when needed.
    Blessings and hugs for you!


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