
Thursday 11 March 2021

My Favourite Things . . . 


 These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are your favourites too. It is a good to take your mind off things that are bringing you down and to dwell on the good more often than not. You can admire without wanting. What can I say, I like to look at pretty things!  


Vintage Greeting Card Illustration from over the past century, but especially the 40's, 50's and 60's.  The earlier ones seem to tell a story.  For instance in this one the children have been out playing and built a snowman. Its the holidays and their little Scottie dog is looking out at them in longing. He wants to play too. And the house is all decorated for Christmas, so it won't be long now before all of the festivities will be taking place.   


Tea Pots.  And they don't need to be fancy. I love them all, but I love simple ones most of all. I would love to own a Brown Betty.  It is on my wish list.  I know  . . .  and for the most part I don't drink tea. It doesn't make sense, but there you go . . .  


Attic Bedrooms. They have so much charm. I just adore them.  


Antique Irons  . . .  


Baby chicks.  Little puff balls.  Cheep Cheep Cheep  


I love this song!  Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep by Middle of the Road.  It is a happy song to me, and reminds me of my teenage years. It makes me want to prance and sing along! You're welcome! 


Barns  . . . especially red ones  . . .  


Freckled faces  . . .  especially with red hair  . . .  


Misty mornings . . .  mom always said that a misty morning fortold a beautiful sunny day . . .
 Rolling yarn into balls . . .  I could sit and do it for hours  . . .  


The warmth that comes from that small patch of sunlight in a room  . . .  


Eskimo kisses  . . .  


Singing along . . .  do you remember that show that used to be on the television, "Sing Along With Mitch?"  Loved it.  


The ballet  . . . 


Blythe Dolls.  I don't have one, but I would love one.  Too far out of my price range however, so I just collect them on Pinterest. Its much cheaper that way and they don't take up too much space in my house, lol.  I am not sure what my fascination is with them.  They have big heads with huge eyes and tiny bodies.  I just adore them.  I really do. 


I adore sweet potatoes and they are very good for you as well. The health benefits of sweet potatoes include their ability to help lose weight, boost immunity, aid in digestion, treat asthma and bronchitis, and control diabetes. Sweet potatoes also help in treating arthritis and stomach ulcers. They are higher in fibre than regular potatoes and are delicious!  I like to just roast them, skins on, in a hot oven. Then I squeeze them out of the skins into a bowl, mash em up and eat em. You don't need anything on them, except maybe a pinch of salt and some pepper.  They're fabulous done that way! 


I love The Flintstones.  I loved them as a child and I love them now, although it has been a very long time since I have seen them.  They were my favourite cartoon, even more favourite than Bugs Bunny and Disney Cartoons. Betty and Wilma were my favourite characters.  I thought that is what life would be like when I grew up, that I would live in a nice little house and be best friends with my next door neighbor and we would talk together while we were hanging out the laundry and go on adventures together. Yabba Dabba Doo!  


Shirley Temple movies. I adored them as a child and I still do.  I know they are a bit corny, but there is always a happy ending and they are cute.  She is cute. My oldest daughter loves her movies also. We used to watch them together.  


I actually love old black and white movies. I could sit and watch them for hours.  Most are pretty good, although you get the odd one that is boring.  For the most part however they are quite entertaining and often quite dramatic.  I am not fond of Laurel and Hardy however, or The Three Stooges.  


I love, Love, LOVE a good bagel.  Made in a Jewish Bakery.  When I  used to go into Toronto to visit my SIL who also happened to be Jewish, they would have gone to their favourite Jewish bakery and picked up huge paper bags of fresh bagels.  Several dozen or so, and we would feast on them with cream cheese and lox and butter.  They were so fresh.  There is nothing on earth as tasty as a fresh bagel from a good Jewish bakery.  


Children's books with humanized animals in them.  I used to buy books like this for my children all the time. Every time I saw one I would buy it. They had a ton of them.  I just adore this type of illustration.  


I love the idea of this alternate little world which is filled with mother rabbits wearing calico dresses and cats with flounces, etc.  They hold a great fascination for me. 


Vintage Travel Poster art.  I would love to be able to get some and frame them.   


Really good Balsamic Vinegar.  I could eat it with a spoon. If its a really good Balsamic its not sharp or acidic. Its delicious!  I love dipping bread into it.  Good french bread.  And if you also have a good extra virgin olive oil, you can dip it into both and it's magnifico! 


Meeting new people and making new friends!  I am not as shy as I once thought I was.  Although I am a bit reluctant to go into a crowd of new people and put myself forward, I am also a lot more confident. Now that I am older and don't really care about what other people think of me all that much, I really love meeting new people and learning all about them.  I think people are fascinating! 


Enamelware, vintage or otherwise. Maybe I am common, but I would love a whole set for every day, and I do love baking in it. 


I love, Love, LOVE the Cruciferous Vegetable Family!  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, etc. I have never met a Cruciferous Vegetable I wouldn't eat!  Brussels Sprouts!  What would Christmas lunch be without them!  Cooked properly all of these are a real treat, but they have so often been done so badly that they get a bad rap from a lot of people. Crispy tender is the way, unless you are talking cabbage, and then I like it slow cooked, butter/tender, melt in your mouth best of all. 


Pin tucks, ruffles and whites  . . . 


Lace curtains. Anywhere  . . .  I just love lace curtains. It killed me to leave my lace curtains back in the UK. I had had them since the mid 1970's. Paid a bomb for them at Eaton's Dept. Store in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They were still immaculate, still beautiful. I cannot think of what might have happened to them  . . . I just hope someone else is loving them as much as I did. 

And those are my favourite things for this week. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°Happiness cannot be traveled to,
owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience
of living every minute with love,
grace, and gratitude.
~Denis Waitley  •。★★ 。* 。  

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  delicious Deli Style Coleslaw. It lasts forever in the refrigerator and goes with everything. Crisp and delicious!

I hope you have a wonderful day today.  No sure what the day holds for me, but I do need to get some work done.  Whatever you get to I hope your day is filled with a few of your favourite things and that you don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Lots of same likes..have a great day! Are you watching Stanley Tucci's Italy series? We love it!

    1. No, I haven't! What channel is it on? I would love to see it! xoxo PS- all my viewing is done on laptop through streaming.

    2. Ahh, I am not sure if I can get that. Maybe if I could ask my sister to let me put in her details, but maybe not. I will have to wait until I get my own account. Something to look forward to! xoxo

  2. Love sweet potatoes, mashed, sliced and roasted, in soups. Delciious. Have a lovely day.

    1. I am with you Linda! They are one of my favourite vegetables! You have a lovely day also! xoxo

  3. I love to sit in the rays of sunshine that come into a room. I call them sun puddles and will sit in them basking in the warmth of the sun! It's a blustery day here with a cold front coming through and bringing us some rain.

  4. Hello! We have so many of the same likes, Yabba Dabba Doo! I have those lace curtains, they make a most lovely shadow on the wall when the sun streams through them. Enjoy your day, V xox

  5. Loved your favourites this week. Didn't realize how good sweet potatoes are for you. We love them roasted. Found your post on three star Michelin restaurants very interesting. Had never got the connection to Michelin Tires. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. They are better for you to eat than regular potatoes Elaine! I love them any which way. They are low GI which makes them better for diabetics than regular potatoes! That was a sponsored post Elaine, but still quite interesting. Every little helps as they say! I am excited for you to get your package. I mailed it on Monday. Love and hugs! Oh, I got a nice postcard message from the other Marie! xoxo

  6. We are much alike, you and I! My dad used to work for the postal service and I could ride with him sometimes on the weekend. I always loved it when the baby chicks would come in the spring, I would get to hold them in the cab of the truck and listen to them peeping. I love a misty morning, or a misty day or evening. Fog too. I could roll yarn for hours, in fact it usally takes me hours due to me dropping it and it rolls across the room before I catch it and then I have to do it again. Love a good sweet potato and I love sweet potato fries, salted, with a tiny container of marshmallow creme to dip them in. And Bagels. Oh, I adore a good bagel. I'm with you on the children's books - have you ever heard of the Redwall series by Brian Jacques? He has passed on now, but there are several books in the series, 20 or so I believe. They are set in Britain and all of the animals in them are native to Britain. They are set in an Abbey, but are not overly religious. The mice and otters, badgers and Hares are the usual heros. Mr. Jacques used to deliver mail to a school for the blind and he wrote his stories to be read to blind children. They are very descriptive and just totally delightful. I was thinking maybe some of your grandchildren would enjoy them. Anyway - Much love - Raquel XO

  7. The greeting card reminds me of when my family use to go to the farm over my Aunt and Uncle's house in the winter to go sledding. Except the house was even further away.

    Then my Dad bought a toboggan and left it there for everyone to enjoy. We would stay outside for hours sledding. My cousin's use to give me a push and I would sled down a steep hill screaming all the way down! Lol.

    Sometimes I watched from the window, waiting for them to come in, so I could tell my aunts they threw snowballs in my face! They stopped hitting me in the face after. Not fair 7 boys bombarding me with snowballs at once including my brother!

    The attic pic reminds me of the first house my parents bought. My Dad built 4 big drawers in the wall side by side. I had big handles to pull them open, not small like those. He also built 2 bookcases like that, that would slide out so I could use the crawl space on each side of my wall. One was longer and went into the next room. There was also 2 closets in my room. It was my sisters room b4 they got married. In the other bedroom was a walk in closet that my Dad built. That's why I bought so many clothes to fill up my huge built in drawers. Well I worked also to pay for them. Lol

    My Mom wanted a dining room so they bought another house.

    I always wanted to go back and see our old house, but I heard the new owners ruined it! They took out the drawers! They even took out the sliding glass doors and put a wooden door in. All the carpentry work that my Dad did all thru the house was ruined! That's what a neighbor told one of my sister's. I'm surprised they left the garage alone! It was a lt green house and they painted it a bright blue with red garage! So Yuk!

    Yay, it's starting to get nicer in the 50's! Now it's windy again at night! Spring is coming bc I heard a flock of geese yesterday flying in the sky!

    Stay safe and healthy Marie!xoxo

  8. What a fun post full of lots of unique things. I love vintage cards and anything Christmas. I have fond memories of playing in an attic bedroom at an aunts home.
    I have an old Iron and a old Cow bell; these are favorite antiques of mine. I can't imagine ironing with them.
    The red barn is a favorite. I have a grandson that I want him to paint a barn scene for me. He's a very good artist.
    I have an adorable freckled faced red haired granddaughter. Her hair is curly and goes down to the bottom of her back.
    I remember rolling balls of yarn. I always did that when I used to crochet.
    The gray cat reminds me of my Andy. It was a cat I had while my husband served his mission in his youth. It was my comfort for the two years before he came home and we got married.
    I do love ballet. I used to take lessons in my youth and actually was in toe shoes, before I had to quit.
    A sweet potato, we just had that tonight.
    I love all those cute animal books too and bought them for my children.
    The dress reminds me of one that my Grandmother made to bless by Dad in. Also, love the lace curtains.
    Lots of memories came back on this one.
    Sending lots of hugs your way!


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