
Monday 15 March 2021

I can't think of a title . . .


First off this morning I wanted to thank you all very much for your comments yesterday.  They mean the world to me.  They have always meant the world to me. I try hard to answer each one when I can and I feel bad when I can't. I know I am behind a few days now on responding. I apologize for that.

I originally started writing a blog about 18 years ago I guess.  I started on My Space and then moved to AOL Journals and then finally to Blogger about 10 or so years ago.  When I started writing it was mainly for my children. I thought it was a way I could tell them about my life and its going's on, share my memories with them, and recipes too, that kind of thing. 

Then other people started reading my words and I realized that other people were interested in what I had to say, and that sometimes what I had to say meant something to them, helped them, inspired them, etc.  It became more than a journal to my children. I like to share with people if I can.  I can't help myself. I have a natural inclination to reach out to others and do what I can, even if it is only with words. 

I don't see myself as a guru, or a great teacher or anything like that. I am just a person winding my way through this life the best as I can, and if my journey with its ups and downs can help or inspire someone else, then that's great. I've always thought that was great. 


Last Autumn, this wonderful life I had built for myself started to unravel and fall apart.  It got to the point where I couldn't hide the reality of what was going on from people anymore, although many had started to guess that something was wrong. I have never been very good at hiding my feelings. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I can't help it, its just me. 

And so I told you what was happening.  I did this, not because I was wanting sympathy or anything else, but because I wanted to be honest with you as I always had been.  I was in shock, and hurting deeply over it all and I wanted to share.  In the middle of a Global Pandemic, in isolation . . .  I reached out and shared. Not because I expected anything in return. That was never my motivation in sharing, and I feel it is really important that you know that.  

I, also, quite honestly, thought that there might be people out there going through similar situations that could possibly identify with what I was going through. And that, as I worked my way through my own situation . . . . I could help them, that we could help each other, whatever.  

And you don't know the half of how I am feeling, have felt, etc.  I have only just scratched upon the surface of my pain and my anguish. I have glossed a lot of it over because it is just too raw.  

This weekend for some reason has been really hard for me.  Oh, yes, I have had hard days over these past months, but this weekend it all bubbled to the surface, and I needed someone to tell me it was going to be okay. That I would be okay.  I needed to feel like I was not alone. 

I also wanted people to know that I have bad days,  that sometimes I feel distraught and hopeless, angry, incredibly hurt, whatever.  That I am human too. I have always felt it was incredibly irresponsible for people, for anyone . . . to portray themselves as having/living  a picture perfect life because life is far from being perfect for anyone. 

Life is filled with incredibly moments of sunshine and joy, but for many, many people it is the opposite, and they struggle to find their sunshine and joy.  I naively thought (throughout this whole journey) that by my sharing what I was and am going through, I might/could help someone else. 

These past few days, I really . . . in all honesty . . . felt like I  didn't want to be here anymore.  Its scary when you have feelings like that. Its been many, many years since I have had feelings like that.  I have found myself sitting on the edge of my bed at 3 in the morning weeping, and wondering and praying that somehow I could get through these feelings I have been having.


I will show you what I woke up to this morning  . . . 

Dee has left a new comment on your post "Its okay . . .":

Sounds as though someone isn’t getting all the freebies she drops lead weight hints with lashings of guilt on her blog, so she is pulling a MeAgain Markle pity me fest. People should really stop and put two and two together about why people in your family want nothing to do with you.

Mark as spam

I want you all to know that this has never been why I shared with you. I was incredibly humbled and grateful that anyone would want to reach out and help me in a tangible way like they did, but that was never ever my purpose in sharing my experiences with you.  If this comment which was left is how people really feel about me sharing my life, then perhaps I have reached the end of the purpose of this blog, the end of the road.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ I have been taught, and I believe . . . that sharing openly with others about our lives can be a way of helping other people in similar situations.  As they watch how we maneuver our way through the slings and arrows of life, the ups and the downs, that some way, some how, we can lift and inspire, and yes, we can bring people closer to Christ, in showing them that even in our lowest moments, He can be there for us if we will reach out to Him in faith.  That the words in Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 are true. 

And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. Doctrine & Covenants 84:88 

You have all been my angels throughout this.  A constant reminder to me that my Heavenly Father knows my name and loves me and cares about what happens to me, and has set his angels round about me to bear me up through an unimaginably hurtful and heartbreaking period of my life.

I thank you for that. I will always thank you for that.


  1. That's not how people feel, Marie. That's how one mean-spirited person feels. Do not listen to them. Do not stop writing your blog. Do not let them win. There are better days ahead for you, my friend. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you Elaine. Its just hard when you are already feeling low and then someone drops something like that in your lap, to not take it personally. Feeling much better today thanks to all of you. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. People like that commenter are not worth giving the time of day too. Who is so lacking in compassion that they take time out of their day to write such a thing. Deep down something is lacking in their lives, that they have such a cold heart and can get joy out of being spiteful.

    There is help out there if you need it, I would strongly recommend some counseling. Lord only knows the true depth of what you went through and I know you've only shared the tip of the iceberg. You are only 6 months into this journey and I know you will come out the other side eventually. I think your own place will help to give you something to focus on.

    If it ever feels too much in the middle of the night, there is help

    1. Thank you very much. You are not wrong. Once I have my own place I think I will feel a lot better and not so much of a burden on others. I will check out the link. Thank you! xoxo

  3. Whatever happened to kindness? That person who responded so rudely has issues of their own that haven't been dealt with so they lashed out at you. Pay them no mind (I know easier said than done). Never stop doing something because others do not like it. If it feels good for it! Trust me when I say you WILL come out of this on the other side feeling better. I know of what I speak. IT may take some time and there will be rough days, but the other side is so sweet. Hang in there. Don't stop your blog. Sending healing hugs. Paula (Elaine's friend)

    1. Thank you very much Paula. You are so kind. You made a sad day better. xoxo

  4. I am so sorry that evil person would leave a comment like that. It's very sad that she is so low she would strike out at someone that is already hurting. I wonder what has happened in HER life to make her such a bully. And a bully she is...and probably always has been. Your blog is an inspiration to me. Your ability to communicate your feelings and your experiences; your courage and your talent are just amazing. Please don't let that awful remark bring this wonderful blog to an end. I look forward to it every day. Hugs to you, Marie!

    1. Thank you very much. I am sure you are right. xoxo

  5. I do think it is important to dhare our ups and our downs, it makes us feel like we are not in this world alone. It's important to have others support and wise words to help up along the way. That's the wonderful thing about blogging we have, for the most part, a very caring community.

    1. There is a lot of fake out there these days Pam. I don't ever want to misrepresent my life as being a perfect spot. I am far from perfect. Most of the time I have been uplifted greatly by the love and caring of others on here. xoxo

  6. Stay strong, don’t let the words of one person, who probably knows nothing about your circumstances, set you further back. Mark as spam and hopefully she won’t be able to post again. You have come such a long way, literally and figuratively, you will win in the end.

    1. Thank you so very much Linda. I can just about see the light at the end of the tunnel, but people leaving comments like that really throw me for a loop and I start to ask myself, is that what people really think??? xoxo

  7. You are so brave to even have a blog, much less share as much as you do here, Marie!! I am so sorry someone was so cruel. I hope you can block such characters. You wonder what planet these types live on...there is so much grief these days from the kind of sorrows you are going through. We might not know that even, except there is still a tad of free expression allowed (so far) online. My sorrows keep me awake a lot of nights...sometimes in tears too. But there is reason for tears too...otherwise why would the Scripture say that GOD keeps our tears in HIS bottle?? One day we will know why, Hang in there friend, and know that others DO CARE!! Sending hugs and consolation, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That is one of my favourite scriptures Elizabeth. I love that we have a Father in heaven who cares so much about us that He would gather and keep our tears in a bottle. Thank you. xoxo

  8. Another faceless bully.
    Just delete call it spam and move along.Some good suggestions and words of wisdom here..Really nothing I could add.
    Just take care..and take comfort in your family there.

    1. Thank you Monique. You are a dear friend. xoxo

  9. I agree with Monique about another faceless bully!
    If that bully doesn't like what she's reading, then she can stay the heck of your blog!

    Please don't stop your blog Marie bc of one bully! It's your blog and you can write whatever you want too! You keep it real and you don't sugarcoat anything!

    It's great to share your feelings bc if you keep it inside of you, then you could get sick!
    It happened to someone I know and they had a nervous breakdown from it! So don't keep your feelings bottled up, spill them!

    Ignore that heartless person and Keep On Blogging!
    I love to see and try your recipes and see all the cool finds!
    Best of all, I love to hear what you have to say my friend bc you keep it real!
    It's not like everything is perfect and this and that…
    Snore bc nobody is perfect even though some might think they are!
    I'm the first to say I'm not and I'll never be! Lol
    There's always something to learn, whether it's in cooking, baking or just plain life in general!

    You should not feel the need to apologize to anyone Marie bc you didn't do anything wrong!
    Don't let one rotten apple, switch to rotten potato bc they stink, make you feel like you need to stop blogging!

    It's been so windy that I had to retrieve my 3 barrels this morning. Not fun!
    Stay safe, healthy and warm!xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Jan. You are right, nobody is perfect, least of all me. March winds are blowing here too. I don't mind because it helps to melt and dry up the snow! You stay safe, healthy and warm also. xoxo

  10. Hi Marie! I’m so sorry someone felt the need to say unkind, unnecessary things to you. What’s wrong with people?
    To the person that was so mean.....’Just STOP READING if you don’t like or agree or enjoy’. Duh.

    Your blog is uplifting, sweet, full of ups and downs, wonderful words and inspiration.
    I have said in the past, I so enjoy your ‘journal’ posts, your choice of photos, words, recipes,etc. I truly hope you continue your work as a chef, leader, pastor, preacher, illustrator, inspiration, teacher and all around honest writer because it is needed and admired by so many more than not!
    I’m not a blogger. I’m anonymous....not by choice, but because I don’t know how to comment any other way....I’m a dumdum when it comes to techy stuff.
    Please keep doing, writing, expressing and sharing as you always have.
    Peace and blessings to you and yours, V

    1. Thank you so much V. I am not very techy either. Its a wonder I get by with what little I do know. Peace and blessings to you also. xoxo

  11. Indeed, just a another miserable faceless bully. Your posts are important in so many ways to so many people. Don't know why so many people can't seem to obey the mantra - if you don't like what you see, keep scrolling on by. Much, much love to you - Raquel XO

    1. Thank you so much Raquel. It is so easy for people to hide behind the face of anonymity these days and just be cruel. Love and hugs, xoxo

  12. My name is Dee but I am not the one who left you that message! I have followed you for years.

    1. Thank you so much Dee. I didn't think it could be the nice Dee that I knew! xoxo

  13. My dearest friend, you must never give up your blog. I know that you have reached many hearts with your posts through the years. I have followed you for years and you have brought sunshine into my life. We are even alike in many ways. However, I'm not as gifted as you are. I admire you gift of writing, artwork, handicraft and of course cooking . You are an amazing woman.
    What you went through was inconceivable and I think you showed grace and a great deal of tolerance and love through it all. You diffidently showed forth your love for your Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. I loved that you honestly shared your thoughts and your testimony. I know it strengthened mine.
    Just know you are greatly loved by me! Hugs~


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!