
Wednesday 24 February 2021

Wednesday This and That . . .

I love, LOVE this quote from the late President Monson. He was the prophet in our church a few years back. He was such a positive man and so very inspiring. We were very sad when he passed away. For us, not him. He was reunited with his wife and in a far better place.  This quote sums up perfectly how he lived his life.  With positivity, and its how I try to live mine, although some days I fail miserably. Its all a part of being human I guess! 

I had a nice visit and lunch with Eileen yesterday. We met at the Tim Horton's in town. There were very few people in there.  She had the chili (her favourite) and I had their roast beef sandwich. It didn't quite look like this, but I have to say it was actually quite delicious. The bun was nice and fresh, perfectly toasted, and the meat tender. Not too much cheese, nice crispy onions too. I really enjoyed it.  The best part however was getting to spend this time with my daughter.  We talked about nails and hair and all sorts. It was just fun, Fun, FUN!  When I get my own place we are going to have a girlie sleepover and do each other's toenails, and have facials and watch mushy movies.  Oh, and eat pizza. Something to look forward to! 


Speaking of girls, this little one is turning 10 today. It hardly seems possible.  She is a pre-teen.  I sure wish I could be her friend. I hope she has a lovely day.  I am sure that she will. Its getting off to a great start anyways, with pancakes, blueberries and squirtie cream. If I know my daughter I know this is a real treat. (She is a health fanatic.) 

My sister is a bad influence on me, haha.  I decided to replace some of my art supplies I had left behind yesterday. We were both rather naughty actually. I think we are both feeling like painting again. We had both lost our mojo's a bit after mom passed away and we are feeling inspired again. I have never really painted with tube watercolours, although I did have a whole box of them that I left behind in the UK. This is supposed to be really good paper, and she says these are good paints. We might try to do another mini painting when she gets back from work today.   We are following tutorials on YouTube.   

They are by Ellen Crimi Trent. She does these Mini Mondays.  They are fun to try.  I am not that good at it yet, but I expect I will get better.  The best part is getting to do it with my sister.  Now, SHE is really good.  She did these batchelor buttons yesterday (no photo yet) and they were even nicer than Ellen's I think!  She is very humble about her work, but I think she is a fantastic artist. (My sister.)  She is helping me to let go and paint looser. I think she would be a great teacher.  I KNOW she would be a great teacher. I am looking forward to hopefully doing something together later today. 
We want to find some little 3 inch frames, but are having
a hard time finding some that are relatively inexpensive
that we can buy in bulk. 

I am panicking a little bit about renting my own place. Truth be told with my pension alone I can't rent any place. Not and live/eat/ well. I don't know how seniors do it. I will be very much reliant upon the income from my food blog and I am panicking about what I will do if that suddenly dries up. I know I shouldn't worry about stuff like that, but I do. I need to just put it into the Lord's hands, have faith and go with it. Not be so afraid. It will have two bedrooms, so I can always fix up the second bedroom and get a boarder or some such. I will be okay. I will be okay. I will be okay. 

Does anyone else worry about stuff like this?

I need to remind myself of this every
minute of every day.

Its been almost a year since lockdown began, or at least a form of it in one way or another.  It was last year about this time that we started to become really concerned about the virus. I think the last time (other than when I left to come over here) I left my house was when I went to my Chiropracter on th 4th of March. I remember feeling very afraid as we walked back to the bus stop after the appointment. There were no masks yet.  We stopped at a little cafe and had some lunch on the way and I can remember feeling very paranoid. About everything.  It is hard to believe that it is a year later and whilst some things have relaxed a tiny bit (only because of where I am now) things are still pretty unnerving and up in the air.  I will be getting the vaccine when it finally becomes available here. It would be foolish not to, but nobody really knows what comes next, or if the vaccine can help prevent the spread of the virus, or if it will lessen the effects, etc. We are all flying by the seat of our pants with this, and not the least the medical experts. 

So much has changed in a year.  Last year at this time I never dreamed I would be sitting here in my sister's home on this day.  That my life would have changed so very drastically.  Its been a really tough year in one way or another, and I am not nearly through the tunnel yet.  I still have a ways to go, but I am getting there.  I think today I need to sit down and make some lists. Lists of what I have and what I will need to get, etc.  Plan a budget, or plan one as best as I can without actually knowing how much my utilities will cost.  The rental place has heated floors and a heat pump, which should lower the costs of heating somewhat. I have a friend Glenna who lives in one of them so perhaps I need to cheekily ask her how much her utilities run her every month.  We will see how brave I am. 😵 I can be a bit of a chicken that way.   

Bit by bit. Day by day. Baby steps.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Pioneers are those
who take up their burdens 
and walk toward the future.
~David B Haight•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Instant Pot Bolognese Sauce.  Yummilicious and done in a fraction of the time!

Have a perfectly wonderful Wednesday. Be safe and healthy and happy.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!   



  1. Your paper and paints are la crème de la crème.
    It's great..I love others too:)
    I am bad I have accumulated tube paints but usually make palettes w/ them.
    But they are amazing.
    So vibrant.
    I just rewet in the pans..Chris Petri wets..and keeps saran on..and keeps in the fridge sometimes..
    The classes look fun!
    If Clip frames can do..these are great.
    You can't beat $2.29 for the quality.
    for the 4x4.

    I think in The US you can get 3x3.

    Lots of places in the US:)
    But exchange..duty..
    I think asking how much utilities are..are a valid non private question.

    1. Thanks for the information Monique! Duty and customs can be a real pain! I have been looking back through your painting posts for recommendations. I am sadly lacking in knowledge. I've just sat down and painted. I sign up for courses, but then don't take them, etc. I have promised myself to do better! xoxo

  2. Hard to believe it's a year now that this all started and I for one cannot wait until we see the end of it.. Glad you have your sister to inspire you do do some art work. I've plans but haven't got started yet. I live entirely on my own on my retirement income and it does take a strict budget. I've learned to make do with what I have and don't need much to make me happy. You'll get there taking it one day at a time !

    1. Thanks Pam! It has been a year filled with lots of surprises for sure. I am so grateful to be here with my sister. She is a treasure. xoxo

  3. Sounds like you and Eileen had fun at lunch yesterday. Maryn is a lovely 10 year old. I read today that where there have been lots of vaccines the number of new cases and the number of deaths have dropped. How are your friends Tina and Tony doing? And Grace's family? Have fun with Cindy and your new paints. You'll get your own appartment and you'll figure things out. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Tony and Tina are doing alright Elaine. Thanks for asking. Tina had an operation on her back last Friday, so I am waiting to hear that all is well. Their internet hasn't been working. Ariana and Grace and Jose are well also. I miss them all. I would so love to get to spend time with Maryn and her brother Cameron, but sadly that won't happen so long as her mom is the way she is. Nothing I can do about it. We just have to wait for the paints to arrive now and then the games will begin! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. It's good that you have a friend near by to talk too if you want.
    I think you will be fine in your own place Marie!

    I would start watching sales and start getting things that you'll need and want. That way you're already prepared when you move into your place and not have so many worries.
    Stay safe, healthy and warm! xoxo

    1. I have my eyes peeled for whatever I can J! I am just such a worry wart! I need to be less so. xoxo

  5. I sent on your link for the little painting tutorial to my daughter here...tonight she brought over 3 darling paintings she did today...and gave us one of them. SO CUTE...and she said it was so small and quick and she had so much fun!! Thank you, Marie!! She is a very talented artist in many mediums, but has mostly laid aside her talent now for the past almost 4 now very awful, sad years. So for awhile today, she got to leave the hard places...thanks for sharing. You never know what you share that will bless another. I am not artistic hardly at all, in any way, except maybe in sewing...but I love your art links that I can send on to the artists among my offspring!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That is so wonderful Elizabeth! That makes me very happy! Thanks so much for sharing! I would love to see your daughter's art. Love and hugs, xoxo


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