
Wednesday 10 February 2021

Today . . .

Feeling a tad bit discouraged this morning.  I won't be able to get the house.  Because I haven't been in the country long enough to establish a credit rating I am a bad risk, even though I can prove I can pay for it, so I can't get a mortgage. Had I a co-signer on the mortgage that would not be a problem.  At first my dad was going to, but now he has cold feet, and I don't blame him. He's afraid he will die and then it will tie up his estate. A very real concern and I never would want him to be worried about anything, especially at this stage in his life, so I am going to have to withdraw my offer on the house and that is that.  I'm not sure how much money I am going to pay for having wasted everyone's time, but there it is.

Back to square one and looking for a non-existant apartment.  Sometimes I just can't believe that I have found myself at the age of 65, homeless and reliant once more on others to give me a roof over my head while I try to sort myself out.  This was only ever meant to be a temporary situation. My room is supposed to be my dads at some point and I am not sure how much longer I will be able to stay here.  Please pray that I will be able to find someplace soon.  Thanks so much!  I know God works in mysterious ways and there is a place out there for me somewhere. 

In any case I am going to end this now because I don't want to be a Debbie Downer and I very much feel like one this morning.

In the meantime know this, because I do, with all my heart.

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And I do too!    



  1. There should not be any fees associated with your offer unless you hired a building inspection ..and it was carried out.
    Not sure in NS if there is a mortgage application fee.
    But you owe the agent least when I worked.
    And the homeowner nothing.
    I am sorry..
    I didn't want to submit in 10 yrs probably so much has changed..and my 30 yr career was in QC.
    Upon purchase..then the fees apply like land transfer taxes ..notarial fees..etc..

    We will all be rooting for you Marie to find something you will love.And we are all sorry this did not work out.

  2. Well at long long long last I’ve found that I loved reading daily, but for some reason no way how I tried I coudnt get in. Yesterday I had a new router delivered and Val my neighbour and computer person! Came along and fitted everything up..and also managed to get me the blog. I am going to have great fun and perhaps tears when I get time to read everything I have missed. I am so sad having read today’s that you can’t move house just yet. But at least I can now pray for something positive for you rather than just my usual good blessings for you....
    Now I will go and start reading......much much love. Sybil xxxx

  3. Oh, Marie, I'm so sorry. I know all about the credit system and most of the time it's just wrong. But they have the control, so there you are. Praying you'll find an apartment soon. Much love - Raquel XO

  4. So sorry, Marie. I live in the US so know nothing about how things are done where you are, so can offer only sympathy. Did your agent suggest that this might be the outcome?

  5. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry, I know how disappointing it must be for you. I know something is out there for you, and when you least expect it, it will happen. You are always in my prayers...trusting in, God's timing can be hard, but it will work out. Gentle hugs to you, Marie XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

  6. I rent my home and really like that the owner is responsible for any repairs that need to be done. Renting isn't bad at all, even though I pay out money for something I'll never own. It's comfy and cozy and all that I could possibly need. Hopefully you'lll find a placece close to your family.

  7. This is all so unfair and I am so sorry. Like you say it's just another bump in the road, and I hope you find a darling apartment very soon!

  8. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry, I how disappointed you must be. As always, you will be in my prayers. it's sometimes so very hard to wait on, God's timing...gentle hugs to you, Marie XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

  9. We have rented now for the past over 20 yrs. A horrendous lot of dollars down the drain, but you know it is a risk to buy too. We never made much on any homes we owned and most we basically broke even. I am not keen on apt living but we have no choice here. We can never afford even a dump in this location where our daughter lives and we need to stay closeby to her. So in life, often we find ourselves with 2nd best or 10th best or whatever. Praying you find shelter and a place to be yours, even if rented! This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through...remember that old song?
    Elizabeth xoxo

  10. So sorry to hear that the mortgage did not come through. My daughter rented her previous house to a couple from England on a rent to own basis. They too wanted to purchase the house right away but had not lived in Canada long enough. I believe the time frame is one year. So they rented the house for a year and purchased it a year later. Perhaps the owners might be interested in such an arrangement. The realtor could ask on your behalf. Keeping you in my prayers.

  11. So sorry, Marie. Heartbroken for you. Don't give up hope. Better days ahead. Love and hugs, Elaine

  12. Maybe a rental situation will not be that bad. You will have no surprises down the road. House maintenance is costly and as your children are all well settled you shouldn’t feel you need to bequeath them anything.

  13. Hi Marie, well believe it or not I have spent the last hour and a half trying to catch up on all the days I have not been able to find you. I feel so blessed that Val my neighbour got it organised for me. I am so sad that the hoped for house has had to be left behind. I’m just so so sad. However the Lord has something else in mind so you will just have to wait until the time is right, and meantime it will give you time to save a little more so that you will be able to get whatever comes up next be it rental or buying. Whilst you were in the motel you often seem to see Eileen but I don’t see a mention of her in the last month or so that I’ve gone back reading ,,hope she is ok. Perhaps she lives further away from you now....Anyway my eyes are not very good and I think so much reading tonight has not helped so I had better stop now. I’m just so so so pleased to get you again. I hope you didn’t think I had abandoned you. Mind you I wouldn’t have blamed you....anyway love Good Night God Bless. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow......PS. I got excited to see that Ma was still around and commenting

  14. Hi Msrie~

    I'm so sorry, I know how much you wanted your own place. It's not always easy to wait on, God's time. Things will work out and you will find the right place. Gentle hugs to you sweet friend...XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  15. Someone suggested rent to own, that might be a good direction for you. I think God has the right living situation picked out for you. I prayed for that for you just now.

  16. I'm sooo sorry Marie that it didn't work out for you!
    Perhaps the owner would consider rent to own for a year, then you could buy it from them.
    Anything is possible, it's just a thought!
    I'll keep hoping and praying for you that something comes up soon!


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