
Saturday 13 February 2021

Thoughts on aging . . .

 "Old age is the time for happiness"
~George Santayana 

These days I think a lot about aging and getting older. I suppose that is quite normal for someone when they are 65 and suddenly see that they have far more years stretching out behind them than they have stretching out in front of them. We think about it, we might even fret a little bit about it, but its not often we actually celebrate it. Perhaps we really should.

I was just saying to my sister the other day about how every day over a certain age, lets say 60, is a blessing. If you look back at all the people you went to school with that are no longer here with us the meaning of the blessing becomes very clear, as does the wisdom of George Santayana's statement I have shared above. 

Aging brings with it an abundance of little surprises.  Elizabeth Berg calls them the "paper cuts of aging." Minor, but annoying, and they hurt worse than one might suppose. 

Things like not being able to squeeze your feet into pretty shoes any longer. Bunions. Neck wrinkles. Grey hairs. Chin hairs! Thickening nails. Foods that never upset your tummy before which all of a sudden do. Not being able to read the small print on anything.  Jar lids that have somehow mysteriously gotten harder to remove. Ear lobes which are lengthening.  Joints that crack and pop.  Spider veins . . . I could go on and on, but I am sure you get the picture. 

These minor annoyances are abundant and there is not really that much we can do about them, but to learn to live with them.  

Yes age does bring with it many things which are hard to deal with, but I am happy to say it also brings with it a great many more things that are great blessings to have. 

Things like wisdom.  I like to think I am a whole lot smarter now about things than what I used to be. Not all things mind, but enough to make a difference. Knowledge gleaned from life's abundant experiences.  Things learned that could only ever have been learned by going through them. 

Your appreciation of time increases. When I was a child a day seemed to last forever.  Long enough to get bored. Now I am older each day flashes by at the speed of light. Once you realise this, the small things become ever so much more important and you take time to appreciate them. 
Things like the way the sunlight falls on the dining room table on a particularly sunny day, or the beauty in the intricacies of dandelion fluff. The feeling of the warmth of the sun on your skin and the way it turns evrything to gold behind closed eyelids.
You have learned, finally, 
how to be and live in the moment,
and how to savor small pleasures.  

Finally, you can set your ego aside, otherwise life would be pretty miserable. Lets face it you are not getting any younger. Things that once mattered no longer quit as important. You are free to just be and to just enjoy.  You realise the truth in it being more blessed to give than to receive, and you are able to sense the real joy that comes from giving and passing on . . .  attention, time, love, things you no longer need or want. You discover compassion you never knew you had.  
  You realise that it has taken a lifetime to become who you are and you like who you are. You could never have become who you are were it not for the mistakes made and lessons learned. You become more compassionate towards others and their journies, recognising that we are all imperfect and we all make mistakes and that when we know better we do better. 

You can quite happily abandon some of your fantasies. Wealth. Fame. Endless youthful good looks. That perfect figure you always dreamed of having. You have come to understand that true beauty and value has nothing at all to do with  any of those things, but really does come from within. 
Your legacy becomes simple and clear.  I was here, I cared.  I showed it. 

Its as simple as that. 

Things I've been doing this week  . . . 

One afternoon I went with my sister to her friend Jane's for a painting afternoon. Not a lot of painting got done, but that's okay. It was just really nice to be out doing something with girls. Social distancing was practiced. Jane lives in a big old farmhouse, the kind of house I always dreamt of living in when I was younger but am more than practical enough now to know that dream has passed.  Too big. Too much house to clean, to heat, to care for. Nice to visit however.  She had a lovely wood stove in the kitchen. That smell   . . .  how I have missed that smell. I got my sweetpeas started anyways . . . and I had a jolly good time. 

The branch here in Greenwood made me a gift of a new book of scriptures to replace the ones I had to leave behind.  It was so very kind of them.  I have spent some time this week marking out my favourite ones and the Scripture Mastery ones.  Hoping they will soon become as marked, worn and beloved as my old ones were. I gave those to Tina because I knew she would love them as much as I had. 

Working on my new blanket.  Its a rectangular one this time instead of square and I have picked beautifully bright colours to symbolise the beautiful bright future which lays ahead of me. 

Still embroidering. I shall surround myself with things of beauty. That please me and that bring me joy. And why not. Its only me now. 
More dish cloths.  And why not. 

Oh, this is funny.  I decided to change my bed last night.  I had meant to do it earlier in the day but we ended up going to Walmart, so I thought I would do it today (Saturday).  But then I decided to do it last night.  I was moving back and forth from one side to the other tucking things in here and there and I knocked myself over.  Haha.  I landed on a box of Special K that is now Special Crumbs.  With red berries no less!! Thankfully nothing but the cereal got hurt.

And I am enjoying a slice of toasted marbled rye bread with butter and strawberry jam for breakfast. Life gets very good when you allow it to. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . We cannot become what we want
by remaining what we are.
~Max Depree•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today, English Melting Moments. Scrummilicious!!  Crispy and buttery.

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Its quite overcast here and kind of snowy.  Wintery.  Be healthy and be safe.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!  



  1. Hi Marie, how is Mitzie going?

    1. As far as I know she is doing well and very content and happy in her new home. She is not suffering in the least and is very settled. I am grateful for that. I miss her terribly. xoxo

  2. Love your new things..that you are working on..
    So cute..
    Nothing good about aging..nothing.
    Except grandchildren lol.♥

    WE're still not allowed visiting or visits..
    Still curfew..etc..
    My town has less than 5 active cases which could mean 0.
    But we're w/ Mtl in the big plan..and they are not doing we are still red zone.
    Marbled rye bread..I looked for a recipe :)It's so pretty.

    1. Yes grandchildren are a special blessing in our old age. I really hope that I live long enough to enjoy mine. I do have one that lives five minutes away but I seriously doubt I will ever see that one in person now. I had hoped, but well, it is what it is. marbled rye bread is fabulous! Especially toasted! xoxo

  3. Good Morning!
    I am so very glad I found your space here.
    This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have read.
    I am 51 now, and savored every single word.
    Thank you.
    Have a cozy day. Snow and cold here in Pa.

    1. Thank you so very much Billie Jo and welcome to my page! I hope you will come back again! It is very chilly here today but the sun is shining so all is good! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie,
    you hit it right on the head about aging. I just love to read and savory your words, I just turned 65 myself and it is a blessing with all what I call "our growing pains". My grandson who is 7 years old said my ear lobes are crinkly lol, love him and all my grands with all my heart. Blessings and hugs. Enjoy your weekend.

    PS. I am always here. Just love reading your words.

    1. Thanks so much Bev. I love what your grandson says. Oh I do so hope I will get to spend time with my grands soon. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I call this time of life, life in the slow lane, it's a good thing I'm retired because everything takes longer to do. But when you are going slow you do see more things that you'd never see when life was much faster. Every day is such a blessing, and I've learned to appreciate them and be thankful for them.

    1. This is very true Pam! Every day is a blessing for sure! Xoxo

  6. Your handiwork is very pretty...painting too!! Indeed you have been busy and so glad you got a day out with the girls too!! I think you are right about aging...besides we just as well make the best of things eh? We are in the midst of a big snowstorm...looks like about 2 ft out there and STILL snowing!! So we are enjoying it from inside and remembering our younger days when we could go play in it!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Wow! That’s a lot of snow! Oh it used to be a lot of fun playing in the snow! I am too old for that now! Xoxo

  7. Aging is something we all do, some more gracefully than others. ❤️ your embroidered tea towels and the colours you chose for your afghan. Enjoy your Saturday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. You are very right about that Elaine! I hope to do even more things for my new home when I get there. Pot holders, pillow slips, etc. And why not! Love and hugs and happy Saturday wishes to you also! xoxo

  8. A painting afternoon, perfectly lovely. There are so many wonderful things about aging, embrace them with grace and joy. Happy Day. V

    1. Thank you so much V! Yes there are! Happy day to you also! xoxo

  9. Lovely post, lots of wisdom there. I just turned 74 a week ago and still wonder at the difference between what the mirror shows and how I feel - lol!
    Your stitchery is just beautiful and oh those flower drawings! Jane's house sounds wonderful, but as you say, a lot to take care of in our older years.
    Have a good week-end,

    1. Oh, I know all about that mirror Mary! What a kick in the pants that is! It doesn't make sense that we feel the way we do inside and yet look like that in the mirror, lol. Its not fair! You have a great weekend also! xoxo

    2. PS - the flower drawings are in a journal I started in 2019, then mom died and I couldn't bring myself to go back to it. I am going back to it now. xo

  10. Morning Marie.....well it’s actually Sunday morning, didn’t have time yesterday to pop in .....I just love all your beautiful illustrations on your blog, they are so beautiful as well as your words. It’s to get a bit milder over here this week but with the mildness comes rain ! Although I prefer the warmer days I miss very much the sunshine, what can’t we have both......The folks up north will be delighted though as they have had so much snow and ice, de as far south as Chester they have had we will be hearing of flooding, it never changes does it. Roll on spring now that the earth is becoming warmer the snowdrops daffodils etc will be showing, I have pots of both by the door both showing plenty shoots but then they froze..poor things I hoping they recover. God Bless xx

    1. It won’t be long now! Sometimes we get a bit of flooding here down by the river. I am not looking forward to the hot and humid days of summer! Xoxo


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