
Sunday 28 February 2021

Sunday thoughts . . .

And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also,
for I will go before your face.
I will be on your  right hand and on your left,
and my Spirit shall be in your hearts,
and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
~Doctrine & Covenants84:88

I know that people don't really like or enjoy it when I talk about my faith in God and how it works and helps in my life.  Religion these days is something which makes a lot of people uncomfortable. I am not sure why that is, but I know that it is true. As for myself, I do not know where I would be without my faith in God and His plan for me. 

Life is hard. It is hard for everyone. There is NO such thing as a charmed life. The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous equally. Nobody on this earth escapes hardship. Nobody. 

This past year has been a very difficult one for the whole world. We have all been experiencing  a Universal experience which has affected every single living human being on the earth and it has been a great challenge for everyone.  We have all seen our lives negatively impacted in both great and in small ways.  

But we have all also probably experienced a great many blessings, maybe even too numerous to count. 

I can remember last year about this time is when the news that we were in the Midst of a Global Pandemic was just becoming known and accepted.  I can remember feeling very afraid at the time. Afraid to go out of my house, shopping, etc.  And when it became very apparent that it was not safe to do so, I was so very grateful that I had been well prepared by my church leaders for just such an eventuality.  At a time when many were unable to procure even the basics such as water, toilet paper, flour, etc. I had enough for even these most basic of needs, and some to share.  
Little did we know then that here we would be sitting, a year or so later, still living in the same situation in so very many ways.  Although to be sure, we are a lot better off now as our Governments and communities have become so much better and adept at helping to get us through this. Many of us are still not able to get together with our family who live far away, to travel, etc. But there are no longer shortages of things like toilet paper and water. Our basic needs are being met and then some. And we have the hope of a vaccine,which while it won't eradicate the virus, it may help us to be able to live with it in a safer, more secure manner.

We have all had to learn to live in a very different way over these past months, and . . . . whilst we may not like it, we are coping. I know in my heart that things can only get better and I believe that they will.

For me this last year has been especially challenging and I am not just talking about the Pandemic here.  Everything has changed for me. Everything. Nothing is the same.  Over this last year I had to learn to let go of everything that I thought was dear, people that I loved, all that made me feel secure and happy, my much beloved Mitzie, my friends, my home, my husband, all that I owned, literally everything. And none of that was caused by the Pandemic.  The Pandemic was the least of my problems, although it did complicate things somewhat, I cannot lie.

Discovering that your whole life, or at least the last 20 years of it, was based a huge lie is not a very nice thing to wake up to. Discovering that someone you had loved with all of you was not at all who you thought they were, but who was at the very centre of that lie was probably the single most hurtful, damaging, life altering thing that has ever happened to me.  Making the decision to walk away from all of that, in the midst of a global pandemic was probably the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. 

Fact. I could not have gotten through any of it without my faith in God, and in my belief in His plan for me.  

Over and over again, when I have been afraid, when I have thought to myself . . .  I cannot go forward . . .  I just can't do this . . .  over and over again, somehow, somewhere, someway, I have found the strength, courage,  and the determination to do just that.  And I can only say . . .  I can only share my witness that . . .  it has come from one place.  From a place of love and of faith. I have seen my Heavenly Father's love and support for me every which way I have turned. He has placed His angels round about me. I have seen them. I have felt their presence, love, support . . .  and through them I have been able to feel His presence, love and support. 

And it has been hard. So very, very hard.  I have had moments where I just wanted to lie down and die, to wallow, to give in to despair. I have had moments when I have done just that, felt all of those feelings and then some  . . .  but they have been shortlived because somehow, someway . . . I've been able to find the strength, the determination, the hope, the will to not give in to those feelings.  To keep moving forward. To do the things I needed to do, had to do. 

And I have only one answer as to where that came from, comes from, will come from.  And that is my belief in, faith in, trust in . . .  a higher power.  In my God. My Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Father. The creator and Father of us all.  And I am so very grateful for that, for Him.  He, who knows the very beginning from the end, and who has a plan for each of us. 

I wish I could give each of you some of my faith, belief and trust. But I cannot. It is simply something you need to find for yourselves.  I can tell you where to find it and how to get it, but that is all I can do.

I know my journey and my trials are not over yet. I have a ways to go before it is all said and done, but I have a great hope, faith, and a belief in a bright future.  Far brighter than anything I have had to leave behind. Things can only get better.
And whether you know it or not, or even whether you believe it, you have all been a part of how He has shown me that He loves, knows and cares for me.  You are a part of the angelic presence He has placed into my life.  And I am grateful for that.  For you. I thank you very much.

And I just wanted you to know that. 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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.We love because
He first loved us.
~1 John 4: 19•。★★ 。* 。

I redid one of my older recipes this week.  Cupcake Madeleines. My old photos were naff, and even these are not all that I know they could be, but they are better.  You need to bake them.  Buttery little cakes, rolled in jam and coconut. So simple and yet so very, very good.

Have a wonderful Sunday. Be happy. Be blessed.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Well..but..if I am not mistaken..this is YOUR blog.

    Your pages to write what you want to write about right?
    I don't think t's a question ofnot's funny I''ll give you a small ridiculous daughter asked what was the best waterproff mascara..the one that teaches and wears contacts or glasses and goggles and a visor all day long..she never wears any make up and I guess she wanted some mascara..well my other daghter is like me and we know what we like..we both suggested two diffenet ones.. and Caroline said..Mascaras are so personal..and a text..

    So I think that's it..religion is personal..beliefs are people who are not of your faith..are just not into it..
    But your FAITH is YOURS and it works for you and it's stellar for you.

    1. That is very true Monique! Thank you. Had to laugh a Caroline's comment. Yes, Mascaras are so personal! I like L'Oreal myself! Thank you for your understanding of me! xoxo

  2. Yes faith does see us through the darkest moments and gives ua hope for the future. Never stop believing that and you'll get through it. We are testedd and refined every day and some days more than others. Take care my friend and know that you are loved and never alone.

    1. Yes, we all need to go through the refiner's fire. Sometimes its harder than we want, or even deserve. A simple fact of life. Thank you Pam! xoxo

  3. I agree with Monique. It's your blog and you get to decide what to write about. You are one brave girl and better days are ahead, Marie. I think people admire your faith and may even be a bit envious of it. Happy Sunday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I think there are a lot of people who get hung up on labels Elaine. I think there are basic truths and beautiful elements in most religions. Religion is man-created, Faith comes from God. Individuality in our belief system is not so near important as the direction we are headed in and if it draws us closer to God, then its never a bad thing! Happy Sunday, love and hugs, always.xoxo

  4. I admire your faith and I'm very glad you have it. The English Madeleines look amazing. When I was a little girl (65 years ago!) our very small town bakery used to make these and my Mum would get us one once in awhile..what a treat! I have saved your recipe and will make them for my granddaughters. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! Lovely memory of your childhood. I hope you do get to make the madeleines for your granddaughters! xoxo

  5. Was thinking of your post here and what the comments said too and Isa. 55:11 came to mind. And the reason to learn what GOD says: PS 119:11. Blessings on you and keep on hoping...some days hope is what we have.
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Love those scriptures Elizabeth. I also love Jeremiah 29:11. The old testament is filled with lots of lovely verses. xoxo

    2. I so agree Marie!! Such lovely words!!
      Elizabeth xoxo

  6. I agree with Monique too. Your faith is so important to you, it is part if your life, For those that don’t like it or don’t agree, that is their choice but don’t let them influence what you say, do or write, Stay positive, stay strong, keep the faith.

    1. Thanks so much Linda! Have a great week! xoxo

  7. I read your blog because I so enjoy it and we seem very much alike.
    And whether you know it or not, your sharing thoughts, feelings, happiness, questions, fears and faith are making your readers who they are.
    Does that make sense ? Your words make an impression- a good impression.
    Thank you for sharing. xo, V

    1. Thank you so very much V. That means a lot to me! xoxo

  8. Well said, I agree with Monique, Elaine and Linda too!
    It's your blog Marie, so you can write whatever your heart desires!

    Those cupcakes madeleines look sooo yummy and they remind me of some oblong cakes like that I use to buy in the store.
    Stay safe, healthy and happy! xoxo

    1. Thanks J! You need to try the cupcakes. Thy are fabulous! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!