
Sunday 7 February 2021

Sunday morning thoughts . . .

I got up really early this morning so that I could watch church in the UK on my iPad.  I know I probably shouldn't be doing that, but they have their meetings on Zoom and are so clear and easy to hear. The meetings from my church here in Nova Scotia (which I also watch a bit later on) are on YouTube and they are not so clear to hear. I can see all right, but the sound is often garbled. Nevertheless I persevere and I watch.

I also watch Sunday School lesson on Facebook from my old Ward in Chester as well as the ones here in Canada.  I am getting double blasted with the Gospel. Its all good. 

This is Fast & Testimony meeting for our Church worldwide today. The first Sunday of the month always is F & T.  Its one of my favourite church meetings of the  month.  Listening to the testimonies of others always helps to strengthen my own. It has always been that way. 

This morning in Chester they had President and Sister Johnson at their meeting. They are the Mission President and his wife serving in the England Manchester Mission at the moment.  I really enjoyed listening to their Testimonies.  Sister Johnson shared an exerpt from this book in hers and co-incidentally it was something over the past month which had also touched my heart in a special way.  I hope you will forgive me for sharing it here, but I feel that I must for some reason, so here it is.

"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." ~1 Nephi 3:7 

Prior to our birth, . . .  I suspect we were terrified, at first, when told we would forget Father, friends, and facts we formerly knew so well. I can believe we were calmed when informed our Father in Heaven would provide prophets and scriptures to guide us and would provide a means whereby we could communicate with Him through prayer and the spirit of revelation. But still we may have been a bit insecure when we learned that faith --faith to believe the intangible -- was the key to success in our journey  . . . 

Each one of us will have to go to unique testing grounds of faith . . .  For the monument of your life to rise from its pedestal of preparation to your appointed site of destiny, you must go where the Lord wants you to go. Wherever it is, go.  Go with the same faith that allowed you to leave your heavenly home in the first place.   ~President Russel M Nelson

All this week I have been thinking about this house that I am hoping to get.  Its been very mixed baag of feelings for me.  
On the one hand I am truly excited about it. It is the perfect house for me. Not too big, not too small, has a big beautiful kitchen, white and bright.  Exactly what I need to keep doing my work. It has a nice big dining room, perfect for when my family comes.  A fair sized living room, and a really decent bathroom with a shower.  A big master bedroom on the top level, and a beautifully finished basement with a family room, half bath, laundry area, shop and extra bedroom, plus you can walk right out of the basement into the back yard and I think there are fruit bushes of some kind at the end of the garden and a beautiful rockery garden as well. 

On the other hand I am a bit afraid. You know all of the "what ifs." I will be very much dependant on whatever income I can generate aside from my pension to cover the daily expenses of life, insurance, etc.  My pension alone will cover the cost of the mortgage and then a bit.  That part makes me feel a tiny bit afraid.  But then I stop and think  . . . 

Before any of this even happened, Heavenly Father brought me to a place where He knew I would be able to generate an income from my food blog.  Why then?  I have been blogging on The English Kitchen for many years now. I could easily been deriving an income from it for a very long time now.  Why, in the middle of September did I suddenly become inspired to do the things I needed to do in order for that to happen?  And so I did . . .  I did the things I needed to do in order for it to generate an income for me . . .  and it started to do just that, although I would not actually receive any pay from it until December.  It was a long wait, but I knew that once that initial 3 month time period was finished, it would be generating an income for me every month. 

And now, every month I will get an income from that which is more than adequate to cover my needs even without my pension. I have no need to really truly be afraid. If I am smart about it and if I am like the ant from Aesop's fable, "The Grasshopper and the Ant," and I make sure that I always have in reserve enough to take me through lean times, I will be okay

I just need to have faith and to walk forward in that faith, knowing that a Heavenly Father who has brought me this far, through one of the greatest testing grounds and faith testing experiences of my life, will not drop me now.  If I get this mortgage and am able to move into this house, I can see only good things ahead for me.  And if for some reason I don't get this mortgage, then that's okay as well.  There is a plan for me and it is a plan that allows me to succeed and to flourish. I need not be afraid.  I need only to believe.  My Heavenly Father has always believed in me.  I need to now believe in myself. I CAN do this. 

There is no such thing as co-incidence. I was meant to hear the testimony of Sister Johnson this morning and it has strengthened my own.  And I would like to leave you with my own Testimony which is this.

We have a Heavenly Father who loves and knows each of us by name.  He is aware of our needs, even before we are aware of them. Already . . . .  even before my life blew apart, He was helping me to prepare for the time that it would.  And when it did, He surrounded me with good people, angels at the ready, to help to get me through the really tough bits at the beginning, and I am still surrounded by good people. He knows the beginning from the end. He wants us to succeed.  He cares for us in a way we cannot even begin to comprehend.  All we need is to have faith and to believe and to trust.  If we do those three things, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We can do hard things and we can do them well.  And when we hit those rough spots, we need to just hang on for dear life and keep going, because with His help we can and will get through them. 

I love my Heavenly Father and I love His son Jesus Christ. They are real to me and they help to give me the strength and the help that I need to get through each and every day of this great testing ground called life. I truly do not know how I could do it without them. I am so grateful for the Gospel in my life and the difference it has made in both the good times and in the bad.

And I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen 

We are expecting a really bad snow storm later today. Lots of snow and high winds, etc.  We are going to go and visit mom this morning I think, or at least at some point. We were meant to go on the 21st but the weather wasn't great.  So hoping we will get there today. She is always with us, I know that. We miss her terribly and always will.

Oh, I had a really nice dream just before I woke up this morning.  In it I was with my youngest daughter and things were being worked out. It left me feeling really happy when I woke up. I don't know if that will happen or not, but I have a patriarchal blessing that promises me all will be well. So far, so good. 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.Let your faith
be bigger than your fears.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Lemon Curd Cookies.  Delicious shortbread cookies with a lemon curd filled dimple in the centre. Yummo! 
Have a beautiful Sunday.  Don't forget! 
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And I do too!! 




  1. Stay safe in that storm coming your way. I think that house is met to be yours, Marie. It is so perfect for you. They need to sell, you need to buy. A perfect match. Hope the mortgage comes through. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine. My knees are bent and everything I can cross has been crossed! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Good advice to let your faith be bigger than your fears. We need to feed our faith every day and not let it wither out. God will never leave or forsake us and His promises are true.

  3. Have a great day!Wonderful news that after all these years you derive an income from your blog..I mean how many people have made your great recipes?:)

    1. True but I never take it for granted. That's the scary part! I need to keep working hard. The new house will allow me to do just that! Fingers crossed! xoxo

  4. The house sounds perfect, hoping things go your way. Have you filed for both Canadian and British pensions? You should receive both of the, we do. But I'm sure you already have.

    1. I am getting all my Canadian pensions now, but alas I was not entitled to a British Pension as I did not work there long enough to receive one. I wish! xoxo

    2. Might be worth checking into for a pension through your husband, I didn’t work there long but got mine through my husband, Though I’m sure you have checked that

  5. You should be entitled to receive a British pension through your husband

  6. I wonder if you could apply for your husband's pension if he has one? Just a thought, don't feel you have to publish this! Maybe a lawyer could advise you.

  7. Have a happy day, be safe in the storm and trust all will be well. xo, V

  8. Get advice about UK pension. You are entitled to your husbands pension. Many years ago I worked for 2 years in Uk . I get 50 p a week, lol in a one time annual payment. I take it. I

  9. Hi Marie~

    You are a woman of great faith, it has carried you and will continue to do so! I loved your sweet testimony, thank you for sharing. I know that we are all here and where we are meant to be. It may not be where we want to be, but if we endure, we will get there, you are living proof of that, my dear friend.

    We had, Stake Conference this week...things are so different because of this pandemic, we were only able to view it via, Zoom, and that was okay, I still loved it. I'm so glad you are able to watch your old ward, and your new ward, I love that you are embracing that. I hope it's not too long before we can all go and be a complete ward family again.

    Bob and I got our second vaccination yesterday. I was afraid we would get sick, as so many I know have with their second shot. We are just fine, no aches, no fever or chills, we are good! Of course we will still wear our masks, but we can go out and about with more confidence. It takes a few weeks to be 95%, and we are excited for that.

    Have a wonderful Sabbath, Marie! XOXOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  10. The house sounds perfect and hopefully it will go through!! Glad you feel you have enough to live on too...that is no small blessing either!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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