
Monday 22 February 2021

Small and Wonderful things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

One of the silver linings in all that has happened to me over thse past months has been that I now get to see my father just about every day. I had thought I would never see him alive again. The thought of that used to make me cry. I never got to see my mother before she passed and I thought it would be the same with my father. I am so very grateful that we get to have these times together. I love my father very much. This is an extra special blessing to me.

Happy and healthy grandchildren. This is Jake (top) and Josh (bottom).  I have 7 grandsons and one granddaughter. They range in age from almost 15 to almost one year in age.  All are healthy and happy. That is a special blessing to me. I pray for them every day, multiple times a day. I long for a day when we will get to really spend time together.  My two youngest ones are both boys and I have never seen either one of them in person. Ironically the very youngest one only lives five minutes from me. I pray every day that circumstances will change and that hearts will soften.  The other is about an hour away as is my granddaughter.  Last time I got to see her, she was 3.  She will be 10 in just a few days. 

Healthy, happy grandchildren are a special blessing. I thank God for keeping them safe each and every day.  So many children in this world are not safe, or healthy, or happy.  We are truly blessed.

I know this is true. My inner voice sometimes tries to tell me different. I try not to listen to it.  I am a child of God. The daughter of a king. I love my Heavenly Father and I know he loves me too. I know He has a plan for me. One of my favourite scriptures is from Jeremiah. It says . . . 
For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
~Jeremiah 11:29 
This is a scripture which has brought me great comfort throughout the years.  I know it. I believe it. And if at times, things seem really hard, I know and trust that the hard times are not forever times.

I quit smoking about 33 years ago now.  Quitting smoking was probably one of the hardest things I ever had to do, but it was also the best thing I ever did for myself. I did gain a whole new person, which is the down side of it, but I have never looked back. I wish that I had never smoked, not ever, but at least I had the common sense to quit when I did. Mom smoked. I believe that she would still be alive had she never done so and had she quit well before she actually did. My father used to smoke, but he quit when we were quite young. 

Hope. Where would we be without it. It is a muscle I exercise each and every day. There is great truth to be found in the phrase, "Hope springs eternal."  Without hope I doubt any of us could go on. Hope is what holds the breaking heart together. 

Hard to do but not impossible.  I can be a bit of a worry wart at times, but I am trying not to be. Life is too short to allow worry to take over. Why spoil what life you have thinking about things that might never happen. Take each day as it comes and be glad in it.

Knowing that, although it is -10 out there this morning, Spring is just around the corner.  That is a magical thought!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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Strength is what we gain
from the madness we survive.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

Nothing new in the kitchen today but I am sharing these delicious Lemon Puff Biscuits that I made once upon a time.  They are light and fluffy, easy to make and incredibly delicious!  They are also pretty small and pretty wonderful!

Have a wonderful week. I hope it is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things! Along the way don't forget! 

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And I do too!   




  1. Good things to focus on, Marie...we have to keep hope...though sometimes it is quite a job, isn't it?
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It can be a really difficult job at times for sure! xoxo

  2. Hope is what gets us out of bed every morning. I quit smoking 23 years ago. Best decision ever! Stay warm, stay safe. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I agree Elaine! Point being made although my father was always overweight, he is still alive. Mom is not, vascular dimentia from the smoking too her from us far too soon! Love and hugs and safe and warm wishes for you always! xoxo

  3. Have a god week!!!!The Littles are darling and yes that is such a blessing..their health♥

  4. Husband stopped smoking when I became pregnant with our daughter - 50 years ago. Just the other day, however, he said he sure would like a cigarette! Mercy Moi. Have a great cold week, Ms. Marie.

    1. I suppose that never leaves you I guess. I can't say that I have ever felt to want one since, but I do know were I to ever have even a puff I would be right back at it! You have a great week also! xoxo

  5. A new week, hope it’s a great one....for us all. Blessings, V

    1. Blessings V! I hope it is a good one for us all as well! xoxo

  6. I smoked too, when I was in my teens. Then the week b4 my graduation my Mom found out she had cancer! She knew b4 she was even checked out! The day of my graduation she was having her operation! Can't spell it and sp ck isn't that great, but she had a bag put in the front.
    It took me about a year to quit smoking after that!

    Well she's still here today {both parents} and their Anniversary is coming up this Friday Feb 26!

    It's also a reminder 8 yrs ago that I almost choked to death!!!
    My oldest granddaughter was 8 at the time and they just taught her in school how to save someone's life. When she saw I was turning purple, she jumped up and saved me! I was eating a taco bc that's what she wanted me to make her.
    I haven't eaten another taco since then and I use to love tacos esp with ground chicken.

    Stay safe, healthy and warm Marie! xoxo

    The craziest and scariest week away from home!

    1. Happy Anniversary to your parents! How lucky for you that your granddaughter was there to save you! I cannot imagine. She was a brave little girl to do that at such a young age! I am happy you are still here! Love and hugs, oxox

  7. Thanks Marie! I'll be baking a little bundt cake for them. Well, it makes 2, so I'll freeze the other one.

    My granddaughter thought it was no big deal, she didn't want any praise! She had to do the maneveur 3 times b4 I was ok! Then my whole body shook after!
    She kept on asking if I was ok yet, then she told me next time hit the basket. Lol.
    She just wanted to eat her tacos and continued to eat after. Lol.

    A month b4 they moved out of another place, she got a pc of hard candy stuck in her throat!
    I gave her all kinds of liquids to try to melt it! I kept talking to her and all of a sudden she stopped talking to me! I told her to put her hands up while running to help her! She could only put her arms half way and I held on for dear life, keeping her arms up til she threw up!
    Then her whole body shook and she was totally exhausted! She layed down on the couch and ran back twice to the wastebasket!

    The 4 yr old twins sat there watching quietly and told me after she was turning purple! The 3 yr old and 5 yr old boys were playing in the living room.

    I was watching my grands for the night and I decided they were going to sleep in the living room that night. I kept on checking Lex all night to make sure she was breathing!

    She's in college now, but she remembers those 2 nights vividly!
    Neither one of us would give up on each other! She remembers the force of me holding her arms up, when her little body was shutting down! Great, now I have teary eyes! Time to eat some chocolate bc that makes me happy!

    Wow, it's really cold where you live Marie! Brrrrr!
    It's starting to warm up here alittle! Love and hugs to you too, oxox


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