
Saturday 23 January 2021

The things I get up to . . .

Just a bit of catching up with what's going on in my corner of the world!  

We had a fair amount of snow here yesterday. Dan reckons about six inches.  Cindy had to go to work so Dan drove her. At one point the snow was falling like goosedown in those big fluffy flakes. Its been a long time since I have seen snow like that. So pretty. Of course in the UK that would have brought the country to a standstill.  Speaking of the UK.  Blacon where I lived had torrential rains the other day with massive flooding. I saw photos of it on FB and then afterwards a ton of snow for them, about two inches or so, which lay. Its still there today.  Wierd weather for them! I would imagine the back garden at my old place is well under water.

There was a male cardinal in the rose bush feeding on the berries and hips yesterday.  We never saw Cardinals here when I was growing up, or maybe I was just not lucky enough to see them. Apparently they are often sighted nowadays. The males are such pretty birds.  There was also a junco in the same bush, but I was unable to catch a photo of it. Whenever I get my own place, I hope it is a place where I can do some bird watching.  

Luke got his birthday card from me rather early. (I wanted to make sure it got there on time)  I let him open it early as well just in case it got lost. I had put his BP in there along with a letter to him. I hope he enjoyed the letter. I think he might have done so. My grandsons are growing up so fast! They are not baby's any longer. 

Jake made an "old School" Mario with his lego.  And he got a haircut. I think all of my grandsons are very handsome. Well done Jake for his creation! All of my grandsons that I know of are very artsy craftsy.

I replaced my knitting book so I can re-make the tea cosy, etc. that I had made from my copy in the UK.  I loved that tea cosy and that book. You can buy lots of books used in fairly good condition. I do clean the covers with an antiseptic wipe.

I had been meaning to show you what Elaine sent me for Christmas.  She knows I love the flower fairies, and of course all of those books got left in the UK, plus she also knows how much I love Susan Branch. I love, love, LOVE all of these!! Thank you so much Elaine!  Now I have something to reference when I go to paint in my flower fairy watercolour journal. I had done a lot of the sketches but not painted them in, now I can!

I also got these lovely treasures from Monique. She even added some grey hairs to the embroidery hoop.  So sweet.  She is a true artist in everything she touches her hands to. Thank you so much sweet girl! I can't wait to have my own place to give these treasures a special home!

Speaking of treasures, I have been working at embroidering myself new tea towels.  I am very much going to make sure that my new home when I find it has nothing in it that isn't useful and that I don't love. To that end I am working on a few treasures.  One, teatowels.  I used to have lots of embroidered tea towels, etc.  I am enjoying this project. I just sit and ply my needle and threads while I am watching Netflix on my laptop in the evenings.

I am also working on dish cloths. I have on finished and another halfway done. I picked up these colours of cotton yarn when I was at  Michael's the other day. Now I wish I had picked up more. Some hand drying towels would have been  nice to do. I need to get some knitting needles.

I got myself a little watercolour booklet the other day in Michaels as well as some water brushes to replace the brushes I left in the UK.  Its not a big book of watercolour paper, just a small sized one. I am not sure where to buy art supplies here or what to buy. I used to buy Windsor Newton in the UK, but they didn't have any of those.

And here are the colours of yarn I got. Much brighter and more cheerful. I should probably have gotten a cream colour as well for a border, but I guess I can pick that up anywhere.  I have plans to do a lap blanket.   I have been looking on Pinterest. 

This blanket from Knot Garden has caught my eye. I think I will need to get a few more colours, especially a white or ecru for the border and I love how she has used all of the leftover bits of her yarn to do the picot edging, so nothing is wasted.  
The Red Heart Yarn I got is very soft and I like it a lot. 

I heard from my friend Carolyn yesterday.  Sadly they all have Covid. Everyone in their house. Carolyn, her husband Eric, their daughter and her husband and family that live with them, and their other daughter who is developmentally handcapped.  Carolyn says they all came down with it about a week or so ago.  She is starting to feel somewhat better, but her husband Eric is brought to his knees every time he coughs and is quite poorly.  Please could you keep them in your prayers. Thank you so very much.

Please stay safe everyone.  Don't take any chances.  This virus shows no signs of slowing down and nobody knows for sure how well the vaccine works, especially long term.  In any case, here in Nova Scotia, they don't expect everyone to be vaccinated until at least July/August.  I wish people would just do the things they have been asked to do.

We had a young man deliver a piece of mail here to the house yesterday. For some reason one of my bank cards had gone to his house instead of to our mail box in town.  It was very kind of him to drop it off however so I am grateful to him for that, but he did not have a mask on. Maybe he never even thought of putting one on. I need to talk to my bank as well, because they did not have my post office box on the envelope, just the civic address.  No mail gets delivered here to the house. Only to the Post Office in town. 

And now you are all caught up on our goings on!! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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If it makes you happy,
then it is not a waste of time.
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today Easy Blackberry & Lemon Dessert. Its a real doddle. 

Have a great Saturday. Not sure what is going to happen here. Maybe we will go shopping, or maybe not.  Grocery shopping that is. I need to go to the bank.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!



  1. Sounds like life is taking a nice creative turn!
    In QC we can get WN at Omer De Serres and Hachem..Maybe Omer ships to you..they say Canpar Canada wide..Amazon does..
    There is Curry's have to buy $75..too much..and Amazon.The free ship on Amazon is often the game changer.
    Don't forget to look into VARAGESALE.

  2. Good idea to make some beautiful things for yourself. Every home should include what is beautiful and useful.

  3. Your tea towels are so cute, Marie. Fun to see what you're up to on a wintry day. Will pray for your friend Carolyn and her family. Wild weather in the UK. Stay cozy. Stay safe. Hugs and love, Elaine


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