
Wednesday 27 January 2021

Sometimes . . .

For quite a few years now I have been coming here, to this place, and sharing my thoughts with you each day. You, who have been reading me for a while, have been with me through my ups and my downs, my ins and my outs.  I like to think that it has been a safe place, and for the most part positive. This isn't always easy, especially recently, with all I have gone through.  But I have tried to be uplifting most days.  It has been a place for me to work out my feelings, and yes, sometimes to vent. (I am sorry for the occasional venting, but I am only human.) 

I am not a pschycologist, or a therapy expert.  I am just a simple human being, trying to live my life the best that I can in the best way that I can.  I have struggles and feelings.  I have hopes and I have fears. I have successes and I have failures. I like to think that for the most part I am doing the best that I can in most circumstances.

Yesterday I expressed my feelings, that had I stayed where I was living in the UK, I may not have survived.  This was in no way meant to distress anyone or cause a problem.  Simply a statement of how I felt and how I also felt God's hands and timing in getting me out of there when He did. Unfortunately someone took offense to that and for that I am sorry. I in no ways meant that everyone in the UK was dying from the virus. Many are, but many more are not.  I was only saying that me, with all of my underlying health conditions, living on the street that I did, where everyone has it, would most likely have also contracted it and had I done so, would not, in all likelihood,  have survived. 
Me.  I was talking about Me. Not anybody else. 

And I was expressing a very real fear of mine along with an expression of gratitude for having been what I felt was saved from perhaps contracting the virus and not surviving. 
From the moment the virus began to take hold in the UK, until the day I stepped into Heathrow to leave the UK, my fear of the virus controlled every aspect of my life.  I had not stepped out of my home. Not to go to a shop, or to the chiropracter, not to visit friends, etc. I think I left the house on only a very few occasions and always under very controlled conditions. A couple times to go to the Doctor, once for my flu shot, once to babysit Grace, a couple times with Tina in which we sat in the car the whole time.
I am not sure anyone can fully understand the courage it took for me to go to Heathrow and to leave the UK.  To sit on a plane, breathing in recycled air with a bunch of strangers for 14 hours.  To not only go to Heathrow, but also two other large airports amidst a global pandemic, mingling with people from all over the world.  And I had to do it all while my whole life was falling apart around me . . .   

At the moment I am living in a very safe part of the world, but only because we don't take chances. I do enjoy a bit more freedom of movement, but always under very controled conditions.  I stay within my own family bubble. My sister, Dan, my father. I don't have any physical contact with anyone else unless it is absolutely necessary. We wear masks, we sanitize, we wash hands, we socially distance.  Even on Boxing Day when Eileen was here, we all masked and socially distanced as much as possible.  And there have been NO cases of virus in this area that we know of.  But it remains a great fear of us all.  And that is as it should be. I think complacency is a dangerous place to be during a Pandemic. Carelessness is not somehing any of us can afford. 

And yes it is a pain.  I've been waiting years and years to be near my family, and I still have to wait.  But I believe that the wait will be worth it. We all have to wait. We all have to do our part. And we do it in hopes that the future is much brighter than the present.  And we do it because we care about our neighbours and our friends and our families, our communities, our elderly, our vulnerable, and we want to protect them along with ourselves. 

If occasionally I offend by expressing my feelings about things, I apologise for that. But again, I am only human, and doing the best that I can under very difficult circumstances.  

I have good days and I have bad days.  I try hard to remain positive and looking forward to a bright future but I also have moments when the past catches up with me and drags me down and I feel very sad and sometimes very much like giving up.  I never know what will trigger it.  I try very hard not to mourn the loss of all my possessions, because, after all  . . .  its only stuff . . .  but every now and then the thought of something which I particularly cherished will come into my mind and the tears will come.  

Some days I am afraid to ever love another animal, or another human being because the pain of losing them hurts so very much.

Sometimes I lay in bed and night and think to myself, this is it for the rest of my life.  Alone. Me, who only ever wanted to be a wife and a mother. Alone. With nobody to share it with. All because of the poor choices of someone else.  And I can't even find joy in the memories of the last 20 years of my life because they have all been tainted by the actions of a very selfish individual.  They are all coloured with the black brush of his deception and criminal behaviour. I hope and pray that none of you ever have to feel that way, because in all honesty it sucks. It really does.

ON good days I feel a deep gratitude for all that I am and have, and how very far I've come . . .  and I look forward to a brighter unknown future. Thankfully those days are far more abundant than the bad ones. 

I find Pumpkin all curled up on my bed, which was mom's bed and I think to myself, how very wonderful that an all-knowing-God has brought me to safety in this place, surrounded by people who really, truly love me and care about me and my welfare.  And I am grateful for that.  And I have a knowledge and hope that a God who has brought me this far will not drop me now.  I just need to be patient and to wait and to do my best, whatever happens.

And that's it for now. 

Everything for a reason and a season. 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Baked Chili Cheese Dogs.  

Have a great day.  Jazzy has gone in today for her neutering. All will be well.  Don't forget.

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And I do too!   



  1. Take care Marie.It's not easy wearing your heart on your sleeve:(

  2. We all have those up and down days, but it is always better to look for the bright side of life, it is there if we take the time to look for it. I think you do a good job of it.

    1. Thanks very much Pam. You are the most positive person I know. You set a fine example for all of us! xoxo

  3. You should not be critized for sharing your feelings, Marie. None of us can ever know exactly what you've gone through. We all need each other. Hope little Jazzy will come through her operation okay. She is such a cutie. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I really hope she does as well Elaine. I hate to think of anything bad happening. That kitten is so beloved here in this house. Love and hugs always, xoxo

  4. Take care and continue to be safe. You can't please everyone all of the time, but you certainly please lots of someones all the time.

    1. Thank you so very much Linda! You stay safe also! xoxo

  5. Your thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, words, insights, observations, outlook, inspirations, aspirations, dreams, questions and curiosity ....all what I look forward to when I read this blog. Thank you for sharing. :-) V

  6. Under the circumstances, Marie, I don't know how you could have felt any other way!! There has been more upsetting information from my granddaughter about the pedo, that so far has free reign...people who have not lived in this hell have no idea. It is a fact that those who are not victims (as indeed you are as well) have a small clue what it is like. Being optimistic is something that comes and goes. Were it not for our faith we would be completely despondent!! Take care of yourself...and we readers would certainly understand if you have days you do not feel up to writing here!! Sending hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. Hugs and prayers right back. xoxo

  7. You only speak your truth. If people can’t handle it they should not follow you. They should not expect you to say only what pleases them. You are authentic ,stay that way.
    Yesterday I believe the commenter heard her own fears being expressed,that’s what frightened her. The UK is not a safe place for anyone right now.

    1. Thanks Angharad. I don't like upsetting anyone, but I also like to be true to myself. xoxo

  8. Marie most of us love and appreciate your honesty about your life and all your ups and downs. Hang in there, prayers and hugs.
    Stay safe and healthy.


  9. Hello!
    I am visiting from my friend Deb's blog.
    I am your newest follower, and am looking forward to visiting your lovely space often. Have a cozy evening!

    1. Thanks Billie Jo, it's always nice to make a new friend! xoxo

  10. Oh, my dear friend! I have followed you for a number of years now and I have loved your posts and how uplifting and fun you are. You are also extremely talented. I find you an wonderful woman and since you have gone through so much recently with such grace; you are even more amazing to me.
    I am so grateful that you are safe and that you are with those you love. I feel you are going to find a wonderful life there with your family and blessings of goodness will flow.
    I really am happy that you have opened up with the good and the bad, because you are inspiring to me.
    Life really is a up and down road. I have been feeling so sad that I can't seem to get to blogging or reading blogs like I want too. I really miss reading yours. My husband got sick and was hospitalized for a few days. Luckily, it wasn't Covid. He had double bacterial pneumonia. We had to come home and isolate for 10 days and I spent that time trying to get him back to good health again. He is doing much better. There seems to be a lot of complicating factors in my life recently, and I can't seem to get caught up. Maybe, I will soon.
    Just know that I love you dear friend, and will be in and out reading your blog until I can figure out my priorities better.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn, these are trying times for us all. I am happy to read that Roger is doing better! Love and hugs, xoxo

  11. Marie, just one thing...never let another human being bring you down or doubt yourself and your beliefs just because they comment on your blog...their
    selfish, unfeeling comments always mean that they are unconsciously taking their own internal bad feelings, about something in themselves they won't recognize, out on someone When a person can't face their own shortcomings they tend to jump to judge another person....sadly, it is the way of social media today. You are a very strong person with an unending faith that always stays with you. Never apologize for that! Leave those sad commenters to their own problems...ignore them. You will build a new life for yourself..Give yourself time to readjust, grieve some for what is lost, then look forward...Life is a blessing and always remember "God Loves You" told me that were right!!

    1. Thanks so much Lynney! Sometimes we all need a reminder I guess! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!