
Monday 4 January 2021

Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug . . . .

Yesterday I hit the wall.  I feared that day would come. In fact I knew it would come. In these weeks since everything started happening, I have just kept myself ploughing ahead, trying not to think about things overly much.  Just keeping busy. Trying to get settled, etc. When you stay busy you don't have time to think or to dwell. 

Yesterday I hit the wall, not to repeat myself or anything, and I know I just did.

There was a comment from someone and that kicked it off. I felt myself again having to explain everything to others. Rehashing what I really don't want to rehash.  A couple nights ago I had been  showing my dad how to delete e-mails from his hotmail account that he didn't want to keep easily.

Of course he didn't have his iPad with him, and so I was showing him on mine. 

I noticed a folder in my e-mail account I had labeled "Important E-mails." I thought to myself I will go back and look at those later. I wondered what it is I had thought was important enough to save in a folder labeled important.

So yesterday morning I watched my church, not once, but twice. Once in the UK and once here. and then a bit later on I decided to check out the "Important" e-mail folder. 

There were not a lot of e-mails in it.  One from my son Doug from a very long time ago, a few from my Aunt Freda and two from Todd from back in 2004, 2005. I did what I should never have done. I read them, and that was it. 

I won't tell you what was in them, suffice it to say that they were written when all of what he is serving in prison for was going on.  I had caught him chatting to "young women" online, etc. and called him out on it.

This was a pattern that this man followed all the days of our marriage. He would behave for a while, and then he would relapse.  I never wanted to be the woman who had failed three times at marriage. I very much wanted things to work. I tried very hard to make things work. These e-mails were very much him blaming me for his behaviour.  And maybe during that time I felt that I was responsible.

If I was thinner, if I was younger, if I was a better wife, etc. 

So anyways. I hit the wall.  I spent  most of yesterday not only feeling sorry for myself, but also feeling like there was not going to be any light at the end of the tunnel for me. That I was never going to be able to find joy again. That I was never going to be able to find a place to live, or a way to support myself, blah . . .  blah . . .  blah. 

I cried and I wallowed in my bedroom.  Tucked under a blanket. Even today I feel tearful about it all, and it is hard to shake those feelings of negativity.

But I have to. That is how Satan works. He finds a chink in your armour and my chink is low self esteem.  That is how he gets to me. He works on that and he convinces me that somehow everything is my fault and that had I been smarter, prettier, younger, thinner, etc. Well, you know the rest.

I was a fool to think that this was ever going to be simple. It never was. It was always only ever going to be hard, hard, hard  . . . 

Nothing worth having ever came easy to me.  I come from a line of strong women.  Women who have had to overcome hardship, hurt, illness, etc. My mother was a very strong woman. She was a fine example to me that you can get through just about anything life throws as you.

Life is hard. It will always be hard. Time for me to pick myself up again and try a bit harder to get past all of this. Its okay to wallow from time to time, but you don't get to stay there.  Things never ever did get better that way. 

I just wanted to share with you this morning. I have always tried to be real with you. I have never wanted you to think I lead a charmed life.  I don't think there is any such thing. Only people who are very good at hiding how much they are hurting inside.

I will get through this, but it may take a lot longer than I thought it would. And I think I am going to need to get a bit angry before I can be truly happy again.

We shall see. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

To make a difference in
someone's life, you don't
have to be rich, beautiful,
or perfect.•。★★ 。*
You just have to care.
•。★★ 。* •。★★ 。*  

There's some soup cooking in The English Kitchen today.  January is the perfect time for hot soup don't you think?

Have a wonderful day. I hope it is kind to you.  Be safe. Stay healthy and don't forget! 

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And I do too!    




  1. Please get some professional help. I did not (different circumstances, but dealing with ex husband), and suffered terrible nightmares for many years.

    1. Once covid ends I plan on trying to get some help. Right now I am just trying to get signed on with a family Doctor. There are over 40,000 on the waiting list. xoxo

  2. You are right to focus on your accomplishments. As a reader I am impressed with your writing skills and your dedication to producing your blog. It's well done, informative and interesting. I don't think this is easy to do so I commend you for that.
    It's awful when others don't take responsibility for their own actions .

  3. Hi Marie~

    My heart hurts for you...hitting the wall, falling apart, crying, aching for "normal", these are all things that anyone would do if they were in your shoes, Marie. Going through the grieving process is HARD. Betrayal is like death, and moving on can be so difficult. I love that you share your feelings here, it's a good venue to vent, and a good "grief journal" for you. I really love the quote you shared at the have so many people who care about you and love you, what a wonderful blessing! Praying for you always, Marie.

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I have spent three days crying off and on Barb, and I have a permanent headache at the moment. I am trying really hard to be positive. Sometimes that is a choice we have to make. It usually comes naturally to me. Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. I don't know if those letters would be of any benefit in times ahead, Marie...from a legal standpoint...but if you can still get ahold of consider keeping them for now. At least until the legal parts are done. It amazes me how these men who say such to their wives, seem never to take a look in the mirror...what was said to you was ABUSE, pure and simple. And the typical remarks of someone who is a threat to others...maybe the prison system would like to know what he says, in considering whether to ever let him out. I think it safer he stays put, frankly!! Well you are not the only woman who has been so ill treated, are NOT alone!! Hang in there...use this to help you shake the dirt off your coat and go forward!! It seems plain to see that your family is not going to let you survive under a bridge too!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. You are right and I am only just now seeing it as that. Oh How I hate being in my situation. I would never have dreamed it just a year ago. Love and hugs, xoxo

    2. I so understand Marie...I HATE the situation we are in with our grandkids and daughter too!! I HATE the govt system that protects abusers way more than victims. Well tis only for this world and NOT THE NEXT...THANK GOD!! You are not guilty of a thing, Marie. You surely did what anyone would do who believed that marriage was for keeps...but we live in a very imperfect world right now...hope you can find a good counselor to be able to pour out all your feelings with...maybe there are some within your church even that would not cost money!!
      HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

  5. Marie my heart hurts for you. This is only the beginning of your healing journey and you will have more days like this as you move forward. Know that your family and friends will always support you in whatever way we can. I don’t know what services are available in Rural Nova Scotia but talking to a counsellor specializing in these issues might be helpful. You have been traumatized by the abuse.

    1. Thanks Angharad. I do feel very traumatized. I almost want to curl up in a ball and disappear forever. xoxo

  6. ((((Hugs)))) to you, Marie. When you have gone through a situation like yours and been able to withstand, let alone come out the other side with such determination, you are indeed a strong woman. That's not to say you won't still have "days" where you still feel like you are drowning, but keep your head up and keep paddling. That's the only way. One way to deal with things that helped me was to (in my head) put all my issues in a box and then hand them to God and say, here, you deal with this, I don't have the strength anymore. Much love - Raquel XO

    1. Thanks Raquel. I feel very much like I am drowning at the moment. Its not where I want to be. xoxo

  7. (((((Hugs))))) to you. That is one of my favourite says, the bug and the windshield. You were definitely the bug yesterday but from now on you will be the windshield.


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