
Saturday 9 January 2021

Sometimes we have adventures . . .



Well 2021 is setting up to be a year filled with excitement and adventure to say the least. Is been cold and snowy here, and I believe in the UK as well. Nothing but a bit of cold and snow to get the blood flowing! 

As you know dad hit a deer with his car the other night on his way home from supper. He doesn't have a car at the moment, and we have no idea how long it will be before his car is fixed or he has a new one to drive. He is thinking they may just write his car off.

Last night he wanted to treat us all to a nice supper out.  So we drove to his place to pick him up and then back to Angie's, which is a favourite restaurant of theirs.  Three of us were very predictable and dad and I had the fish and chips, Cindy had the haddie bits and chips and Dan had the meatloaf. (He likes to try something different every time.)  As usual everything was delicious! We all really enjoyed our meals.  

We all piled back into the car and started the journey back home.  We hadn't gotten very far from the restaurant when the car lost all power and Dan had to coast to the side of the road. And there we sat.  We couldn't get the car started again.  We were not sure what the problem was.  Was it out of gas? Was it the alternator?  The fuel pump? The electronics?  Complete mystery.

We were not there very long when a good samaritan stopped to see if he could help. We gave him some money and he went to the gas station down the road to get us some gas to see if it was that. He also happend to be a mechanic.  Turns out it wasn't we were out of gas.  He couldn't even hear the fuel pump engaging.

Thankfully Dad has a CAA membership. 

And we both have mobile phones, or cellular phones as dad likes to call them. We called the CAA and the sent a tow truck out.  In the meantime I have data on my phone and so we called a cab driver. (The same one who picked me up at the airport.) We sat in the freezing car for about 45 minutes which felt like a lifetime waiting for the tow truck. (We told the cab driver we would call him back when the tow truck arrived.) They all started regretting the coffee's they had had at dinner while the car got colder and colder. Cindy finally walked back to the motel to use the loo (the same motel we lived right next to when we were kids). We ended up having to help dad out of the car so he could you know . . .  'nuff said. Thankfully I had only had my water with dinner and I hadn't even consumed all of that. Whew! 

We thought about how we should have emergency blankets in the car and stuff. We thought about how much worse it could have been had it happened out in the middle of nowhere.  We steamed up the windows with our breathing. We ran the battery in the car down.  Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Of course with Covid none of us could go in the tow truck. 

So it finally arrived and the cab arrived and long story short, all four of us are carless this weekend and who knows for how long. Should be interesting. We don't live near any shops that we can just nip to for bread, milk, catfood and such. Hopefully it won't take too long. Fingers crossed!


I was pretty cold when we got home. All I have are my one pair of shoes that I wore when I came back. So no boots. Thank goodness I was wearing socks. I had left my mittens at home here.  (Lesson learnt. If you are going anywhere in the winter make sure you are prepared and have your mittens at least.) 

I took myself off to bed and my layers of warm blankets to warm myself back up again.  Our very first adventure of 2021!  Are we having fun yet?  LOL

Somebody has a birthday today.  Yep. Its Josh! I think he is turning 12.  (I get all of the ages mixed up.  There are 7 grandsons now.) He is Doug's middle son.  Jon is 14 so I am thinking Josh must be turning 12, or maybe 13 because Jake just turned 11 (I think!) Luke is turning 11 at the end of this month, or maybe it is 12.  Help! 

Anyways Happy Birthday to Josh, my wonderful grandson whom I love dearly. He is a shy, sweet boy who likes to play video games and save his money.  I had sent him a Birthday card with an octopus in the middle that jumps out with all of his arms to hug you. There was a bit of dosh in there as well. Doug facetimed me the other day as they were celebrating Josh's birthday a bit early as Doug has to work today. I got to see Josh opening his card.  I do so love all of these sweet grandsons of mine!  I hope that Josh has a wonderful day!  

Oh, I got Anthony signed onto Family Search this week, so he could access my family tree, etc. He is smitten with it, or at least he says that he is. Family search is a program where you can store all of your geneology and  link up to others, a geneology sharing site. You don't need to be a member of the church to use it or to access its information and it is completely free. And they will not try to convert you either.  You can store photos and memories, etc. there. You also have access to the largest geneology site in the world. For free. I love it. My sister is on it now and my son and both are completely happy with it.

So that's about all the news from this little corner of Canada. Nothing too exciting. Same old same old.  Cats and rats ( raiding the bird feeders) and no elephants but plenty of deer and  I have yet to see a unicorn. Life goes on no matter what.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Everyday courage has few witnesses.
But yours is no less noble 
because no drum beats for you and no
crowd calls your name.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In the kitchen today, I am sharing my recipe for a Traditional Battenburg Cake.  Deliciously simple to make!  Trust me!

Have a wonderful Saturday no matter what you get up to.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. What a total DRAG..Cars have not been good to you this past while.
    A pack of trouble sometimes..
    Stay warm..:)

    1. This is true Monique. Cars right now are causing a lot of trouble here. Anyways, this is not forever. Something we can hold on to. You stay warm and safe also! xoxo

  2. Life is an adventure for sure. We never know what to expect next. Thankfully you all got home safe and sound. Hopefully the cars will soon be fixed. May all your adventures be much happier ones!

  3. Hi Marie~

    I'm so glad you are guys are all right! Most of the time I am frustrated with technology, but what a blessing it was for you last night?! Sounds like it all turned out okay, everyone safe and sound, warm and home...that's a good thing. XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. It sure was! I was the only one conversant with mobile phones in the car. The others have no experience! But emergencies such as that is one reason I have one! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. What a trying experience for you all. Thank goodness for cell phones and AAA. Hope you had a better day today. Love and hugs, Elaine

  5. Good thing you all were together!! Glad you got home in one piece!! Cars are a huge drain on the money they are!! Hope things are back to normal really soon!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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