
Wednesday 9 December 2020

To hope is to dream is to hope . . .


I have always loved fairies, or at least the idea of fairies anyways.  As a child I would devour Enid Blyton's books about them. I think they got very tired of me at the library popping in every day to take out books about them. I would read all the pages very carefully trying to find out everything I could about these elusive creatures, in hopes that one day I would actually be able to see one for real. 

I think I was a bit of a dreamer even then.

One of the things I loved best about being a Brownie was the fact that every six (a small group within the larger group) had a fairy name. I was one of the  Little People. That was the name of my six.  There were Sprites, Elves, Gnomes, Imps, Leprechauns, Pixies, Kelpies and The Little People. 

We though known as Little People
Aim as high as any steeple. 

A the beginning of every meeting, we would recite the Brownie Pledge and then each sixer would lead her six around the toadstool singing their very own six-song. It was great fun being a fairy for a couple of hours every week. I learned so much as a Brownie.  Life-long lessons that I carry with me right up to this day.  It also taught me how to work and co-operate with others, and to lead.  I can remember being very proud when I became a seconder (second in command in the six) and eventually a sixer!  

I can remember being very excited as a young child, probably five or six years old, and they broadcast Peter Pan on the television. It was a play starring Mary Martin as Peter Pan. I had seen the cartoon from Disney and I had the Little Golden Book, but getting to see real people tell the story was pure magic.  I can remember at the end when Tinker Bell was dying, Mary Martin coming very close into the camera and telling us we could save Tinker Bell.  Just say out loud, "I believe in fairies!"  

In that instant I can remember feeling a part of something very big and almost shouting "I believe in fairies!"  And I can remember really believing in fairies . . .  with all of my heart. That is the magic of a child's imagination.  And when Tinker Bell came back to life . . .  well, I had helped to make it happen. I felt as on top of the world as any little girl could ever feel. 

I believed in Fairy Lands and fairy Princesses and Queens.  Magical little places where minute creatures lived beneath the shade of toadstools and ate out of tiny acorn cap bowls.  Places of wonderment. 

I used to have quite a collection of little fairy ornaments/statues. They sat on the windowsill of our bedroom in Chester. They were fragile little things. One by one, wings would be broken off, arms, etc.  Those got placed into the garden, where they served to delight for a while longer. 

I loved how they always got a tiny bit faded and tinged in the crevices with garden green . . . I wanted a garden that would bemuse and delight.  With little fairy doors tucked here and there amongst the bushes.  With little fairy vignettes that children could happen upon and feel the magic.  I think I longed to be near my grandchildren so that I could do these things so that they could enjoy them.  Wasn' to be. 

They are almost all grown up now . . . the only really young one is one I will probably never see, and my granddaughter is 9 going on 10 now. It is highly unlikely I will see her either. But I am getting ahead of myself here, first I would need a house.

Like I said, always a dreamer. 

I really should buy a lottery ticket. My mother bought lottery tickets for years and years and years.  She never won much.  Ten dollars here, ten dollars there.  I haven't either actually, but I have gained a multitude of dreams to enjoy, and dreams are worth every penny I find. Dreams and hope are intertwined so long as you keep them halfways realistic. 

Hmmm . . .  not so sure I can do that. But as they say, you gotta have a dream to have a dream come true.

And to be honest I have had many dreams come true through the grace of God, not lottery tickets. The Power of Positivity. If you can dream it, you can make it happen. 

I believe that.


All of our todays are built upon the dreams of our yesteryears. If it wasn't for the dreamers in this world nothing would ever happen.  Every good thing begins with a hope and a dream from a dreamer just like me and like you.

I like to think I still have a chance to make at least some of my dreams come true.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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Be a reflection 
of what you would like to receive.
If you want love, give love.
If you want respect, give respect.
If you want truth, be truthful.
What you give out will always return.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Three Grain Biscuits.  Deliciously simple, wholesome and filled with lots of goodness too!

Have a great Wednesday! I need to spend some time today culling my e-mail box. Somehow it has crept up to 1000 after me having kept it at under two hundred for a few years now. Something has to go!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!   


  1. It certainly isn't easy what you are going through and hope keeps us going.It's medicine...Many of us keep going on hope for many different reasons.At work many many yrs ago we bought tickets in a group..I can't remember if we ever won anything;)

    1. I used to belong a lottery syndicate also. When I worked at the manor, we used to joke about winning the big one together and all quitting the next day! Lol ❤️❤️❤️

  2. We ae never too old to set a new goal and dream our dreams. Believing is what keeps us holding on to them.

    1. You are right about that Pam! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. I can relate to your fairy story. I wanted to be Tinker Bell when I grew up....didn't happen :)

    1. Lol I would love to be Tinkerbell now but I don’t think wings strong enough to lift me off the ground exist! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Have faith in your dreams Marie. And. Have a happy day. ♥️ V

    1. Thank you so very much V! You too! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Maybe you could start building a separate relationship with your grandchildren as they get older. They have a right to know their grandmother. I was a Brownie, too and I believed fairies lived in my grandmother's back garden. Love all the Flower Fairy books. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I could try and will if possible. We shall see. I do send cards/gifts etc. whenever I can, but have no idea if they know who sends them or even if they get them. I love all the Flower Fairy Books also. I was painting them all in a journal, but have lost that now. I can always start again! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I do think that hope and dreams come together. I pray that some of your dreams can dome true. We are promised magnificent joys if we can just endure the earth life challenges. Hope for a better world to come. I do hope though that this world can get better and some dreams can come to pass. I hope you know that your dreams and your writings have uplifted many and been answers to prayers. You have such a gift so keep on giving and I think you will see more of your dreams come true.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!


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